It happened a long time ago, more than ten years ago. It was in July, there was a terrible heat, thirty degrees, no less. I was still married then, and my husband and I lived in the village with my parents in the summer. One weekend, in the evening, my sister came with her husband, we sat down, talked and drank a little. A little bit of everything except my husband. Even then, this pernicious tendency to alcohol was visible to the naked eye. I was always ashamed in front of the guests, but this time it became quite bitter. The guests left, her husband snored right behind the table, falling asleep on a chair. I put my little son to bed, undressed and went to bed alone again. But I didn’t really sleep, I was tossing and turning all night, sad thoughts wandered in my head.

I got up early, completely broken, and decided to take a dip while everyone was asleep in order to somehow recover. In our village there is only one stream, and we usually go to the lake, which is located near the village of Tchaikovsky, this is on a primer in the direction of Streglovo, a swimsuit, put on a short robe, sat in Oku (my husband bought this little car so I she drove to the village, he did not want to carry me on his six, then this car was the height of his dreams). Well, I sat in the car and slowly drove to the lake. But when I arrived, I realized that I would not be able to swim here, the entire coast along the perimeter was littered with fishermen, and I did not dare splash in the water. Not much thought, I remembered that not far there is another place where you could swim.

This is a big backwater next to the Belozerka pioneer camp, there is a small road directly to the dam. A quiet place, beautiful nature, I really liked it there, though five years ago the dam burst, the water was gone and now the reservoir is not there, but fifteen years ago it was very convenient to swim there, there were plates on the shore that could easily go into the water and get ashore. So, I arrived there and, to my joy, I found out that there are no fishermen here and I will not disturb anyone. Having bought enough, I refreshed and cheered, threw off the swimsuit, dried off with a towel and put on a bathrobe. And then my eyes fell on my baby Oka. It was raining the day before and the car was covered in mud. We must wash it, I decided. In that place at the bridge over the dam there is a small clearing right by the water.

I drove the Oka closer to the shore, took out a small bucket from the trunk, a piece of foam rubber and began to launder this miracle of our car industry. After washing the car outside (and what is there to wash something, two square meters of the surface of the body) decided to wash the salon at the same time. She collected clean water, shook out the mats and began to wash the dashboard. At the same time, I came to bend in half, so the head was lower than the priests, and since I was in a short robe and without clothes (I took off my wet swimsuit), and I always work very energetically and with excitement, my robe went up very high. I, busy with my gloomy thoughts and work, did not notice anything around, and meanwhile there were some changes on the glade.

Slightly obliquely and behind the bus lay a log of my bushes, and when I accidentally glanced through the side window, I suddenly saw two men sitting on that log, with a strange expression looking in my direction, or rather, they just stared at my ass . One of them was about sixty, the other a little younger, fifty-five. Before them was a newspaper spread out, on which there was a bottle of vodka, two glasses and some simple snack. As I later found out by chance, these were some workers of a glass factory who were resting in a dispensary located nearby. The men, obviously tormented by medical procedures and narzan, decided to go to the nature to drink vodka and quite unexpectedly came across me standing in the pose of a float.

Everything was cold inside me, I didn’t know what to do. The glasses on the Oka were tinted, and they did not see me looking at them.And then something clicked in my head. Well, let them look, I decided. I looked good then, everywhere I had everything in order, what am I embarrassed about? And I continued to wash the cabin, though, occasionally glancing at their neighbors. Both doors in the car were open and a small breeze periodically lifted my hem almost to the waist. And then I noticed that one of the men, the older one, got up and slowly walked in my direction. I was confused: what to do?! And I acted as all women do in a difficult situation - I did not twitch, pretending that I did not notice anything around.

A man came close behind me and then another test fell on me. If he started saying something to me, asking how much time or asking for a cigarette, I would just get in the car and drive away. But he did absolutely unexpectedly, he took it and simply squatted on his haunches right behind me. And I pretended that I did not notice anyone or anything! I had to continue my game of nestechalki, while the eyes of a man were twenty centimeters from my butt. Everything was floating in my head, and then I felt something flowing down my legs. It was a catastrophe, my body betrayed me, I realized that the man behind me saw that I was running and had guessed everything. So it was. I felt like he slowly began to move his forefinger along my crotch.

I didn’t have the strength or desire to pretend, and I began to involuntarily move my back towards my hand. And this hand has become much bolder, pulling my buttocks on me, pushing them apart, crawling between my legs, twisting my clit with my fingers. From excitement I began to beat a big shiver. Behind me, I heard the sound of an unzipping zipper and realized that the end in the literal and figurative sense was near. It is now, after so many years, I can joke, but then I was not joking when this man began to stuff his organ into me - it seemed that they were putting a bottle of champagne in me. It helped that I was all wet. The man began to fuck me with a flourish (sorry for the expression), slapping his eggs on my bottom.

My poor Oka was rocking like a light boat in a storm, something thundered in the trunk. Behind this noise I didn’t hear how one man said something to another. My God, I completely forgot that the man was not alone! Looking out the window of the car, I saw how the second man rose heavily (it looked like there were a hundred kilograms in it) and went to the car. Coming up to us, he stroked my bare back (the robe had been pulled up to my head by that time) and went to go around the car. Coming up on the other side, this colossus sat on the driver's seat and unbuckled her pants. A rather thin penis in a half-built state was born. I stood, leaning with two hands on the passenger seat. The man took my hand and put it on his dick. I understood without words what he wanted. In general, I must say that everything happened without words, except for individual replicas of the older one. How to excite a man with a hand, I knew well, because often I had to do this to my husband, he had big problems with potency. Less than a minute, as a member of the man was a sort of peg, like a pointed pencil. By that time, it was the second member, except for the husband, whom I had seen in my life. Wow, what are all the different-flashed my crazy idea. And then the man took me by the back of the head and pulled his head towards him.

Everything was clear, there was nowhere to go, and I, frankly, wanted to do that myself. They began to fuck me in two bows, as it is called. Behind me tirelessly gouged the first, and with my mouth I evenly sat on the member of the second. It was something fantastic, but obviously could not last long. And so it happened, I felt like a member inside me, as if pouting and shot into the vagina with a hot jet. My eyes darkened, my legs buckled, and I had to stand with my knees on the seat. A man who was behind, pulled out his penis and patted me on the bottom. Micah, you finished - I heard his question and realized that he was asking his partner.Micah mumbled something unintelligible, he clearly had no time for questions. But I knew that he had not finished yet! And then the first one, who was clearly the ringleader in this pair, approached the fat man and began to pull him by the hand out of the car.

He reluctantly took a member out of my mouth and climbed out. They both came up from behind, one of them stuck two fingers into my vagina, and then with these fingers began to knead my anus. I felt how I with two hands parted the buttocks and began to enter into the anus member. Well, that it was a fat man's member, a member of the first man would just rip me. Thrusting almost to the end, the man began to sway smoothly from side to side, as if leading his cock inside me in a circle. The second one sat in the front seat at this time, put his hand between my legs and began to quite actively rub the entire crotch. I didn’t have the strength anymore and almost immediately began to finish, but not in the same way as the first time, but much stronger and longer, for two minutes it seemed to me that I was just going to die. I did not even notice how the fat man finished me in the ass. A little regaining consciousness, I saw that I was sitting in the front seat.

The men returned to their log, one of them was pouring vodka, the second was cutting boiled sausage. I quickly moved to the driver's seat, started the car and rushed home. My face burned, there was some noise in my head. How to reach, I do not remember. In the village, everything was normal, the husband slept asleep, not suspecting that two unfamiliar men got up with me literally fifteen minutes ago. Reassured, I decided not to tell him anything. Many years have passed since then, but so far with the recollection of this case, something shrinks in my lower abdomen and dries up in my throat. This is not a fictional story, so it may not be as beautiful and wonderful as it was in fictional stories, but I told you a real case from my life. I must say that this story was given to me with great difficulty, I am not a writer, so I apologize for possible grammatical and stylistic mistakes. Well, how it happened, it happened ...

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