When the sun went down and the heat of the day was replaced by the coolness of the evening, I lit a fire on a platform near the house and brought some potatoes from the cellar. The fire quietly crunched branches, dry blades of grass in a flame rolled into burning worms ... I got up and went to the house to get a book.

At the fence, I saw Aunt Tanya going to the common well for water. During the day, I kept looking at her every now and then, while she was in a bathing suit swarming in her garden: a short, middle-aged woman with piercingly beautiful eyes. We greeted each other and I helped her get water from the well.

I told her that I had already finished the first course, that my parents sent me here from the city, according to them, so that I would water the garden, but rather not to spoil the eyes at the computer. She laughed.

- - Go to the fire, Aunt Tanya? Potatoes bake. Do you know how boring one is?

- - Call me just Tanya, I’m not such an aunt to you either.

She followed me to the station and we sat on a stool near the fire. We had one bench and very short, so we had to sit close-close. The fire charmed us for a few long minutes - - we silently looked at the flames and thought each of us. Her light flowered summer dress barely covered her knees, and her legs seemed even more tanned in the glow of the fire.

I wanted to look at her hair and shoulders, but we sat so close that it was almost impossible. Instead, I surreptitiously examined her rounded knees and her hands - - ordinary female hands, tender, light, tired from day work. The fire cracked, crickets were singing somewhere in the grass, but otherwise it was quiet in the whole village ...

Tanya asked me about something and I got distracted, again talking about my institute, dormitory and classmates. He told a typical common story and Tanya laughed softly, detachedly looking at the fire.

- - And what, a lot of girls in your group? - she asked.

- - Only two, - I complained. - - And there are only a dozen girls on the whole stream, not more. We quarrel over them, oh-oh-oh ...

I lied - - we never quarreled over fellow students, but it seemed to me that Tanya wanted to hear it. She thought.

- - And at our university it was just the opposite. We have boys and it was only seven. - - She paused. - - We then all because of them quarreled immediately in the first year, in general, no one was friends with anyone, in my opinion.

It was my turn to smile, but Tanya, it seemed, was not at all funny. She paused and stared into the fire. I did not know what to say, and also fell silent. After a moment, it seemed to me that I heard a sob. I squinted at the tannin face: her eyes glittered, and two large tears rolled down her cheeks ... She sobbed again.

- - Tanya, what is it? - - I was worried. - - Tanya?

She suddenly burst into tears in her voice, and I did not find anything better than to press her to me.

- - Tanya, Tanya, everything is in order. Tanya ... Tanya ...

She cried, having buried me in the shoulder, and I hugged her shoulders and felt how her whole body shuddered with sobs. I do not know what she remembered, but this strange situation completely knocked me out of the rut. I stroked her back and hair, touched my open shoulders with shyness and mumbled her name tirelessly.

Tanya did not calm down, and then I did something stupid, which at that moment seemed to me to be the only correct one. I tore a crying woman from my shoulder, looked into my eyes, and pressed my lips to her wet tears. What kind of kiss is there, just stuck to them with your own and that's it.

Her eyes opened wide and for a moment she stopped sobbing. Her mouth opened a little and I mechanically continued the kiss, taking her upper lip with my lips. Her lips were hot from the heat of the fire and a little saltish with tears. And then suddenly I realized all the arrogance and irrelevance of what I was doing, and my whole body almost shook with horror.It was so scary to break away from the kiss and start making excuses that I continued kissing her. I touched the lips of the corners of her mouth, bit her lips, with the tip of my tongue I ran them along, fascinated by this process and trying not to think about anything else. Alas, every second of the kiss drove me further into shock and stupor, and it was harder and harder for me to continue ...

At that moment, when fear finally covered me with my head and my lips stopped, not knowing what to do next, I suddenly felt her hot and resilient kiss: her lips seized mine with confident force, her tongue suddenly touched my lower lip, and my hands tightened and curled around my body. She vigorously and passionately answered me! I shook with the realization that for the first time in my life I was embracing and a whole woman older than myself, and that I myself had begun this madness. My muscles trembled with over-excitement, I felt how the energy boils in me and my fear gives way to a crazy “come what may!” I even opened my eyes to look at Tanya, but her eyelids were covered. She still kissed me, just like a girl in a disco.

I stroked her shoulders and back down, and then ran my fingers through her thick hair. I squeezed the bundles of hair on her neck and our kiss from this became even richer. I went through her hair with pleasure, and then continued to stroke her hands, back and shoulders.

Gaining courage, I put my hand on her rounded knee and led my hand up, under the dress. Tanya did not resist when my hand slid on her smooth leg. After a moment, I came across the edge of her panties. Embarrassed, I slipped them and pulled my palm higher under the dress, on the side and closer to the chest. The touch to the tender female skin finally drove me crazy, and without thinking about it, I grabbed naked tannin chest under the dress in my palm, as in a cup.

I with pleasure crushed her breasts, barely touching the rough nipple and reveling in her tenderness. Tanya for a moment stopped the kiss and barely heard out a breath in my face ... I crushed her chest again and took a kiss on her lips. An even hotter kiss was my answer.

I freed my hand from under her dress and picked up Tanya with my hand under my knees. With the second hand, I put an arm around her shoulders, pressed her closer and lifted her up. In my hands, she seemed to me even less than it actually was. I tried not to interrupt the kiss - - if it ends, then all the magic of our unexpected date will disappear.

After taking a few steps with Tanya in my arms, I carefully knelt, placing her in front of me on the carpet on a pile of hay. At that moment she looked at me, and it seemed to me that in her piercing eyes the desire was burning no less strong than mine. I do not know. Once again, I kissed her lips and pressed my whole body against her, so that the hay crunched under our total weight.

I kissed her again, and my hands felt the edges of her dress and pulled it up, up to the thigh. She was wearing the most ordinary panties, from a simple thick fabric. Without looking, I caught them with my fingers over the edges and dragged it down, shaking with excitement and the thought that I so easily undressed an adult woman I almost did not know. The briefs at some point touched the middle of my wrist and it seemed to me that they were slightly wet.

Tannins arms wrapped around my body, penetrated under a T-shirt, and in the same way dragged down my summer shorts and underpants. Gentle feminine palms slid over my hot buttocks, freeing my body from excess clothing. I stayed in a T-shirt, and Tanya in a dress bathed in her stomach: I still did not dare to break away from the arms and undress her completely. My excited member was burning, I felt almost the physical pain of his tension. I pressed my hips against her hot thighs, for a second it seemed to me as if a gentle palm were pointing my trunk - - and so he plunged into its moist depth, like melted butter.

I exhaled, escaping from the fear that swept over and over again, and nuzzled my hair behind my ear into the tannins. My hips quickly moved, immersing and immersing a member in her bosom. I could not control myself and did not think about anything, just to not stop.

Her legs suddenly wrapped around my legs, their cool, tender skin somehow sobered me and I pulled myself together. I began to enter my penis steadier and deeper, listened to her intermittent breathing and tried to find our common rhythm. Mad teenage excitement finally gave way to passionate calculation and I did the same thing I would have done more calmly with the girl I liked - Tanya bit her earlobe, kissed her tender cheeks and neck, ran her fingers into her womanly fragrant hair.

She responded to my caresses and kissed me warmly in response. I could feel her naked body with my hips, but from the stomach and higher I was hampered by my T-shirt and tannino dress. Clothing physically irritated my body. I wanted to merge with the woman into one, touch her entire body and enjoy these touches. I froze for a second, rose above her elbows, and pulled my shirt over my head. Tanya immediately understood, bowed her head and pulled her dress up.

I helped pull off her dress, and there was no less pleasure in it than in the intercourse itself. Rounded white breasts slipped and brightly lit up against the background of a tanned body - only nipples stood out with dark circles. The fire was almost out, but it seemed to me that I saw a naked woman in front of me very clearly and vividly: waving hair, arms spread out, white breasts, tanned tummy and white triangle from panties on thighs, divorced to the sides and impaled on my cock. ..

With my right hand I grabbed her left breast and pressed my lips to my right. I pushed my penis deeper into the vagina and started moving again, while enjoying tannin breast. I crumpled and kissed her white hemispheres, bit and licked her nipples, stuck kisses on her open neck and hot lips. Thick black hair of her pubis rubbed on my, the same thick, and juicy vagina took my dick and gently hugged him with their stenochkami. I moaned from pleasure, and Tanya moaned too. It seemed to me that we are trying to shout down each other in this dacha silence. I have no idea if she had finished or not, and I don’t know at what point I finished. My pleasure stretched for some infinite time, I only found out after a while that the member went limp and I was no longer moving. Tanya calmly lay under me, smiled and gently stroked my hair.

I rolled off her side, tiredly stroked her back and buried my nose in her shoulder. She suddenly whispered: “you are a smart girl and I am proud of you. But not a word to anyone! ”I nodded, kissed her on the shoulder and immediately fell asleep.

In the morning she was no longer with me, and at lunch she appeared in her garden: in the same dress, merry and not at all ashamed of my guilty views. When we greeted him through the hedge, she came closer and reminded again that no one should know. I began to ardently assure her, and she laughed and ran into the house. Will there be something between us tonight?

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