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Not everyone is lucky in life. I was lucky. Could I imagine five years ago that at twenty-one I would be in the heart of South America, in Brazil. Never in my life.

And it all started with the fact that my father decided to make me a sort of Mata Hari. Of course, I am joking, but there is some truth in this. After graduation, he took me to Lviv, to enter the academy. My father is a former military man, and although he retired from the army early on, he decided that for me, the future woman, that was the place. I studied well at school, but still, my pa-peak had to pay off a decent amount so that I could go where he wanted. Few people know about the existence of this school.

The girls there could even be counted on the fingers. Nevertheless, in five years I received a diploma, and an international one. Graduates of our faculty, as a rule, fell into the consulates or representative offices of the \ "third world \" countries - they used to be called that way. I knew Spanish, Portuguese and, of course, English. We were girls in this institution a few people and we did not live in barracks, like children, but in a hostel and had relative freedom.

“You only learn, learn, and try to bring no one in your hem before graduation,” my father instructed me. - Otherwise, your career is over.

I studied, learned and, on his advice, did not bring anyone in the hem, but I lost my innocence in my third year. I will not say that it is great, but I had some experience in this regard. And he soon came in handy to me.

But I will tell about everything in order. When I was told during the distribution that I was going to South America, I was not very surprised, because I knew in advance that I could get there, and therefore I was occupied with languages. But Brazil! ... For me, it was a magical world of eternal carnivals, fun and exotic dances.

After a short vacation, half of which went to issue a whole pile of documents, I finally left my homeland. I will not tell you how I got to my destination, I will only say that at the end of the many hours of travel I was very tired and was very happy that I was met. Even by car drove from the airport to our office. Here on the territory there were beautiful cottages for the accommodation of the staff of our embassy.

I fell into submission to a pretty thirty-five-year-old woman who turned out to be a major of special services. In the form I never saw her, however, just as I did not dress my own. In this heat, as there in the form, and even in ours - to go? You excuse me. Anna Sergeyevna briefly introduced me to her duties and immediately announced that the next day we should fly with Fortaleza, where she was scheduled to meet with some people. I have not yet been in control of the situation and the BOT took her words as an order, and as is well known, the indications must be carried out. Only then it dawned on me that she was there making out some kind of deal that had nothing to do with our service.

The next morning I barely woke up - time difference affected. An hour later, we were at the airport, and after another two landed in Forte taleza. Even from a distance I saw the Atlantic ocean and only this reached me how far I climbed. We were waiting.

The whole day we wandered around some companies, met some people, where I was used as a translator. Towards evening I was so tired that I literally did not feel my legs. Anna Sergeyevna, on the contrary, felt light and free and, as soon as we finished with the business and took a shower in the luxurious hotel room \ "Plaza \", offered to take a walk around the evening city. refuse the boss.

Anna Sergeyevna was a brunette of medium height, with a proportional, well-developed figure.I was able to appreciate it when she, no less embarrassed by me, undressed before the goal and went into the shower.

Get ready, ”she threw on her way,“ in half an hour we leave. I had become my final dress before, under the painted eyes (they didn’t really need it), lips and put on earrings that my mother gave me after graduation. They really went to me, especially when I was collecting my blond hair in a high hairstyle. Now there really was no time to do it, so I pulled my hair back, tied it up with a narrow pink ribbon. It remained to choose shoes.

- Wow! I'm not ready yet? - Anna Sergeyevna exclaimed in surprise, entering the room.

She herself was already dressed. A short black dress covered her body like a glove. High-heeled shoes made her slimmer and more attractive. A large decollete half opened a seductive tanned chest. She did not at all resemble a strict and business lady, with whom we were today wandering around the city.

I quickly pulled on my dress, as before I was still in my underwear and moved to the exit.

- Are you so going to go?

Why? I did not understand.

“Take it off,” she pointed with a manicured finger to my bra. Nobody here goes that way. And why hide such beauty?

After a while, I did listen to her advice, and then I looked in the mirror. Peas nipples with darkish halos around them, clearly visible through the fabric. My chest is not very big, but beautiful. In the academy, everything had to be hidden under the form, but here ...

“Now it's another matter,” Anna Sergeyevna praised me and we left the room. Having caught a taxi right there at the entrance to the hotel, my boss called the driver some address and he nodded and dashed off.

Twenty minutes later we were in front of a large gray building, very unattractive in appearance. At the entrance there were several brightly made up girls and a couple of suspicious types. I myself would never have gone there, but Anna Sergeyevna kept very confidently and, with a nod at the entrance to the well-off black ambalu, thrust a bill into his palm and went inside. I followed her, afraid to fall behind.

At first, I could not make out anything at all. In the clubs of cigar smoke, in the glare of searchlights and flashing colored lanterns, it moved, jumped, squealed in a crowd-voiced crowd. I was stunned by the thump of powerful percussion instruments, drums, and something else, disgustingly screaming, that cut my ears. We barely made our way through this crowd to the bar. Anna Serg's eyes sparkled with excitement, she seemed to plunge into her element. The bartender set before us two glasses with amber liquid, helpfully flicked a lighter. I do not know what was there in the glass, but this thing burned my throat, as if with fire, even tears came out in my eyes. On the bartender's brown mustache, a silly smile spread. Obviously, he was glad that I was alive. Anna Sergeyevna swallowed her portion in one gulp, without even wincing, and snapping her fingers, she moved her dishes to him. Drawing on a long thin cigarette, my boss was throwing a quick, tenacious look around the room. The bartender's eyes, like two ripe olives, stared at me, radiating servility. However, in their depth reflected ill-disguised lust.

- How do you like it? - asked Anna Sergeyevna, letting out a stream of smoke from the red lips. - I would like to have some fun. We had a hard day. I was shocked by her words and looked at the bartender, trying to find out if he understood what we were talking about. But Anna Sergeyevna immediately forgot about him. A cheerful company of five to six people came up to the counter, flushed and flushed with a quick dance. Among them was some acquaintance of Anna Sergeyevna, and they immediately, for all, kissed, and their friendly kiss was delayed for a good two minutes. It was an American from Philadelphia who spoke well in Russian. We joined them, drank again, and soon I felt much better. There was no shyness that is peculiar to all of ours, who for the first time went abroad.

Soon we all moved to another bar. It was quieter here ...

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