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Or maybe we will change?

Ines eyes

What the hell did he call me? Now I sit and watch how you drag your toes on the floor, rummaging in the nightstand, and I can't even raise my eyes, because I know that the fire in them is already very noticeable.

You mutter something about Carrie ... yes, Carrie, your eternal love ... It becomes bad when I remember how she hugged you on the shoulder yesterday, and then as if by chance pulled her hand down ... And you went to smoke the toilet. Who are you kidding? I know perfectly well that you do not smoke ...

The telephone rang. SMS from Dave. “Where are you?” I type in the answer, and you still mumble something. Damn, Frank, shut up!

"I have Frank."

- You are listening to me?

I look up.

- Sorry, no.

“What the hell did you forget there?”

- I was talking about the song, didn’t you hear that too?

About the song? Oh, right, Carrie wrote a song and asked you to read ...

- I heard. Come here this ... song.

"I read the song."

I take a piece of paper in hand. What the hell?!

“Turn it over,” Frank’s slightly mocking voice is frantic. I turn over.

“Found the time! Come run to me. "

Damn, well, Carrie and handwriting, you can not tell a damn thing!

"I can not. I read the song.

Gradually, I read the lines and understand that this is incredible. Such a text ... How many different emotions, experiences ...

"What kind of song is her mother?"

What a song, what a song ... Chic song. Damn it, Carrie, are you brilliant ... do you play the keyboards, do you sing, now you also thought about writing songs?

“Carrie wrote. I'm shocked.

I read to the end and give the sheet to Frank.

- Beautiful, yes? - He asks impatiently.

- Very - translate the spirit. The phone is ringing again.

- Damn, enough already to correspond, Inez!

- Yes, yes, second ...

“Carrie can write ?! I'm also in shock. Do not scare me. So that in two minutes in my room, otherwise I will choke ”.

- Frank, I will drive to Dave for five minutes, then I will return and we will continue.

I leave the room. What will continue? We haven't even started anything yet.

Carrie, that her ... She's a clever one, everything would be okay, but only this abnormal attachment to Frank ... to my Frank ...

I stop near the door of Dave, rub my eyes with my hands and enter.

“Well done, I thought you wouldn’t come,” he lounged on the bed and clicks the remote.

- There Carrie wrote a song ... - I sit on the bed next to me, Dave's hand instantly climbs under my shirt.

- Hammer it into the computer, then we will consider, - even his voice doesn’t change at all, only he leads me with his cold fingers along the spine. - Song writing is my prerogative. Where did the gift of the poet come to Carrie?

I know. Just how to tell Dave? I turn my head, and suddenly it comes to him.

- Aaaa ... - and his eyes become the size of two saucers, - so Carrie and Frank ...

I nod, turning my head away. Damn that curry. Once again for the day.

“Hm, and you didn't write any songs when you and I ...” he pulled me to me, and I almost fell on the bed.

- This is your prerogative, forgot? - I turn on my stomach, look into his beautiful dark eyes. He tilts his head slightly, kisses me. It smells of mint chewing gum and spicy toilet water. I can not say that I do not like him. Probably love. But still Frank ... This is a completely different story.

- What are you thinking about?

I look up.

- So ... About Frank ...

God, did I say that out loud ?!

“And about Carrie,” I decide to add.

- What about her?

“She's a bitch,” spins on the tongue. But I answer another.

- Yes, this is her song ... You know, she's beautiful. Most likely, there must be something slow. There will have to figure out, I'm somehow not friends with this, you know.

Sit down, shake off - Dave has the whole bed in crumbs.

- Clean up, the slob, - he in reply slaps me on a bum.

- Where are you going?

- To Frank. We must deal with this song.

- If you meet Carrie there, tell me that I am waiting for her at home.

I nod and go out. So, interestingly, at first he was waiting for me at home, now Carrie ... Does he arrange such meetings for everyone?

God, am I jealous? It would be silly to be jealous, given that Dave does not even realize that I am in love with my best friend's boyfriend.

By the way, if Dave really likes Carrie ... Although what I carry ... He just wanted to ask about the song, that's all, but I already ... However, if Carrie still likes Dave, we could ... change, or something ...

I go back to the room to Frank. Sit back to me and scribbing SMS-ki. Well, I was scolded ...

- Where have you been? - Even the head does not turn.

- Have Dave.

- What were you talking about?

- About Carrie's song.

- So how's the song?

“Great song,” I sit on the bed again.

- Hammer it into your laptop, then you will have to deal with the music.

- Dave said the same. He is now Carrie to himself called, obviously, to pat about it.

- Called? - Frank straightens up, looks at the door and is somehow wary - you know, Dave and Carrie ... lately ... have you noticed?

I try to hide all emotions behind the cough.

“No, I didn't notice,” I lean back on my elbows, look over my shoulder at your phone. Correspondence with Ron.

“What are you and Ron talking about?” - I look at the phone. Frank immediately closes all messages.

“None of your business,” he throws too hard for me and gets up.

“C'mon, I just wondered,” I follow him indifferently with a look, “and why were you so alert about Carrie?” Is there anything between you?

“Perhaps,” Frank answered, and headed for the bathroom.

“Perhaps ... as if I don't see ... you think I'm blind?” - I mumble quietly to the sound of hissing water escaping from the tap.

- What are you muttering there? - his voice comes from the bathroom.

- Oh, nothing ...

I again glance at the sheet with the song - it still lies here. I read the lines. They simply attract. “And your eye is a light for me as a lifeline, as if flying a moth on it ...“ Well, yes, you can get confused, but if you put it on the music, you will probably get something amazing.

The door opens and Carrie drops into the room.

- Did not learn to knock? - I ask too rudely.

- And Frank in the shower? - ignoring my question, asks Carrie.

- In the shower. Dave called you to her, and I follow her reaction. No. Or maybe it's just composure.

- Called? What for? - and the voice is still a little changed.

- No idea.

- Okay. Tell Frank that I came in, left the keys, - she puts something on the table with the TV and already wants to leave.

- Carrie! - she turns around. - The song is super.

“Thank you,” she smiles and leaves.

I want to go play the bass. Play, for example, Ein Neuer Tag. Frank comes out of the shower, his hair is wet, droplets run on his bare back. I want to come up and draw a track after the drop, first with your finger, then with your tongue. And still a little bite at the cervical vertebra, as he sticks out, just calls ... And kiss the dimple between the collarbone, and then behind the ear ...


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