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A long - a long rainy day ... soon all the same autumn ... sadly ... and I need to, damn, write a diploma ... and since this is an unusual and terribly tedious thing, I decided to invite Andrei for help. And he will not refuse, because we are already friends with him for probably 20 years, from the very kindergarten. And he was always smarter than me, but he never refused to help, and in school more than once rescued me to the control.

The bell at the door - Andrew came.

- Hello, glad to see you, only you can help me!

- Hello! You always say that! Only I alone can solve your problems, you know, I am always ready!

After exchanging a friendly hug, we went into the room and sat down at the computer.

- Well, tell me what happened here.

And we went deep into my diploma. An hour later, we already had quite a decent plan, an hour later we already tailored a decent diploma, providing it with all sorts of links from Ineta, and Andrew decided to take a break.

- Let's drink something, and then from the monitor already in the eyes dazzled.

- Come on, only I have nothing special, just a little wine and a bottle of liquor ...

- Liquor fit! And then continue to prepare a diploma.

I agreed and went for liquor. She took out glasses, ice, and returned to the room. Outside the window rumbled. Lightning flashed.

- Damn, only this was not enough ... and the light will turn off ...

And as if confirming my thoughts, the light blinked and went out safely, the apartment plunged into darkness. Andrei and I swore softly.

- I'll go look for a candle, otherwise it may be for a long time, but I do not like darkness.

- Come on, I'll wait.

I went to look for candles, found only three. Taking cups from the kitchen so that the wax wouldn't drip onto the table, she went into the room to the touch. Spreading the candles around the room, I turned to Andrew.

“Well, of course, it’s not so light, but at least we don’t clash with our heads,” Andrew answered cheerfully.

I began to pour liquor in glasses.

- Something you are strange today ... usually always funny, you tell jokes, then you make fun of me ... and today you can’t get the words out of you ... what happened? - and by the way Andrew frowned, I understood that I was right.

- Yes, everything is normal ... - he began to excuse himself, but somehow it is unconvincing.

- Andryukha! Well, we know each other from the cradle, almost like a brother and sister, no secrets, tell me what happened!

- Well, you know ... such things with the sisters just do not discuss ...

- You can ask me about everything, I owe you so much that I probably will never repay!

- Well, you know ... I recently met a girl here ... we have been meeting for a month and a half ... and yesterday they somehow switched to talking about sexual topics ... she is still a virgin, you know?

- I understand ... but for you this is not a problem, you can envy your sexual experience - with these words he just waved it off.

“Well, yes, this is about ordinary girls, and she’s not at all like that, you know!” She should have fun, if the first time is unsuccessful, then she will be concerned with sex with fears ... I am so afraid of this ... I care about her ...

- So what's the problem then? Be gentle with her, gentle, do not hurry, how should arouse her ... more caress, more attention to the body and everything will be fine! You know how to caress girls ... -, with these words, his expression became almost funeral.

- Well ... how to say it ...

- Well, so how to tell a thread! -. my patience was running out.

- I do not know how to do cunnilingus. I have never seen this female place at all.

I almost choked on liquor.

- This is despite the fact that you had so many mistresses that you can’t remember names, you never did this ??? - I somehow even could not think of such a thing.

- Yes ... I understand, it sounds foolish, but it's true. It’s just that the girls with whom I had sex did not want to caress there ... but with this one, everything is different ... I want her to be really good.

- Well, how do you want to get out of this situation? You will have to act according to the situation, so to speak at the place of hostilities! - I could not stand it and laughed.

- Well, I can not do that, and suddenly I will do something wrong, I need to practice!

- On whom? Ask someone - the thread of your ex, I think you will not refuse. Do you roughly guess who to ask for?

- Yes, I guess. You.

I almost choked on the liqueur again.

- Me ??? Are you crazy?

- And what, I trust you more than anyone else, you are my closest friend, and I can only turn to you.

- How do you imagine that? I will now undress, spread my legs and you will start to insert your fingers into me? -, the idea seemed absurd.

- Well, not so ... I want to try to give you pleasure ... you are a beautiful girl, and for a long time I like you not only as a friend ... why not ...

I didn’t even know what to say ... Andrew was a pretty nice guy, and certainly didn’t cause disgust, but in order to have sex with him right away ... I guess I don’t need to drink liquor, because as soon as I I started thinking about it, the idea didn’t seem so terrible ... It's dark at home ... a thunderstorm, rain ... romance ... a nice guy is pleasing you ... and why not ...

Andrei was visibly nervous. Obviously it cost him a lot to admit everything to me like this. And I decided to defuse the situation a bit. Putting the glass on the table, I walked over to him, and tenderly embracing him by the neck, pressed my lips to him. He opened his mouth in surprise and apparently wanted to say something, but I penetrated into his mouth with my tongue and began to kiss him passionately.

He began to answer, his hands hugged my hips and held me close, we began to kiss passionately. Looking up from him, I sighed deeper and exhaled: "I agree." He was probably waiting for that. Andrei began to shower my neck with tender, light kisses, biting his ear. Yes, in order to have a girlfriend, he clearly had no problems ...

Our hands entwined in our arms and began to undress each other. Andrei’s shirt and my T-shirt flew to the floor, I didn’t even notice how he took off my shorts, and I stayed in some shorts.

He took advantage of this and pressed his lips to my chest. He then licked the tips of the nipples, then pulled them into his mouth, then bit a bit, and after a minute of such torments I already clung to him and groaned. I reached for the belt of his trousers and started pulling them off with shaking hands. He stayed in his underpants, and it was clear from the bulging hillock that he, too, was already very excited.

Andrew pulled away from my chest and gently pushed me. I fell on the bed. He began to kiss my neck, then chest, lightly kissing the path down the stomach and below ... below ... his hands found the elastic of his panties, he began to carefully remove them. Deliberately slowly, as if giving time to change my mind, but I, realizing his plan, raised my hips, helping him to take them off. Now I was naked before him, without clothes. And he frankly admired me.

- You're so good ... I always wanted to see what you are without clothes ...

- I saw ... -, my voice was hoarse with excitement. I did not know what to say.

“Now I can only rely on you.” Trust me, open up ... tell me what to do ...

- I'm shy ...

- It's almost dark here ... imagine that you are fantasizing ...

I honestly tried to present it, but nevertheless reality made itself felt ...

- Start doing something ... I will say. What then ...

He started kissing my ...

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