This day left an imprint in my memory for life. It is impossible to forget so many experienced sensations in one night ... And it remains only to dream that he was not the last ...

First, a little about yourself. I will not give you a name, so as not to be recognized and not distract attention from the very essence of the story. I am a pretty sweet-looking girl of 20 years old, not thin and not fat. I use a lot of attention among men. And I have a boyfriend. His name is Seryozha. He is very beautiful and sexy, slim, flexible, like a beast, the body drives me crazy. And everything would have continued like this if He had not appeared ...

This is Seryozhin friend Maxim. When he crossed the threshold of our house, I lost my mind. He is not too handsome, but infinitely attractive. I only dreamed of how his lips would walk over me ... And you can imagine my condition when we were going to three of us ... I did not feel the floor under my feet, I was emanating moisture, I wanted it ... And it ... Both ...

My boyfriend and I often talked after sex. In one of these conversations, we began to confess to each other what kind of secret fantasies anyone has. And then I blurted out what I was afraid to think. I told him that I wanted a threesome. With guys. He said nothing, said nothing.

After some time, we celebrated a birthday. Having omitted the details, I will say that I got drunk fairly and, seeing that everyone had gone, and only my boys were left, I decided to go to sleep.

I do not know how much I slept, but when I woke up, I could not open my eyes. The cause was a dark blindfold. In addition, it turned out that my hands are tightly tied at the top, to the headboard. I could not figure out how I found myself in this position, but this state of complete helplessness was wildly exciting. Defenseless naked body goosebumps. I moaned and called for someone. In response, Serezhkin heard a voice.

- Hush, kitty. You like it, I know. Relax.

His voice, at the beginning of a distant sound, gradually approached and he doused my neck and ear with hot breath. I groaned and flowed even more. His hands walked through the body and penetrated my pussy. I really liked it and I, wildly wriggling, experienced a powerful orgasm. Seryozha, seeing this, suddenly penetrated my ass with wet fingers. Without feeling the pain, I did not resist, I also like this beginning, I liked this game. Through the veil of thought penetrated the idea that caress has become more, and already felt on her 4 hands. My boyfriend whispered something in my ear, and someone else's lips clung to me. It was no doubt Max ... I began to protest, squirm, for which I received a rather tangible slap. I was very excited. They penetrated my pussy with my fingers, wiggled with violent force, and I screamed and moaned ... It is impossible to describe this pleasure ... And in this storm I did not notice how someone of them dived under me, I was lying on it, and his hands caressed my ass, penetrated deeper and I liked it. Then I felt a pulsing member. He came in hard and I screamed, but my mouth was squeezed with a kiss.

It was Max! Oh my God! I was suffocating with passion, dug into his mouth, and far from my boyfriend’s little member pierced me from behind. Max lowered his hand and parted my lips, turned the head and entered me. It was something! I was packed to capacity. I heard their moans, and this was the last straw. I finished, they finished in turn after me.

We rested for long. They rolled wine, and decided to continue. My little girl whined treacherously, asking these stallions for themselves. The bandage was not removed from me, my hands were tied. They turned me over and put me in doggy pose. I mumbled something, but they pushed a member into my open mouth. All the familiar and beloved body, I recognized him ... I always did it with pleasure with him, and now I began, suckling sweetly, to suck on his instrument.I felt a hot body behind me, a wet head penetrated deeply, it moved, clutching at my thighs, making loud moans. I started podmahivat him, and immediately received a slap on a bun. Meanwhile, Sergey finished in my mouth and slowly stepped aside. Max came out of me, and I felt a strange emptiness and became alert, not understanding what was happening. But I heard the voice of Maxim.

- So, the sun, well, spread the legs wider.

I stood cancer, helpless and did not understand anything, and did not push my legs apart. For which I received a slap again and I liked it again. Then he grabbed my hair and pulled my head up, forcing me to bend. His strong hand crushed my breasts, pinching my nipples, making me cry out. Then again came the order to spread legs. I did it, fearfully waiting for what would happen next. He has a swing, but not very much, slapped me on the pussy. I screamed, I had a fever. He gently stroked me and unexpectedly spanked, waiting for the next blow, my girl compressed and expired. When the waves of orgasm swept over me, Max clung to her and began to lick her. Then he stood behind me and entered abruptly and deeply. I choked with pleasure. He took my hair and slapped on the pope. His cock was moving at breakneck speed and we finished at the same time. I fell helplessly on the bed, I finally took off the bandage and untied my hands. The first thing I saw was my boyfriend with a camera in his hand. I have long wanted to withdraw during sex and the kind of camera turned me on. Blinking for the last time, the light of the recording went out, and I felt happy and exhausted. We went to sleep together, and I warmed up between my two favorite bodies ...

P. S. I love sex and I try everything I want. If you liked the story, write reviews and I'll write more. My experience is quite large. Men, I love you. Women, I love you no less.

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