It happened when I was 20. Then I had just been cleared, for a whole year I didn’t know what a woman was. The desire was just hellish, I wanted to make love as much as I could imagine. So much so that my teeth creaked, and my burning eyes could not miss a single fleeting short skirt.

I got off the train station at the train station, came home, where my elderly mother was waiting for me. In general, everything was as it usually happens. I was met by friends, drank themselves, noted demob as it should be. Immediately after my arrival, I began to settle down a little, but the only thing I could think about were women. I just could not help but notice their figure on the street, their slender legs intertwining in a drunken step, their elastic breasts under the top ... I had rippled eyes, and the air seemed so sweet that my head was spinning and dark in my eyes. I rode in a subway car and bus, catching the eye of all the pretty girls sitting next to or passing by. But unfortunately, I could not sleep with the first one, I needed a special woman who I could take entirely !!

It was May, a whole month after my demobilization, and I got up in the morning and went in search of work. I walked slowly, the sun was burning somewhere high in the sky and the people on the street in the early days were not enough. I approached the bus stop and saw her standing at a distance from me. She was just charming! Slender hips were slightly covered mini, elastic breasts with swollen nipples covered tight blue T-shirt. I swallowed saliva ... my throat was dry and my eyes could not tear myself away from it. I looked at her, not looking up, and was absorbed in her image so much that everything around me became insignificant. She played in her hand a bunch of ringing keys with a key chain and absolutely did not notice me.

Suddenly and somehow, she accidentally dropped her keys on the asphalt. She reached for them, bent her back and sank down with her whole body. I froze on the spot and when she sank, bending forward, her mini rose up, and I saw that she was not wearing panties and only a smooth shaved slit was visible under her skirt !! Below my belt it became sharply warm, not just warm! In the groin, it was sweetly tanned to the cold and in the temples, and I even involuntarily opened my mouth.

The blonde beast raised her keys and ... caught my eye. I turned away sharply, as if I had not seen anything. But she understood everything. And the bus, unfortunately, did not resemble. I was tormented by it and I even wanted to get away from it as soon as possible, at the same time I could not resist the response of the body. The trunk of my dick tensed and strung out on thin jeans with an even tubercle. I stood with my back to her, breaking shame and embarrassment in myself, reproducing her eyes and hers in my memory ... My eyes were getting sick of the bright sun and the smell of flowering ... I was waiting for something incomprehensible when I heard a voice behind me almost angelic.

“Why did you look at me like that? ...” she asked. - Are you all right? ..

My lips were blinded and I could not answer. In general, when I got together, I mumbled something and we seemed to have met ourselves. Her name was Lena, a 2nd year medical student. She gave me her address.

“Come if you want,” she said, “I see you are very cute ... just kind of shackled.” My parents are leaving for the country, I do not want to sit alone at home. Come, sit, drink ...

I thanked God for meeting her. And at the appointed time I drove to the address that Lena gave me. It was the usual Khruschov five-story building, apartment on the third floor. I quickly rushed up the stairs and rang the doorbell, holding a small bouquet of tulips in my hands. The lock creaked and the door swung open, on the threshold stood a terribly made-up woman of about forty in a dirty, chewed and washed-up dress. On her face - a million wrinkles, a kilogram of cosmetics, not natural plump lips retract cigarette bitterness.She smoked coherently, holding a thin cigarette between thick fingers with nails on.

“Che, come on,” she said, “we have been waiting for you for a long time ...”

Somewhere behind her I saw Lena and went to the apartment.

“Lord, what a bummer !!” - instantly flashed through my head.

And what was the horror when I saw seven or eight women of balsac age sitting in the hall, such horrible, old, sagging and flabby ones that goose bumps ran through my inflated torso. There was a table set there, a bunch of salads on it, a few bottles of vodka, the room was suffocating in a cigarette stink ...

- I ... I guess I'll go ... I see you have a banquet here ... - I muttered and I was already headed for the exit.

The entrance blocked me Lena.

“No, sit down once,” she said and whispered softly to me, “now they will leave and we will be alone ...”

Barring myself, I sat down at the table, handing flowers to Lene. I was quickly poured bitter and I felt weed out of sorrow, we went out of excitement without looking, gulped down a couple of glasses. Half an hour passed, but the women were not going to leave. On the contrary, the holiday was in full swing.

“Your mother! Here is a bitch !! ”- I thought viciously. - “Well and set up!”

Teeth creaked in anger. Getting up quickly, I headed for the exit.

- Everything, thank you, I have to go ... - I said quickly and on the go, but the passage was blocked by a fat, overweight Shmar of about fifty years old with a terribly vile sagging ass.

- Where, bitch !!? She hissed. - I thought, I drank, I devoured here and you can just dump it, yes, foul asshole !? Noo ... you will work out everything for us!

Her eyes burned with crafty fire. And in the corridor, I saw one of these old chicks counting money to Lena. Everything was clear ... I did not have time to say anything in response ... something sharply cut off my mind, my legs gave way, I fell ... my eyes sparkled, and the feeling of flight was the last thing I remembered ...

I opened my eyes, rang in my head so that I wanted to burn on the spot, and I instantly realized that I could not move. I twitched like a cricket in a can, twitched and kicked, but I could not get out. Everything was floating in my eyes, as in a thick ragged fog ... I saw some dark silhouettes, gloomy contours, pale faces, and other people's voices, not familiar to me, were heard. Something slammed sharply into my face, water spilled over me, and everything cleared sharply. I was completely naked and tied with a thick rope to an office chair, my body ached and numb. A member has become so hard and huge and red ... these filth gave me a causative agent and stood around, gloatingly rubbing my hands. The curtains were curtained, the room was twilight. In turn, they would sit on me with their fattened carcasses and fuck me, my exhausted body, my male organ was raping me harder and harder. Their drooping erysipelas breathed foul in my mouth. And when every time I was fucked by a new old slut, the others shouted and laughed:

- Come on! Come on! Ebi! Ebi him !! EBI IT !!!

Their screams echoed in my head, I struggled as best I could, but could not do anything. There was some vomiting pop from a popping tape recorder. These whores drank vodka smoked. My head tilted back and I began to moan hoarsely. The pleasure was replaced by pain, a terrible piercing glass pain ringed my blue dick ... but they continued to force me in turns, one after another the old whores took turns. And under the influence of the shit that they gave me to drink, I could not finish. So lasted about two hours ...

When I woke up, it was morning ... I was terribly ill, I almost cried out from the pain in my groin, but at the thought that they would return, I somehow managed to restrain myself. The rope on my wrists weakened and I was soon unleashed. My head was the only thought - get out of this hell as soon as possible. Absolutely naked, I threw open the window and siganul down, clinging to a branch by a miracle and scratching my chest and back, I fell on the asphalt. Absolutely naked, I rushed to run along the morning street, where my eyes were looking.

A month later, the wounds healed, but until the end, I probably cannot forget this incident.According to the conclusions of psychiatrists, I will always have a psychological trauma. Oh yeah, I almost forgot ... quite recently I was returning home from work in the evening ... and in the arch of one of the courtyards I met Lena, who lured me to this damned apartment. Now I know for sure that revenge is the sweetest thing in life. However, this is a completely different story ...


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