The disk of the sun went down towards the sunset, filling the viewing platform with its magic glow and illuminating the standing boys and girls. Down steep steep cliff, which was covered with grass. Downstairs stood a few crooked old houses. Klyazma played with rays that reflected on the ribbed surface of the river and it seemed that the river was covered with golden scales. On the bridge, as always, it was very lively, people hurried from the city center to the suburbs, home.

Vlada stood and looked at such a beautiful landscape with completely empty eyes. She was not up to the beauty that surrounded her, not up to the beautiful guys who stood in crowds nearby. She was thinking only about one thing again - she was very bored. Picked "ICQ", Vlad with a familiar movement threw back the lid of the mobile phone, ran her eyes over the message and smiled. He does not even have to answer, he is not worthy of it.

One guy separated from the company and moved towards Vlada, apparently with some intention. Vlada did not even notice this, she was absorbed in her thoughts. The guy lightly touched her shoulder, Vlada turned around, the guy smiled.

- Hello girl! Can I meet you?

Vlada looked at the guy with her usual look. Nothing special - a white shirt, black jeans, a mobile phone in your pocket, is clearly not very expensive. From this there will definitely be nothing to take, and therefore Vlada depicted a sour face and answered:

- You can not, young man!

The guy, apparently surprised by the answer, somehow discouraged asked:

- And why?

- So, young man! - Vlada threw up her right hand and gesticulated desperately to her - I am not acquainted with anyone on the street! - here Vlada made a gesture with his right hand, meaning “get out of here”.

The guy bowed slightly, and, turning, went back to his company. As he bowed, it flashed through Vlada's head, as if Prince Count or Baron. But what he is a baron, an ordinary person, the same as others, no more and no less. And Vlad did not need the usual. She needed a rich sponsor, able to satisfy every whim. And to satisfy her ... Vlada giggled, the nose twitched, and her green eyes became narrow and narrow, which gave her a special charm.

Someone put her hand on her shoulder. Vlada was already turning, intending to give a cruel verbal rebuff when she saw Sveta - her best friend.

- Oh, Svetochka, and what are your fates?

Svetochka kissed with Vlada.

- Yes, I was thrown by Tanker to the park, I ran into it myself, but I refused him!

Tanker girls called one famous businessman who recently got into the habit of caring for Sveta - to carry out her every whim, to buy beautiful things in boutiques, to give expensive perfumes. So far, Sveta kept him at a distance and didn’t allow her to touch her hands. But Sveta was one more thing, which means that she would not miss the chance to sell her honor more expensively. In her understanding, virginity was needed only to sell it at a higher price, a kind of trump card in the game of life. And in such a game, where she was already a favorite.

Vlada straightened her long blond hair.

- You're doing great, Sveta, that you keep Tankers in the distance. And then you never know what they think about themselves!

- Yes, Vladka, I think so too. - In the eyes of Sveta flashed a light - and you remember Ivan?

The active work of the brain immediately reflected on the face of the blonde.

- Of course I remember. Is he still in jail?

Svetochka grinned.

- Of course, where else will he go ... you need to be responsible for your actions! And that, you know, he wanted for free. And in general he was somehow flimsy, he didn’t like me!

Vlad laughed.

“So what is this Tanker?”

Light literally blossomed.

- Tanker is just god! Today, he devoted a whole day to me, rolled around on all kinds of shops, bought everything I wanted, I didn’t even look at the price tags! He skated me on the Nissan, tried even to pat his knee several times, I allowed him!

- Light, you are very lucky! - Vlad said in a deliberately serious voice and immediately laughed, and Sveta laughed after her, jokingly hitting her friend on the shoulder. - Only you let him clearly understand who is the mistress here!

- Of course! - Light pulled out a mobile phone and ran her eyes on the display. - I have to go, Victor is waiting for him, I promised him!

Vlada smacked her friend in the cheek.

- Well, come on, good luck to you!

Sveta went somewhere deep into the alley, and Vlada again looked at the river. The sun had almost set, only a small piece of a red disk remained above the horizon. Vlada did not think about the beauty of nature, it was not occupied by a river sparkling under the last rays of the sun, it didn’t take anything at all. There was some kind of clarity in my head, freedom from everything.

Time to go home, thought Vlad. She glanced at the floodplain meadows and went, shaking her hips, towards the house. Fortunately there were about two stops. Passing by the guys constantly looked at her short skirt, under which there was no underwear. Vlada was grinning - she was loved by the feeling of inaccessibility and, at the same time, external accessibility. However, several guys, apparently hurrying somewhere, didn’t try to look under the skirt, and didn’t look at it at all. Impotents damned, flashed through Vlada's head.

Reaching the Khrushchev, Vlad put the key to the intercom, he squeaked and the door opened. On the second floors there were guys and drank beer. Seeing Vlad coming up, the guys were stunned for a second, no one could say a word. Finally, one of them sipped the beer from the can. Vlada smiled and lifted her skirt for a moment, and then quickly ran to the top, to the fifth floor. The guy who drank beer choked.

Two turns of the key and the door opened. Vlada entered the hallway and looked at herself in the mirror, took off her shoes and entered the hall, and then sat down on the sofa and exhaled. It is stuffy very on the street, and the house is no better.

She had to relax, she thought, and so she went to her room, put on some light music, sat in front of the mirror and took everything off.

The sight of his own body was very exciting for Vlad.

She ran her hands over her chest, a wave of warmth went through her whole body, as if someone's gentle hands were wrapping her in silk. She loved this feeling, sometimes it seemed to her that she liked it even more than an orgasm. After slightly massaging hard nipples, she pulled her hands down and pulled back the silk sheet that lay on her stomach. Passing a hand through it, she once again admired her body, so elastic, soft, warm. Sweet honey was poured over her body, her head was filled with ecstasy.

Vlada began to moan softly, caressing her sexual lips with soft fingers and tickling her clit. Licking Vlad's index finger, she laid it on the hot nipple and slightly massaged it, the discharge ran through the body, Vlada screamed a little, and then began to pull the clitoris even more fiercely. Already it is getting hotter, already the body is covered with sweet waves, lips make loud moans, Vlad strains and immediately discharges a wave of powerful orgasm. The body is bent, Vlad shouts from surging feelings and suddenly becomes completely relaxed. One hand lies on the hot clitoris, the other strokes the nipples, and a moan escapes from the open mouth. She had been waiting for this for so long ...

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