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Hello! I'm Anna, I'm 20 years old. I recently had a sex party, and under the impression of her, I decided to write my first story.

So. I go to a fitness club where I have a lot of friends. We often walk together, drink, sometimes arrange photo shoots and go out of town. In general, our group is good friends. I have best friend Alinka and friend Egor. Once I invited my colleagues in fitness to visit, take photos, take a walk. I had to come two Andrew (they are different, honestly), Egor and Alinka. Andrew (I will call him High Andrew), said that somewhere I got hold of such suits, how should I call them? Such all of the solid straps can be seen in La2 on dark elves, if someone plays, he will understand (they did not play, but when I showed them the screenshots, everyone nodded, saying yes yes yes! Such a suit).

He found both male and female. And so, I was left alone at home, they were supposed to come from minute to minute. I quickly did the cleaning, took a shower (as it turned out, very well). How could she designed the room so that it was in the style of dark elves, etc.)))

And so! Doorbell! I, choking with excitement (or impatience, or both of them at once) ran to open. A whole pile of people were waiting for me outside the door!

Three guys, led by my best friend, all, smiling, stepped over the threshold.

Well, I naturally, too, all such smiled :))

They greeted me, and I led them into the living room, where I managed to lay them on the coffee table. There we were waited for tea, fruit, some cookies, and something else, I do not remember. The guys somehow didn’t want to eat much, we with Alinka ate an apple, and began to pester Andrei, saying that in packages?))

As it turned out, they did not dedicate Alina to the contents of the packages.

After much persuasion, the packages were still open, and there they were waiting for us, guess what?))

Those are the leather straps.

At first, I didn’t understand how it dresses. The guys stayed in the living room, and Aley and I went to the bathroom to change clothes. It took quite a long time.

When the costumes were on us, it turned out that these straps do not cover intimate places, and that they need some kind of underwear.

Throwing on a dressing gown, I ran out into the living room in order to grab a pair of black panties from the locker, since my friend and I wear light-colored underwear and did not fit the black straps.

In the living room were guys. They had already taken off their shirts, but did not put on anything, but were sitting in jeans.

When they saw me in a bathrobe, they immediately stood up, and Egor, smiling, said:

- Well, come on, Glyuchat? (if not mistaken)

In response, I playfully shook my head, they say no! Wait

Snatching a pair of panties out of the locker, I trotted back. A hand managed to pinch my buttock, through a bathrobe, I did not even notice whose, but automatically slapped my hand and disappeared behind the doors of the bathroom. There were chuckles from behind. In the bathroom, we finally put on the appropriate underwear, and went out to the men in their newfangled leather clothes.

Egor and Vysokiy Andrei lit up like lanterns, and the second Andrei opened his mouth.

How to describe what they saw ...

I will describe something like this:

The straps covered the chest only in the nipple area, in places they twisted around the body,

Entangled legs, arms, waist. In general, it felt as if the body was being hugged by dozens of delicate hands. (the straps were from soft good skin).

- Well? Will we be photographed? - Alina smiled.

The guys silently exchanged glances, then rummaged around in the bags a little more and removed a couple of collars from there on short leashes.

Yes exactly. After all, the neck was not covered. Without asking too many questions, we put them on.

I think it's time to talk about how we look, otherwise the story will be blurry.

I am not very high - 1.71m, I weigh 52 kg, I cut shortly so that my hair does not interfere with sports training. I have blond hair, chest about ... um ... well, normal breast is shorter)))

Alinka has black hair with black, like a goth, chest, perhaps more than mine, and she is a couple taller in height.

Andrei, well-built athletes, especially high Andrew, basketball player.

Yegor, in turn, is not of great height, but of very broad shoulders. He, in my opinion the second category, or the first, took in weightlifting.

The guys did not want to be photographed, because, Egor. Rising, he approached me, and tenderly embracing the waist, eagerly kissed. It was a little unexpected on his part, but I was excited by his half-naked look, and with his unreliable suit, so I accepted the kiss with pleasure. His hands, in turn, slid over my bare hips and buttocks (I suppose, just waiting for this). Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that two Andrew surrounded a girlfriend, and whispered something in her ear (one on the right, the other on the left))))) When the kiss was over, Egor took me to my room, where I laid a blanket on the floor grass color for photography.

Andrei and Alya followed us. Some of them purred something like a laugh: Dark Elfs fell into the clutches of the Orcs! In response, everyone giggled.

Egor picked me up and laid me on the sofa, and he, lying down on top, continued the series of kisses. I was not a little calm that I lay in such an erotic form under a weightlifting master and feel his tongue in my mouth. “It would not have turned out a hopeless situation,” I thought.

Yegor's hands were robbing all over my body, in an arrogant, squeezing chest, thighs, buttocks, even cheeks. I would like to say something, like, “Didn't you grow awkward, handsome?” Only the mouth was busy, so I thought that I was breaking the high for myself and others, and answered his caress with similar ones. My hands slid across his back, grinding hard rock like muscle.

One of the muscles, stepping through the pants, pressed between my legs.

"Wow!" - I thought, "Yes, this is ..." further, I did not even know what to think. In my head flashed one thought "SEX!".

On the left I heard the sound of savory smacking. Without tearing my lips from my Yegor, I looked in that direction. I did not see the expression of my face at that moment, but it seems to me that it was twisted at that moment. Everything inside me turned cold when I saw that tall Andrew, already without pants and without underwear, was sitting at the head of my girlfriend, and she, in turn, was holding his sexual organ in her mouth, while the second Andrew, carefully wrapping her panties off Alinka. I was just numb from this picture. “No need to take a picture !!” flashed through my head. “High Andrey moved, plunging, the penis deeper into my girlfriend’s mouth, and that, just playing along with him, moved her head.

The next thought that came to me was "I will not do this!". I have had sex before, even a few of his views, but in this case, with friends, but not so close to me, such a thought did not smile at me!

There was a piercing moan on the floor, it was clear that the second Andrei entered Alinka. Spreading her legs wide, she rocked, playing with two large phalluses.

Then I felt that now my panties were crawling down, clinging to the straps.

I tried to prevent it, but somehow ... somehow I failed.

Egor pulled away from me. Between our lips stretched a thin shiny thread of saliva.

Yegor's strong hands playfully turned me over on my stomach. I looked at him in fright. His eyes were tightly chained to my buttocks. Yes, he already said that most of all in women, his butt excites him. A strong hand dived under my stomach, and raising it easily, put me on all fours. Egor's other hand, heavy granite boulder, fell on my shoulder blade, forcing me to press my cheek against the bed.

My ass rose higher from this, and Egor, breathing heavily, rustled, do not understand where the condom came from. I, at that time, completely dumbfounded, watched Alinka and the two Andrew change their posture. I could have watched for a long time, when I suddenly felt a movement from behind. Something hot, rubber aggressive ...

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