Desperately ringing with silver bells, a noisy wedding procession rushed into the wide-open gate of a large, rich courtyard, and scaring away the gray geese that were busy scurrying along the fence, rushed frantically to the tall, carved porch. The Yemelyanovs had a wedding. Semyon, the portly adult son of the eminent merchant, jumped out of the gig in one leap, without any visible effort, picked up his miniature fragile bride and quickly, jumping over the step, dashed off with her into the hall. Razuhabisto gogucha, the guys followed the newlyweds.

For Agafya, until this morning, barely stretched in time, she was rushing fast: only she dressed up waits in her little room, now you can hear the tramp of the feet of impatient matchmakers, now the stern father blesses her for marriage. And suddenly they are left behind and the wedding in the church, and noisy skating, and a plentiful feast, and she is already standing in a strange, unfamiliar house, and the gray-hung, lofty grandfather - her father-in-law, Ignat Semyonitch, kisses the girl on the forehead, approving his sons.

She wants to slow down, stop, wait; but the guys are confidently pulling the newlyweds into distant canopy. And, finding herself alone with her future husband, the bride sitting on the snow-covered feather bed freezes in fear.

Smemyon, intoxicated by honey drunk, hurriedly tearing off the embroidered festive shirt and lowering the ports, threw his wife who was squeezed into a ball on his back and squeezed through tightly squeezed legs. His lips bit into the dutifully exposed face of the girl:

- I love you, Agafyushka.

She did not answer. That is exactly how it should have happened, the nurse told her. Exactly. She closed her eyes and stopped resisting: do not turn away the inevitable.

Entangled in the girl’s numerous shirts and belts, the groom finally reached her tender body. Strong male flesh rushed into the female bosom locked to this day. With a short cry, Agafya bit her lip: it was unpleasant and painful. But the bulk spouse did not stop. Kissing the conquered wife now in the neck, now in the rounded cheek, he crushed her small breasts and, all accelerating, moved. Less than a minute later, as he grunted, he painfully squeezed the girl in his bear arms and rolled to the side.

For some time, the newlyweds lay nearby. Agafya froze, afraid to sigh, as it was: rashristannaya, with her shirts tucked up to her neck, not hesitating to her girlish nudity. The groom puffed noisily, recovering his breath. Gradually, forces returned to him. He again, with a new energy, fell on his wife, and this time his shocks, the girl noted, no longer seemed so painful. Rather fascinating, promising.

When Semyon, covered in sweat, reached the final again, Agafya understood with satisfaction that she delivered her incomparable pleasure to her husband. It turned out damn nice.

Numbness and insecurity left the girl. When the young, troubled by the bored dramas, returned to the guests and joined the feast, an indiscreet smile gleamed on the bride's face, and soon she even boldly answered the questions addressed to her.

The festivities ended well after midnight. The newlyweds were again conveyed to the familiar room and, scabbly wishing the groom success in the performance of marital debt, left alone. Not feeling the slightest resistance from his wife, Semyon hastily seized her. A fair amount of alcohol consumed in the evening did its job: when he finished quickly, he rolled onto his back and snored. Having pressed her cheek to her already beloved husband's chest, Agafya smiled happily ...

Late at night, in the pitch darkness of a warm cage, Agafya abruptly jumped up from the terrible touch of icy air. It was quiet. Even the sleeping husband breathed completely silently. Struggling with fear, she lightly lit a candle.There was no one in the room except the young ones, but the feeling of tension did not go away, and Agafya got out of bed. She threw off her shackles, holding only the spacious bottom. An incomprehensible force persistently attracted her outside, and the girl, unable to resist, obediently opening the door, went out into a long corridor.

It seemed that the whole huge house had died out overnight. No sound around.

Even the floorboards under the light steps of a frightened traveler sagged absolutely silently. Following the incomprehensible intrigue, Agafya, lighting her way with a trembling candle light, walked to the end of a narrow corridor, turned right and went up the stairs. A light burst through the gap that opened her eyes, and she rushed forward, delighted.

In a room at a massive oak table in an embrace with a large bottle of homemade beer, Ignat Semenych lounged heavily on the bench. When he raised absolutely sober bottomless black eyes to the incoming daughter-in-law, the greedy scarlet flame flashed in them:

- Yeah! Has come!

Realizing her lack of clothes, Agafya tried to at least cover herself with her hands. But they suddenly did not obey her.

- Why do you need it? - smiled treacherous father-in-law, - Take off now.

To her indescribable horror, the girl, without even trying to argue, meekly undressed.

“So, so,” said Ignat Semyonitch thoughtfully, coming up to Agafya, and busily examining her naked body from all sides. Ready to burn with shame, she could not help herself.

- Come on, get on the table, - he waved his hand, and the girl again, against her own will, carried out his order. Leaning on her elbows and knees, she obediently froze, realizing the whole wildness of the situation, but she was unable to cope with herself.

- Ay, good! - the father-in-law held a stiff, rough palm along the crotch of the daughter-in-law shamelessly set between the legs. His knobby finger barely slid across his full lips, against the tight circle of his anus. Lingered. Spun. Overcoming muscle resistance entered. Agafya screamed in fierce pain.

“Nothing, nothing ... you will get used to it,” the villain grinned pretty, “Soon even he will like it,” the finger slowly began to sway inside the girl's body: forward and backward, forward and backward ...

The pain slowly ebbed away, and the unfortunate dared sideways, glanced over his shoulder at his tormentor: Ignat Semyonitch was finishing with his free hand to untie the belt holding the socks.

- Ay, good, good girl! - the old man’s face wrinkled with flesh stretched out in a voluptuous smile, revealing an unexpectedly even row of brilliantly white teeth to a frightened victim. No, not teeth - fangs! Long curved fangs!

The horror-filled girl rushed, trying to free herself, to escape, but the treacherous body again did not obey her.

“You will like it,” the father-in-law mocked again, noticing the gaze turned on him. Unable to resist her gaze piercingly gazing at her, her daughter-in-law lowered her eyes in impotence. If it were not for the apathy and detachment, which in the moment took hold of the unfortunate, Agafya would probably have died with fear: Ignat Semyonych's both legs ended in a black rounded split hoof, and behind, because of a thin, but incredibly long, almost to the knee, member, there was a thin tail ending in a rare tassel.

She was at the mercy of the devil ... She became a toy in his merciless hands ... Horned bewitched the girl, subjugated herself ... Shame and agonizing death awaited ahead ...

Clattering loudly on the wooden floor, the devil approached. His huge hard oak bark palm lay on the gentle girlish buttocks. Blew them apart. A thin wriggling tongue burst out of the hell's bursting heat of the scarlet mouth of a demon between a picket fence of polished fangs. The creature, still keeping on itself the features of Ignat Semyonych, bent down and relishly held the tongue wet from the flowing saliva along the crotch of the victim’s crotch. Once or another, having slid along the sunken cone of the anus, the tongue, having become stone-hard, burst inward.

The girl made no sound.Deeper and deeper, the devil plunged into her anus, and she, limply hanging her head, could not take her eyes off his slowly, but inevitably increasing member.

Like a log, she noted with frightening indifference. He simply breaks it. When the excitement reached its peak, the slipped skin opened a shiny, claret head the size of a good cobblestone. Agafya closed her eyes and prepared herself ...

It was painful. Incredibly painful. But fear drowned out other feelings. The anus, abundantly oiled with viscous saliva, did not resist. Monster plunged his incredible trunk immediately. Full length. Until it stops. Up to a long saggy scrotum with two, with a goose egg, balls inside.

Tears spilled from the girl's eyes. Not from pain or fear — her spirit had already resigned and did not offer any resistance, but from her incredible tension — her body, nature itself could not submit and continued the struggle.

The devil moaned sweetly. The stronger the desire of the victim to be released, the stronger the pleasure he receives. Waiting until the moment of maximum compression, he slowly left, allowing the girl to relax a little and immediately burst in, forcing him to strain again. In the beginning, stretching pleasure, he was in no hurry. Smakal unprecedented pleasure. Gradually, approaching the final, began to accelerate in impatience.

As soon as the monster left an anus stretched, oozing with white seed, the girl's body fell exhausted on a hard ice table: the magic that held her disappeared.

- Go, - Horned, and he really had small black horns, wearily waved his hand, as if letting go of the servant, - See you tomorrow ...

Still in a daze, Agafya obediently went down to the floor, picked up the shirt lying nearby, and, unsteady, wandered to the exit from the room. At the open door, she, overcoming herself, slowly turned around: a naked father in law deftly knocked over a half-empty bottle, and in one fell swoop dried out the remains of mash. Noticing the gaze on him, Ignat Semyonitch impatiently stamped his hoof:

- Go, go come on! Said the same - tomorrow!

It was as if a heavy door instantly slammed shut by a sudden wind, pushing a shivering naked girl onto an unlit staircase. Clutching her crumpled clothes to her chest, she was blindly miserable, bumping into walls, wandered down a long corridor. The world around was still in the grave of silence and a terrible otherworldly cold.

But Agafya did not notice all this, she repeatedly saw the same picture again and again: the huge goat-footed Ignat Semenych, shining with sweat, bursts into the frail body of the little trembling daughter-in-law that surrendered to him. And as if it is not she, not Agafya, that tortured miserable, but someone else, since she sees it from the side. But with each jerk of the demon's tail, with all her body, the girl felt his unobstructed trunk burst inside her. Cursed Horny tortured her again and again, forcing not only to feel, but also to look ...

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