Love in the snow

My wife and I are not walruses at all. But yesterday something happened that we did not expect from ourselves. And I still can not believe that we have done so ...

Since last night there has been a terrible snowfall. I, as I returned from work, I saw it - I was simply stunned. Such a New Year's fairy tale is like on postcards or pictures, only a million times more beautiful. And it is not cold at all - zero or even + 1-2. And the snow pours in - thick as thick as cotton or cream flakes, just like Pasternak’s verses:

It's snowing, it's snowing,

It's snowing, and everything is in turmoil,

Everything starts to fly,

Dark stair treads

Crossroad turn.

In general, I saw all these wonders - I immediately grabbed the phone and let's call my wife: “Throw everything in the world and crawl for a walk!”. He left the car at work - it was impossible to leave in such weather - and went on foot. There is silence around, a fairy tale - there is no one, the streets are empty, as if enchanted, and the snow is falling in thick flakes, even not in my own way somehow ...

Dashutka flies out halfway to meet me - pink-cheeked, snowy-snowy, in a fur coat with a fluffy collar, and on the face is a real veal delight! We both started hugging, dancing, then rushing through the streets, throwing snow ... Dasha screams louder and louder, jumps, jumps, falls into the snow every minute, all white, like a snowman - and I'm the same :-).

They were running, running, scaring hot, it was hot, like in a bath. Then I suddenly saw what kind of Dasha was — she was flushing, her eyes were sparkling, and on the cilia, on curls and everywhere, the snow glitters — and how I started kissing her! I licked my pretty face, licked snowflakes ... Then the roof went and went :). We still ran a little, in the pauses we kissed — very strongly — and Dashka knows how to kiss so much that he turns him on in one second before he gets stupefied.

And here she stands on a small parapet, flush with my face, kisses me everywhere, licks, hands climbed under the coat - and asked so tenderly: “hot?”. And he starts to unbutton my coat - and the face is sly, crazy. And it is not cold at all, on the contrary - I want to throw everything off. Then I say: “You, too, are probably hot” - and I begin to unpack it. We took off outerwear from each other, left her in the snow, stayed in some sweaters - and let's hug, kiss, squeeze each other wherever we could get. My hands crawled under my sweaters, I got to Dashunkin’s chest, started torturing her - and the desire was brutal, no one was passing by, and it wasn’t cold at all! Inside - how the stove is heated. From us, probably, there was a steam post ...

Then we were completely stunned. I grabbed Dasha by the hand, another snatched clothes from the snow - and we ran into the gateway, into the courtyard. There is such a courtyard - quiet, quiet, fabulous trees, lanterns, and everywhere - snow, snow, snow ... It was hot, the desire was just bursting, and we both did not think what we were doing. I threw our coats in the snow, clung to Dasha and began to undress her! And she - me ... My first thought was to get to her breast - “and then it will be clear”. Very soon Dasha was naked to the waist, and I licked the snowflakes from her nipples. Dashuna rumbled like a kitty, bit, furiously pushed through my tongue holes wherever she could, and rubbed a hot body about me. Soon I was naked to the waist, and pressed my wife's chest to my chest. The air burned the skin, but it was not cold, inside it was so hot that the skin of both of us just burned ...

Dasha first unbuttoned my pants, lowered them with a jerk below the knees, began to touch and knead everything that was supposed to be ... That's where something indescribable began. I tore off everything that was on her below the belt from Dashka, began to lick her thighs, and then threw her on a pile of clothes, already powdered with snow ...

Dasha was very wet, and I did not enter, but flew into it. Both of us were wearing shoes, both were dressed in pants, both tied together - and this added sharpness ... It was something indescribable! Very soon, we rolled out of clothes in the snow. He burned, but not so much, only exacerbated sensuality (I have so accurately). He hissed on our bodies, like on a griddle.You can go crazy! We rode naked in the snow, and the hair was all in the snow - and it was not a bit cold.

I finished very quickly, I just could not stand it all. And Dasha just broke up, rumbled, squirmed ... In general, we, without saying a word, jumped up at a pace, pulled on absolutely wet pants, started to dress at a pace, ponyatyvali something like all rags - and ran home. Although it was not cold, the fire inside began to cool slightly.

We ran, holding hands, slipped, fell on each other ... We ran for 5 minutes, we sent everything directly to the floor, locked ourselves in the bathroom ... Dasha was all pink and pink, her body was of such an indescribable shade, it glowed everything, and nipples stuck out like bayonets. Then I matured in the second circle, and we, right under a hot shower, started each other. Then they lay there and wet under the shower for about ten minutes ...

The next morning, this "morzhizm" had no consequences, except for remnants of euphoria. And some special affection for each other ... I'm thinking: it would be funny if someone came into this courtyard, or went out of the doorway. What would we do then? :) Or maybe someone saw us from the windows ...

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