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Chapter 5. From the first person. In the department.

- Where did we go? - I asked, looking out the window. But nothing was visible on the street.

- To jail! - The sergeant laughed. - Get out!

It was a police department. We went into the building. A half-asleep senior lieutenant was sitting behind the window in the duty room. Seeing us, he phoned somewhere and walked out to us in the corridor.

- Well, Petrovich, brought? - He asked, without addressing anyone, carefully examining us. - Ok, go and drink some tea, just see that Semyonov doesn’t go over like last time! - He turned to the lieutenant.

He silently looked at us and waited for something. Finally a fat major appeared in the corridor. He was drunk, but he walked with a confident gait.

- They brought the birds. - He smiled and came to me. - Are you the oldest here? Cloak take off!

I took it off.

- ABOUT! You're ready! - His eyes immediately fogged. - A prostitute? Do you work with a girlfriend for a couple? - He looked me up and down, grabbed my chin and pulled me to him. Breathing in the face of fumes, he sarcastically asked:

- Who are you, beautiful, so ozeldonil? Although, one more, one less ... - And he turned to the senior lieutenant:

- Pasha, let them wash up, all obsuskannye!

He took us into a filthy toilet and lit up.

- I give five minutes. Time has gone.

The water was ice, but there was no choice. While we took turns hand-clapping the water and washing the fucked holes, we quietly met each other. The girl's name was Tatiana, she was a fourth year student.

- What will happen to us? - whispers she asked. I shrugged.

- They will plant in a monkey till the morning, and there they will let it out.

“If they don’t fuck them in full, how many of them there,” I thought, but said nothing. Starley watched with interest all our water procedures.

- Pussy is better than mine! There is a lot of sperm in the hair! You say bitch! - He nodded to Tanya. - And you still wash your ass! - This is me, - the sperm still flows! Sent you a full cum! - and laughed at his joke.

When we wiped up with a towel that was not hanging out the first freshness (today is a night of complete unhygienicity), the policeman threw a cigarette butt down to the toilet and clicked:

- Let's go smash things up.

- We are not shm! - Tatiana offended. "More crying, I thought, get used to it, girl, this is our militia that protects us."

“Let's see who you are,” the cop grinned.

We walked along the corridor past several doors, and he opened the last one. It was a small and empty half-dark camera. Along the walls stood several bunk beds with planks instead of armored nets. In the center was a large table with legs screwed to the floor. He closed the door, and we lay down on the bed with hopeless glances.

Ten minutes later the door opened with a clang, and a fat major entered the cell. He was even more drunk, his face was red and shiny from sweat. His whole appearance sickened and disgusted. He was followed by three more - a senior lieutenant and two of the car, in good drunk. The major sat on the bed and stared pointlessly at one point. Then he pointed at me.

- You! Go here!

I approached, not expecting anything good. Inside, I was all tense. It seemed to touch me - and I would burst like a string of string.

- Give me a raincoat here! - He extended his hand. And my coat gave up all of them!

He nearly pulled it out of his hands and threw it under his feet. He wiped his shoes on him and looked at me with an impudent smirk.

- Squat down. - I continued to stand. - You did not understand?

I had to sit down. But as I was in heels, then I sat down with my legs wide apart, otherwise it was impossible to sit down. Naturally, all my wealth came out, delighting the Cop eye. He hiccupped loudly.

- And now, bitch, sing "A Christmas tree was born in the forest." - The policemen laughed at once, playing up to their boss, and waited with interest for the continuation. I was silent.

- Sing, bitch! - He growled, pouring blood, and reached out to me.With one hand he grabbed the hair, and put his other hand between my legs, squeezing the lower abdomen with all the five, and pulled at me. I screamed and fell. And yet managed to punch the groin. And on the nose. He clutched between his legs and with a moan fell to the dirty floor. The police first numb, and then rushed to me. Two held me from different sides by the hands, and the third ran to the major.

- Yuri Ivanovich, Yuri Ivanovich, sit down. - He sat the major on the bed, he was still holding onto the penis.

- Oh, you fucking! - moaning major. - You're so vain. Okay. Guys, well, to her bomzhiham!

I was grabbed by the arms, taken out of the cell and dragged along the corridor. They opened a door at the other end and threw it on the floor.

- You can have fun! - One of my escorts turned to nowhere, and the door closed behind them. I looked up and looked around. It was exactly the same chamber from which they had brought me, the same table and iron beds with planks for lying down. On one of them were three women, apparently bomzhihi, and silently looked at me. Full habit! It was difficult for me to determine their age, something about mine, but they looked like they were forty years old.

I lowered my head with a groan, trying to catch my breath, and heard one of them come up to me. Next to my face, I saw dirty shoes that were far from new and well known. Standing above me, she asked:

- Well, fuck, cops fucked? - I nodded. - Well, if so, then you are a fucker, then we will use you for the intended purpose. Turn on the back.

I stupidly, without understanding anything, obeyed. The girl stood over me, and then sat on my face, slightly raising her short skirt. I saw that she was without panties. Directly in front of me was her ass, open halves of the buttocks, and wet, as I noticed, vagina covered with stormy vegetation. Probably, the three of them had fun here, until the cops disturbed their peace.

- What is staring at? Come on, work, ”she said, seeing my confusion. There was a strong, characteristic odor from the vagina, it was wet, and I could not bring myself to touch this expired female flesh with my lips. After all, I am a woman myself, and I could not so easily pass the line.

- Well, what are you? - Again, the girl sitting above me asked more demanding. - Come on, bitch, lick. Cops served, it is now our turn. Hey, Alena, teach her to be polite.

Her friend - a fat blonde came closer and, trying on, lashed me with a belt, which she held in her hand, right between the legs. I howled in pain. The second blow to my sexual lips with a belt made me scream. And with this screech, I overcame my fear and disgust, and sank my mouth into the brunette's vagina. I licked her clit, licked the walls of the vagina, again the clitoris ... The girl just that was necessary. She began to cum violently.

The liquid flowed from it straight into my mouth, and I was forced to swallow everything. I swallowed, licked again, and, causing a new storm of orgasm, swallowed again.

When she was satisfied, it was the turn of the blonde. She lay on her back, spreading her legs wide. I had to get on all fours and, having buried my face in her crotch, to lick a girl in such a pose. This posture was even more convenient for me, the fluid flowing from it did not flood me and I did not choke on her seed. Suddenly the brunette, who was standing by her side all the time, strongly pinched my left nipple. Sharp pain and surprise mixed into one, I howled, jerked my head and arched my lower back. My own ass while seductively rose up, and the third ...

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