She came to visit a friend by train, he lived in a small town with a beautiful name in the private sector. Victor came to the platform and smiling at her, the girl went down the steps and found herself in his arms. They are a little shy to kiss on the cheek, then the guy helped her with her bag ... Friends got to his house in the late afternoon, as Victor showed his girlfriend all the sights of the city as a host, drove her to the old ruins and, as a guide, told everything about his city . Exhausted finally, the girl decided to stop the inspection and transfer it to the next day, and now they were unloaded from the car and walked along an overgrown path in the direction of his house. It was a wooden house, he was looking out of a small but beautiful garden, with a bunch of flowers. Behind the house there was a garden, covered with ripening and ripening vegetables. Just a few meters behind his house, a forest began, at first small birch trees grew in small groups, hazel thickets that interfered with sticky and bird cherry trees. The evening was warm, the sound of cicadas and the last trills of birds could be heard, the sun had long since been replaced by the moon.

Friends came to the threshold and the girl could not help but admire the wonderful evening air.

- Oh, Vitka, how great it is here, so fresh! In the city, I lost the habit of this village air, ”said Ira, getting drunk either from drunk or whether air really acted on the young organism.

- And I called you a long time ago, I would come to rest, go to the lake to buy, sunbathe, sit by the fire. There tomorrow my cousin should come to me, he is just on vacation.

- Yurka? I haven't seen each other for a hundred years, ”Irka laughed in her ringing voice.

- Where are yours? You told that mother is at home?

- Yes, she, along with her father went to the village to her mother, she has a stroke, you must constantly look after her.

- I see. Let's go for a walk around the area?

- Come on, show the path to the lake there is such a cool place, we sit.

It took more than two hours when they returned from the walk, the moon was directly above the roof of the house, looked into the windows illuminating them as good as the sun.

- Wow, Ir, see the hour of time, can we finish the bottle?

- Come on, anyway, sleep enough tomorrow! - Irinka smiled slyly.

Have finished Victor began to lay out the sofa, took out a sheet of blanket and two pillows. All right, ready.

Ira went out into the shower, the water was warm, almost hot, pleasantly poured over the bare shoulders and protruding breasts of a twenty-year-old girl, wine and hot water were not at all combined, and intoxicated her even more. Having somehow wrapped herself around Ira, she wrapped herself in a towel and got out of the shower, she almost fell there, her eyes darkened and she lost her balance, since Vitka supported her from nowhere, otherwise she would have flopped on the cherry bushes.

- Come, I will take you, otherwise you will not reach for yourself! - with these words, he lifted Irina's little body in her arms and walked briskly toward the house, where he planted her on the edge of the sofa and threw her shirt, since she had forgotten her nightie.

In truth, she slept naked, but then she was visiting, as if she had not realized to capture anything suitable.

Vitka grabbing a towel flooded in the direction of the shower. He turned off the faucet so that the water would flow in powerful jets and clean up in no time. From the hot water, the member was delighted and got up in the most indecent way, leaning against the wall of the shower with one hand. Vitka made smaller streams of water and began to relieve the tension in a bored way, he jerked off ...

Irka realized that Vitka was in the shower and he would not be long enough, threw off the towel and turned on the computer. Vitkin was at the head of the couch by the window, she took the mouse on the sofa and put the book under her to start climbing his folders, she decided to find some movie and watch it ...

The walls of the shower announced an uterine roar, and streams of sperm washed away with water flowed on the floor ...

Ira found the Films folder, clicked on it and chose the film On the Lake, while the computer accelerated and the movie turned on, Ira hungry and decided to check the remnants of their meal, found the chips and went into the hall. And there was an orgy on the screen, two guys had a girl in different poses, and the faces of the guys were familiar, hell, but this is ...

She heard the front door slammed and steps into the kitchen, she cut the computer out of the net at lightning speed and flopped under a blanket, the moon answered the naked guy who entered, he turned to the closet and took out his underwear and began to wear them, the towel fell asleep and Ira saw familiar buttocks.

- Ir, are you sleeping?

She was silent, pretending to be asleep. Vitya crawled over her, slightly hovered, looking into her “sleeping” face, then moved and climbed under the blanket.

His body was cold, he froze and trying to warm up, he moved to the “sleeping” Ira, when his hand touched her bare chest, he froze, looked at the computer desk and saw the shirt intact, a book and a mouse lay next ...

- She is naked, he could not fall asleep, he had never had such a sharp erection, the blanket barely hid his organ standing with a stake, the member asked to continue, and very persistently.

Vitka moaned from pleasure, he jerked off in the presence of a friend, even if “sleeping”, he threw back the blanket and could stroke her ass, as well, he also threw back the blanket, Ira already excited to the limit was forced to pretend to sleep! The guy shook and squeezed the girl's chest more, finished again ... From a strong orgasm, Vitya quickly fell asleep. Ira sat on the bed and simply could not believe she wanted like a bitch, but her pride did not allow her to ask Vitka for sex.

She threw on her shirt and went out into the street, between her legs everything was burning, her chest swelled up, she went into the shower, but there the water ran out ... Then Ira remembered about the lake. On the lake she took off her clothes and entered the water, the water enveloped her body in a pleasant coolness, after swimming a little she went ashore and after that she again rushed into the water. Bright light flooded the shore from the opposite side made her quiet down and hide, people filled the water in large cans ... Dawn was already breaking, but she did not notice, it was about 4 in the morning.

Waking up from a phone call, Vitya discovered that the guest was gone, he threw on his shorts and went out into the courtyard hoping to find her on the threshold, but she was not there. Maybe in the shower? Not there either. BUT! She probably went to the lake, his guess was correct, he found his shirt, and not far away stood Ira, like a mermaid naked with mixed wet hair. Vitka came so quietly and hugged her, in surprise, the girl's legs gave way and she almost fell down again. The appearance of naked Ira is so seductive, in general, what both of them wanted, he threw the girl on the sand and fucked him hard, and Ira groaned with delight and begged for the continuation ...

At home, everything happened on the sofa, on the floor, on the table, and then in the shower, where they were found by Yura, a friend of Ira and Viti. He was not offended that no one met him, but on the contrary happily took part in their amusements, this continued until the arrival of his mother. When the parents arrived, these three began to go to the lake, and then all together "wash" in the shower.

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