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and her steps became more confident and faster. Hasan even shouted and slowed it down. The crowd is all the pain it has increased. The Caucasian, of course, risked running into the passing policemen, but he always agreed with them easily - here, like in any country of the “third” world, money decides everything. When the crowd grew larger, he stopped and got out of the car:

- Stand near the car and turn around to face it. Very slowly, pull the burqa to your chest.

- Nastya was still not daring to execute the command of Hasan, but after he shouted at her again, she shuddered and began to timidly pick up the black fabric exposing her bare buttocks more and more. The crowd began to roar even more. When the ass was bare, and the fabric was pulled up to the waist, Hasan ordered the woman to turn to the crowd in front and show the face hidden by matter. Nastya turned around, showing her naked genitals and freshly shaved, bare pubis. Closing her eyes fully showed them her face. She had wide hips and a rather narrow waist, it all looked very quaintly against the background of a black car and a burqa hiding the upper part of the body. The half-ring around them shrank more and more, and seeing that it was dangerous to continue further, Hasan ordered the network to Nastya to the car and after a minute they were moving away from the roaring crowd at full speed.

- Scared? - asked the men, the woman sitting motionless, but she did not answer.

Such a stupor, he often noticed in lowered sluts. The sooner he gets out of this state, the better it will be. He abruptly stopped the car and looked around. People along the road were not observed, but there was nowhere to hide - on the left were rocky hills, on the right a precipice falling into darkness. He got out of the car - the cliff was only a small depression along the road. He pulled Nastya out of the car and they went down into the recess, hiding them from the cars passing by. The woman was obedient, like a doll - mindlessly following Hasan and began to show signs of life only after he bent her and began to lash her naked buttocks with a flourish. She did not even feel the first few blows, and then began to show signs of life and struggling to escape from the pain.

- Strongly scared? - he asked calmly, walking behind her back, - spread your legs.

- Very much! - the woman answered in a trembling voice, obediently spreading her legs shoulder-width apart.

- Then why flowed? He asked, leaning behind her and stroking her crotch.

- Nn ... I do not know, - Nastya whispered stuttering.

- I'll tell you. You are a woman and in your genetics for centuries has been prescribed submission to a man. Only fear and hormones playing in your blood have switched your mind - at some point you forgot that you are a decent secular woman and mother. Standing naked in front of a group of excited males - your animal “I” splashed out - a lustful, excited and subordinate group of men SAMKA! - uttering all this in a whisper in the ear of a woman, Hasan forcefully inserted his worthy number into the overexcited vagina and began to move with a flourish inside her.

“You’ve already twice revealed your true self — yesterday, under the influence of alcohol and strong male bodies, and then today, under the influence of fear and arrogant, hungry looks. Most of them are naked women seen only in the picture because of local customs. And here the juicy, naked woman in meter from them. That is why their wild looks had such an effect on you, that is why you were right there ready to lie down limply and perform the action assigned to you by nature - like the current bitch, surrender to the crowd of hungry males without reproach, - continuing to crush Nasty's consciousness, he fixed it, bringing her to orgasm .

When the trembling began to disperse over the woman’s body and trembling trembled on her knees, Hasan stopped and stuck his cock out of her, and on the miserable whine of a woman with contempt said:

- Sooner you still have fun on your knees bitch!

Being a couple of seconds from the orgasm, but not having received it, Nastya resignedly resigned to her knees with her face reddened with excitement and began to sit on her penis with her mouth. Hasan himself was very excited, so he ended quickly, filling Nastin's mouth with a thick liquid. They drove in silence the rest of the road, only Hasan’s hand quietly “talked” to the wide-open, bare crotch of the woman sitting next to her, keeping her in an excited state.

After some time, the car was already standing in front of a nightclub. Nastya was completely crushed and confused, now she couldn’t even think to object to the man, so, on his orders, she took off the burqa in the car and put on the outfit prepared for her. She only muttered in surprise to herself:

- Where are the panties?

“Forget what this word means, now you will go everywhere without them,” Hasan told her no more evil, “get out of the car.”

She went out and stood before him. She wore white high-heeled shoes, her legs were dressed in red stockings, which ended in a wide elastic band in the middle of her thighs with the inscription in white letters “SLUT”. Further, a narrow strip of white cloth tightly wrapped around her buttocks, barely closing them completely. The fabric of the skirt was so thin that even in the dark one could see that the woman was without underwear. The similarity of the skirt was on her chest - a narrow elastic band wrapped around her bust with armpits kept a narrow strip of translucent matter that lay on her chest, barely covering her nipples and absolutely not hiding her chest from below. Blond colored hair and a tight tail on the back of the head were tied with a bright red ribbon. Lips that were swollen and red from the injections, didn’t even have to be painted with lipstick - they were glaring so invitingly. Big, slanting make-up, blue eyes and a flushed excited face, only emphasized her lewdness.

Hasan once again looked at her attentively - in front of him was a lustful, 34 year old female, ready for anything and everything. Dirty whore outfit, even more distinguished her slim, filled with femininity and experience of the body. He put on her white belt with two small transparent bags on the sides of her waist.

- We will play one game. This hour, we will enter this nightclub. The guards and the owner of this place are my friends and love when I “play” with girls in them, - Hasan began to slowly fill one of the side pockets with condoms, putting them together tightly, - The rules of the game - you have to fill 20 condoms with sperm, tie them up in bundles and boxes them in an empty pocket.

“But in order to complicate your task, you have to ask your inseminators to videotape you,” the Caucasian woman hung a small video camera around her neck, along the red strap of which, in white letters stood out the words “I like ANAL”, “are you an English teacher? I think you can explain what you want to foreigners.

- Maybe not needed? - the woman stood and hesitantly shifted from one foot to the other.

- Nobody forces you, if you don’t want, don’t go, but you’ll have to go back to your room on foot. Decide for yourself what you want more - to the left is a nightclub, to the right is the road home.

The woman looked into the frightening darkness and turned towards the club.

- Well, good girl. Eat a pill - she will cheer you up - Hasan put Nastya's amphetamine pill on the tongue and loudly slapped her ass, pushing in the direction of the club - And remember, if you win, you will get Dima forgiveness, and if you lose, you will be punished . You have four hours until the club closes.

Either the mentioned forgiveness or the drug has already begun to act on the woman’s brain, but after ten minutes, after she had embellished herself and brought herself ... Read more →

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