We were familiar for a long time, still in youth. He was a brazen young man and worked in thin. school, and I - a self-confident girl without any hobby. I liked him, but his impudent tone scared me. Therefore, I drew attention to his brother, he was softer.

We met after so many years! Everyone has changed everything in life, in appearance and character.

I was invited to visit. It was difficult to refuse old friends. I came. There are five of them. All I know, they were friends before.

Ice cream, fruit and liquor on the table. We decided to watch a DVD. Long and critically discussed the collection of films of the host. A lot of erotica and porn. The whole male part of the population in this apartment was delighted. I did not quite smile to watch porn in the company of 5th men, so I directed all my malice towards him. They all laughed, but he blushed, smiled stupidly and cutely stared down.

We chose a fantastic film with elements of erotica. When it came to eroticism, the men perked up noticeably, but the erotic was unexpected. Madam mocked her slave. The men were somehow depressed, they even heard proposals to change the disk, but he sat with bated breath and looked at the screen entranced, sometimes casting glances at me, blushing shamefully. The disk was changed for horrors, I protested as I could. I'm afraid of horror! Now they began to mock me.

When the pictures on the screen were completely disgusting, I closed my eyes with my hands. There was laughter. They forgot about the film, looked at me and laughed. I was upset. He rushed to my defense. Sat near, closing the screen with his body.

I was angry, he was near ... I decided to leave immediately, jerked sharply to get up from the couch, and inadvertently kicked him. Instead of apologizing, pounced on him, saying that under your feet you interfere. He lowered his eyes and flushed. But he followed me to the door, asking me not to leave. He said he would kneel. I squinted slyly. Anger did not pass, so evil decided to mock him. Saying: “Going. Get on your knees and bow down at my feet, begging you not to leave. ”He really knelt on his knees and bent his head to my feet. "Do not leave, please ...", - I heard from below.

The guys forgot about the film and were staring at the scene. “Okay, uboltal”, - I said, lifting his face up with his foot. Returning to the room told him to change the film. When he rushed to execute the order, his fly swelled noticeably. Everyone silently watched him go. “I did everything,” he told me and sat down next to me. Someone whistled and then everyone began to sit down on the sofa to watch a movie.

“I'm so cramped!” I screamed when everyone squeezed. He immediately jumped off the couch and sat down at my feet. I lifted the legs and laid them on his shoulders, squeezing his head with his knees. Looks like he was happy.

Having sat like that for half an hour, I changed my position. She bent her knees, putting her feet on the sofa. He immediately turned sideways, hugged my legs, and laid his head on my feet like a dog. Laughing at the side. He blushed when he heard them, but did not change his position.

Having watched the movie we went home. He volunteered to conduct me, but received a categorical refusal. I expressed a wish that his brother would take me. On that and parted.

He called me, again inviting me to visit. I refused. So a few days passed. Then his brother called me and invited me, I immediately agreed.

I came. This time there were three of them. Two brothers and a guy who sympathized with me in his youth. These two went into another room, and he came up to me and crouched beside my feet.

- Why did not you come, because I called?

- Did not want.

- You exhausted me with all my soul.

- I'm sorry.

Then the two entered the room with a glass of vodka for him. He got up, took the glass and knocked it over with me. He raised his head and looked evil in my eyes. I noticed that these two are already drunk too. Directed to the door. But it was not there.I was roughly pulled by the arm and turned in the opposite direction. I was in their ring. And all the evil looked at me.

The one who was behind grabbed my hands and twisted them behind my back. I arched. I started to pull tight blouse. Hands raised up, tied wrists. Sweatshirt raised, closing the entire review. Someone took me by the waist and easily moved somewhere, putting my back to the wall. The hands were untied, but only in order to free them from the sleeves and tie them to the crossbars of the Swedish wall. Sweatshirt thrown over his head, and did not open his face. Pulled off jeans. When I tried to kick someone, I was hit hard on the thigh, it seemed like it was a belt. Tears sprang to my eyes. Immediately she heard his exclamation: “Why did you do this?” “So it is necessary,” answered him, “She deserved it.”

Straps fastened to the neck and waist to the crossbar, and tied his legs, spreading them to the side. And ... seems to be gone.

But no, someone is nearby. He came up. I felt his lips on my feet. Then he rose and began to stroke the naked body, slowly running his fingers through all the bends. My skin goosebumps. But then those two fell in, it seemed even more drunk. They really wanted to scoff at the helpless victim, pour out their anger. Where did she come from in them? They started pinching my nipples, clapping my thighs ... It hurt, I sobbed - they laughed and insulted. But here he is. He said that the vodka was over, asked his brother to run away. As soon as the brother left, he put out a guest as well.

He himself approached me, but was in no hurry to let go. He continued his lesson, saying: “Hold on a little more. So I want to admire you. ”I pulled the jacket off my head, I even sighed more easily. Smoothed disheveled hair. He ran the back of his hand over his face. Said, "I am now," and left. Returned with paints and brush. I asked to close my eyes. And he began to drive on the body with a brush. It was ticklish and pleasant. I relaxed and caught the tenderness of touch. I do not know how much time has passed ... I opened my eyes when I heard someone banging on the door. This brother with vodka is back. He went to open. I groaned: "Nooooo ..." He came back, came closer, whispered: "Do not be afraid," and went to open.

Really brother. He said that a friend had left, he waved his hand in frustration, but when he saw me, still tied, he appreciably cheered up and headed towards me. He caught his eye and immediately turned it towards the bathroom. I do not know what was going on there, but my brother returned with wet hair and visibly refreshed. He came to me, saw a picture on my body and whistled. Considered for a long time, because sped off behind a camera. And he continued his "work".

When the whole body was painted in front, and everything was photographed, they began to untie me. I thought that they would let me go.

To be honest, I was a little upset, I liked to watch his movements, assessing eyes, feel a soft brush on the body. However, it is still better to be free, so it seems safer. Therefore, still delighted. But no, no one was going to let me go. With extraordinary dexterity, they put me on my knees, forcing me to bend down to the floor. Hands tied to the leg of the bed.

This situation was even more inconvenient than the one I was in. I really wanted to break free. He leaned toward me, stroked his back with his hand, asked me to suffer a little. I asked if I agree. I nodded my head. I could not refuse him, because he did not do me any harm, and affectionately asked about ... a favor.

He quickly worked with a brush, was in a hurry, because the posture was rather uncomfortable, and also humiliating. Brother next constantly flipped the camera.

When he finished, the whole body was in his paintings. Only the panties were clean, but have long been wet. They untied me. I got up and went to the mirror. The pictures were great. Mostly dark colors, as if the night. There were snakes in bizarre balls and cat eyes, and the green of trees at night ... On their feet the colors were lighter, like early in the morning.He came up from behind and gently pulled off her panties. Unpainted skin under the panties seemed quite light, but it harmoniously fit into the picture, and the "dawn" on the legs became clearer.

A camera clicked nearby, and he walked around me and looked at and stroked his own paintings. Or is it my body?

He came closer, gently embraced and stuck to his lips. His little brother came up from behind and joined in to caress. I relaxed. They kept me from letting me fall. Kissing in turn, I did not even have time to understand who now got into my mouth tongue. Fingered me with fingers, entering both holes. I let them all. Then they entered me at the same time, i.e. they planted me on their members. One wrapped his arm around my waist, the one behind me, clasping my neck with his hand, pressed his head to his shoulder. I almost did not feel sex.

I, in general, did not feel anything, except for rolling waves of orgasm. I did not even understand how I ended up in the bathroom. All three of them bathed under jets of water from under the shower. The paint flowed under our feet. I was turned, now I was facing his little brother. And again they are both in me, and again a time cut. It seemed to cease to exist.

We woke up in the same bed. They continued all the same, just lying down.

In general, left them, knowing that I love both.

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