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where necessary, and with one blow drove him to the very eggs. Lena arched an arc, I thought she was crying from the pain now, but it seemed that Ashot sprained her well, and with visible pleasure she began podmivat. Ashot did not let her mouth go bored for a long time, took him by the head and began to stretch her head on his joint, each time trying to enter the throat, which was not used to such sizes. Lena, by the way, learned to swallow my head a long time ago, suppressed her gagging urges, and she herself was turned on by the achievements of her mouth in this field. After she began to cope with my dick quite easily, she sometimes experimented with various larger objects. The most that she tried, it was a decent size eggplant. Probably, he was close in thickness to the member of Ashot. But there she spent about 15 minutes trying it on from different angles, until she found the perfect path for him. On the other hand, the zeal with which she tried to please Ashot could not be compared with the indulgence with vegetables. In the end, she removed Ashot’s hands from her head, and asked to let her try to do everything herself. It was like preparing an athlete for the championship leap at the Olympics. She caught her breath, moved her lower jaw, kneading it. She opened her mouth wide and began to crawl to her dick. It was evident that the fat head again rested against her throat, as she tried to push through her, with an effort of lowering her head down. As they say, athletes - the record is not resigned. She raised her head, throat slime stretched to her cock. Tears flowed from my eyes. But apparently she already felt that she had almost succeeded. In a hoarse voice, she said: "Now it will work out, only you need to kneel." Ashot knelt before her, glancing with interest at her. Lena once again caught her breath, squeezed Ashot's head with her hand, in order to reduce her size for a while, clutched the base of his penis, and quickly pulled herself up to her throat, then closed her eyes and swallowed his head, immediately absorbing half the length of its trunk.

There is still Vaha, who has not ceased to torture her pussy on the other side all this time, pushed Lena towards Ashot. In Lena was almost all of his very long member. Lena slowly began to release him from his mouth. He came out almost with the same difficulty as he went inside. Lena was scared to watch. Tears of their eyes, smeared mascara, saliva hanging from the chin to the floor, and at the same time triumphant facial expression. It was evident that she was proud of this personal record. Immediately she decided to consolidate the success, and once again introduced his penis into his throat. I was surprised to see that now she did it without much effort. Either she solved some secret of swallowing such giants, or simply her throat was stretched. And maybe a little bit of everything. After she had swallowed him the third time, Ashot, who had not stood still before moving, began to gradually give in to his pelvis. Bliss was written on his face, from the head of Lena’s narrow throat. It took quite a bit of time, when suddenly his movements became sharper, it was evident that he was holding back so as not to plant Lena's head to the ground. Apparently the head began to swell, because again began to rest in the throat. Finally he pushed her, and flinched all over, uttering a growl. The first jet struck Lena directly into the esophagus, in surprise, she began to pull her cock out of herself, then the second arrived, striking the glands and her mouth with a tart taste. The third shot at the lips that did not have time to close. The following portions did not fly out anymore, but pushed out of the swollen penis, ran down the head and dripped onto the floor. Apparently from this spectacle overexcited and began to finish Waha.

He pulled out his penis and poured white clots on his back first, and then on the hollow between Lena’s buttocks, smearing the sperm over her holes. It was evident that the guys got first-class orgasms.They just fell on the blanket, closing their eyes and breathing heavily. Lena, swaying, got up and went to the bathroom. From there, she came out after 10 minutes, clean, smelling shower gel and glistening naked white body. The guys were in the same position as she left them. Only their members have decreased in size and relaxed honey legs.

Lena came up to me, kissed me on the lips. I felt the smell of toothpaste and incomparable - sperm. “How do you like the show?” You wait, now they take a break, and we will continue. Have you seen me swallow it? Interestingly, he will fit in my ass or tear? I tried it now, I inserted 4 fingers. If neat, it will not break, I guess. I go, take care of them. Tired boys. And it is still too early to sleep. ”

That I have not seen her. She looked like mad. His eyes still burned with lust. For tomorrow she already confessed to me that she was afraid of this evening, and therefore she bought in a pharmacy and took some exciting pill at the beginning of the evening. She never complained about the lack of desire, and the beautiful young bodies, elegant strong members, alcohol and the pathogen inflamed her to the limit.

She, like a naked goddess, gently shaking her hips, went to the table. I took a bottle of champagne from him, from which only one wine glass of the first toast was drank. I doused them with a towel, crouched between the guys and began to wipe the sweat from their bodies with a wet towel, constantly adding champagne. Gradually, she reached their personal belongings, carefully and very gently erasing the remnants of dried sperm from them. The guys have long been out of oblivion, but this concern for them was so unexpected and pleasant that they were afraid to move. After the member became clean, she collected champagne in her mouth, and, bending down to the member, sucked the head there too. Apparently from a cool liquid or from tingling bubbles of champagne - members began to revive. So far they only trembled, continuing to lie, but it was evident that the blood was already rushing into them and filling more and more, forcing them to grow in size.

Lena did not force the event, got up and offered to drink for a pleasant evening and no less pleasant continuation of it. They poured the glasses, drank, the guys showered again, sitting between them Lena, with compliments. Not forgetting, as if by chance, to smooth her charms with her hands, then, feeding her from the hands with grapes, then, handing the fruits to each other. Ashot accidentally crushed a grape in his hands, dripping juice on Lena’s chest, and now both laughing, they blot the divine body with fruit juice and lick it. Lena, falling on his back, stroking their curly hair, directing the heads of young people, then to the nipples, then attracts to himself for a kiss, then sends a kiss to the stomach. Finally, Waha, goes down to the light triangle on the pubis, and begins to kiss the delicate skin around him. Lena helps him by bending one leg at the knee, and now a nimble tongue flutters around her clitoris, forcing Lena to moan and arch towards him. Ashot, giving Vache some time, bypasses Lena himself. He puts her legs on his shoulders, and thoroughly undertakes to prove that he also knows how to caress women like that. His tongue, then discourages the fraction of the clitoris, then licks the gap, then penetrates deep into its depths, causing all new emissions of its nectar. Waha, remaining out of work, strokes her body with her hands, caresses her nipples, strokes her hair. Lena's hand finds his dick long ago in combat readiness. And podrachivaya, pulls to his mouth. Waha has nothing against it. Kneels over her head, give Lena freedom of maneuver. Lena takes up the matter thoroughly, she sucks it up, and licks it from beginning to end, and caresses the sensitive place under the head with the tongue, does not forget about the eggs, taking each of them in the mouth, gently rolls them with the tongue. In the meantime, Ashot, with a shiny face, is rising. Lena's legs remain on his shoulders. His long cock starts poking between Lena's legs, trying to find an entrance. He takes it in his hand, and, gliding along the crack, lubricates it. Moves the pelvis forward, and now the head itself has found its way, gently parted lips.Lips close behind the head, as if they do not want to let it go more. Following the head, the rest of the giant begins to creep in, with each ... Read more →

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