Recently my brother (he was born in the summer) had a birthday. Undoubtedly, I was the main gift. Let's start with the fact that he spent his birthday at the recreation center. It is clear that it happens on the bases! That's it ... you understand. Neither the Rodak, nor anyone too much was not at the party. Only I am with a friend, a couple more sisters brother's friends and guys! I was already well drunk with my girlfriend went to the toilet. Then the guys came from behind the bushes — Lech, Max, Sasha, Zhenya — the closest “four” of my brother, who knew me well.

- Oh, girls? What, where are you going? - sarcastically asked Max.

- To the toilet! - I cried, thinking that they just ask and go.

- Well, we are with you! - Max winked and grabbed my hands tightly and dragged me along with Lekha into the bushes.

- Max, what are you doing? Fuck off! - I screamed.

- I have long wanted you!

From an unexpected speech, I relaxed.

- Really? But I, too! - I understood and said it out loud.

Then he was embarrassed. I quickly responded, punched him in a causal place, and with a stick that I picked up from the ground, slapped Alexey on the head. Then I ran and pulled out of the hands of Eugene and Sasha girlfriend rushed to the house to his brother. They chased us all the way, I ran into the house, all trembling, sat down near my brother. These assholes came later, probably, having slightly come to their senses from my blows (I’m doing boxing!) Sat down on their seats and angrily looked at me with my friend. While they drank further, my friend and I went upstairs to the room and locked myself from strangers.

- Listen, but they will not calm down until they fuck us! - blurted out a friend.

- Well, yes, and what do you suggest? - I did not understand.

- Maybe here ... - she winked.

- Oh, you pervert! - I laughed.

- I take Sasha with Zhenka.

- You know, after parting with Slava, I haven't been sleeping with anyone for 3 months, but I want to.

- Especially Max sympathized with you!

- Come on! I'll call you!

I slowly descended the stairs, and Max abruptly turned around, I immediately beckoned him upstairs. Zhenya, Lyosha and Sashka followed him. I nodded my head again. They quickly rose.

- Max, now I'm ready, Alex come here! - I winked.

My girlfriend immediately took blowjob Sasha and Eugene. I, slowly dancing, took off my clothes, slowly separating Max and Lesha. I noticed that Max was almost up and started with Alexey. Slowly licking the eggs, I went up to the head and began to caress the tongue. He was seriously excited. Max began to lick my pussy, gently twisting my clit. We were all very excited and, standing up with cancer, prepared to accept Max. With all his strength, he drove his 17 cm member into me. Alex at this time licked my pussy, and then changed with Max. I was sucking max at the time. My friend was already jumping up on Alexandra. She moaned loudly, screamed, cursed. Music screamed loudly on the first floor and no one heard anything. Then Max fucked me in the ass and cum in my mouth. I made another blowjob to Alexey again, and he finished too, in my mouth too. Then I fucked friends with friends and we all exhausted lay down on the bed.

Such a carbon party took place with me and my girlfriend. By the way, I meet with Maxim, and a friend with Sasha!


Graduation (from the diary of a young girl) So I passed the exams !!! Everything is fine: a great exam, for all exams 5, all I entered in instu !!! But one thing is pitiful - I leave school forever and maybe I will not see him anymore + I can tell you - his name is Andrei, he is my classmate (former). He is a tall, handsome, sportsman, but he is not an excellent student, and this, by the way, prevents me from even speaking to him. I have (had) the status of "honors pupil" and therefore everyone considers me a bore, just sitting at the books, but this is not true !!! I love to party and dance, not just went to school parties, but why everyone laughs at me ?! I am quite even very personal - a long-legged blonde (natural), slim, chest is not so huge, but rather big - 2 size. By the way I'm 17.Well, let's wait for the graduation party, that's where I will show who is ready for anything!

It's been 4 days, I'm preparing to the fullest! I have already sewn a dress under the order: a silk light black dress, reaching just to the hips. But there is more to come, a fitted corset comes over the chest. It is laced with lace and there are so many cords and hooks on it ... the whole system. Today I will go to a beauty salon, tidy up my hair, get a manicure and pedicure ... there is so much more !!!

Well, well, the “judgment day” has come! By the way, with the class, we will celebrate it on a steamship ordered specially for all 11 classes, or a ship, the devil knows! This is so romantic!

(2 days later) God, that was that evening !!! So much emotions!! It all started with my debut: I came to the prom in this dress and many immediately noticed (guys, of course) my figure. Hair and makeup, of course, emphasized my dignity face. But I don’t know what affected Andrey, but he smiled at me all the time. Then something unimaginable began: all the young people, of course, started drinking alcohol, and I started dancing and having fun 5 times more alive, many have already broken up in pairs ... Andrew also came up to me, and all, mysteriously smiling, hugged his waist , and led somewhere to the main hall. We went on deck, how beautiful it was !! The lights of the lighthouse were shining somewhere far away, the stars in the sky blinking in different colors, there was a coast not far away ... then I just realized that he was coming up to me and about to kiss! I was somewhat embarrassed. He realized this and suddenly picked up his hands and started down the stairs, I asked:

- And where? - slyly winking, realizing that now there will be something.

- On the boat !! we will steal it! He whispered.

- Not! What are you doing? - I was surprised.

- Come on!

He quickly went downstairs, still holding me in his arms, and found the first available boat.

- Zalaz!

- Not!

- I beg.

- Okay.

In general, I will not describe how he lowered the boat into the water, in short, we swam to the shore. I panicked all the way. Then we moored to the shore and went deep into the forest. Some lights flickered in the distance.

- What is it?

“This is a hunting lodge, it is always open to guests,” he explained.

We entered the house and it was really empty there, but the fireplace was burning and it was warm. In the corner was a small bed. He took me in his arms again and laid me on the bed.

- You are beautiful ... I have long looked at you not just as a classmate.

- I like you too long ago - I admitted.

Suddenly he approached me and kissed me on the lips. Then he slowly began to take off my dress, but he took it off for a long time because of those very strings)). Still removing, I partition it. He gently caressed my breasts, sucked nipples, stroked his stomach, thighs, slowly going down. Then he came closer to my pussy lips. Then I clenched everything, I felt such excitement !! But then the pleasure interrupted the thought, I said it out loud:

- I `m A virgin.

- What? - his face was at a loss - I will be gentle! - he smiled.

Then he slowly brought his penis to my treasured cave and sharply drove inside. I sighed sharply and shouted - a sharp pain pierced me.

- Everything is good? - He asked - Be patient!

After some time, I felt something more pleasant, and after a while, in all of um ... "fucked" with him. We had sex for a long time. Then he felt that he was about to finish (I had an orgasm 5 times already) pulled out a member and asked for a blowjob, I agreed. By the way, he liked it, I did it for the first time: I gently ran my tongue up and down several times along the vertical crease near the head of his penis. Then she went to the base of the penis, and then again to that fold, only this time - by moving her tongue up and down across the surface of his penis. But he could not bear it for a long time and said imploringly, “Enough! i die so Such a thrill! ”And he finished right on my chest. Then we tried on the table ... we had an unforgettable night. But in the morning the hunter came and drove us out of the house. Something puzzled me - I was all in blood and semen. Returning to the boat, I without thinking twice, climbed into the warm water and slightly redeemed.I did not return home soon, because we were sailing to the pier for a long time.

Do you know what he said after the night with me? "And the blowjob is what you do as a professional!" I laughed for a long time.

2 days have passed. He offered to meet him. I agreed.

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