I will tell you about the most extraordinary and secretive blowjob in my life. Then I met a girl, let's call her Dina. Our mutual friend Vadim crashed on the highway, and ended up in the hospital. We got a call from the hospital when we were making love, so we had to go immediately to a friend, leaving everything on halfway.

A friend was lying in the surgical department, during an operation, they didn’t let us in, saying that he was in a difficult condition and was not allowed visitors to the operating room. Having sat down on an old, medicine-smelling couch, we waited for the end of the operation. Forty minutes later, a friend, hugging me, buried her face in my shoulder. I began to play with her hair, it apparently brought her friend, and she playfully looked at me, whispered:

- Do not strain yourself, everything will be fine with him. Want to relax help?

I did not understand her unpredictability to the end, nodded dryly. Dinka immediately, pretending to be very tired, curled up, lay on the couch, put her head on my lap, facing the stomach. Her fingers slid over my fly, unzipped her, She pulled the rubber of her underwear onto her testicles so that those (cowards) would not prevent her from enjoying my dick.

Taking it in her mouth, Dina pressed her head with her tongue to the palate and began to gently squeeze, then release it. Trite, she couldn’t move her head, grandfather-watchman, who was sitting at the end of the corridor, about five meters from us, could notice. My girl had to do only language. Soon the friend changed her actions, she began to roll the head in the mouth from cheek to cheek, pushing it with her tongue. When she got tired of this, she began to playfully bite the head, She flipped the tip of her tongue over my head, licked the penis in circular motions. I began to experience orgasm.

- Finish, baby, finish it to the end. - I whispered.

Dinochka sharp and fast movement of the head, took my dignity in his throat. I finished it with complete satisfaction. She released my tired partner from her mouth, pulled on her panties, fastened her pants, and got up.

- I'm in the toilet, wash. Tonight it's your turn to satisfy me, cat, crush the tongue.

And retired. The surgeon came out of the intensive care unit and said that Vadim would get better, but he could be visited only tomorrow. Returning friend took me by the arm, and we went to the exit ...

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