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Her name was Natasha, and I dreamed about her for two years. When I was still a sophomore, and she had just entered the first year of our large university in the Northwest United States, I entered an audience with almost 500 seats and sat next to her because she was clearly the hottest girl of the course.

Long golden hair, dark beautiful eyes and pretty plump lips, she really was very beautiful. She was born in the USSR and she had a voice and an accent that could melt the glacier. Her breasts were small, but very elastic, and were just asking for a kiss.

But it was not even in appearance. She was from that category of girls who just exude sex from every pore of her body. Everyone wanted her, and it seemed that everyone could be with her, although nothing was farther from the truth than this thought. Yes, she had a style and high class, and for some time my main dream and ambition was to drag her to bed.

However, for many reasons, I could not do it. Yes, we were close to this, and I squeezed these wonderful breasts several times, but for some reason, either her roommate knocked on the door, or something else happened, and I could not get my way. It could not go on like this.

* * * * *

I would never have believed that David could take part in this. Dave was my roommate, and we were best friends since high school. He knew every detail of my relationship with Natasha, all of these friend-lover-again-friend-now-no-then-and-so-stupid things, and two years later he firmly decided that I was hopeless. During this time, he himself met up with a girl named April, a cool blonde with a perfect figure and, as he said, a great love for the taste of sperm. As he, with his height of 170 centimeters and a couple extra pounds, managed to get along with this goddess of 180 centimeters of height, was beyond my comprehension, but apparently she found something in him.

David and I lived in the same dorm room. There were two two-story beds, the upper part just a few meters from the ceiling of this L-shaped room, and an old sofa that someone got in the Salvation Army. Since we were undergraduates and lived in a dormitory for several years, we had our own bath. Dave grew to the post of senior in the building, which consisted in the constant repair of everything that broke in this old, crumbling place that we called home.

One night when we went to bed, he made an interesting remark.

“Well, I think so, even though you never said that, you wouldn't mind having April.”

I was, frankly, amazed and while I thought what to say to him, he continued:

- And of course, you know that I would love to fuck Natasha. This chick just exudes sex. No, I know that you have not achieved it yet, but I think you can and I will help you. If this succeeds, April agreed to take part in a small orgy, only the four of us, a full exchange. She really wants to try double penetration, and she also said that she did not mind sucking the nice tits of this chick.

It sounded, of course, great, and I asked him exactly how he was going to seduce Natasha to have sex with any of us, not to mention the three of us.

- I came up with something.

And that was all he said to me, nothing more, and so for two weeks.

* * * * *

Already approached the end of the semester, and it is time to prepare for exams. Since Natasha and I were very similar in that we always put off the necessary things until the very end, we traditionally met on the night before the exam and crammed together. She came again this time, and since a big test was appointed for tomorrow, I decided that we probably would actually do it.

We crammed for two hours until it was dinner time, and we decided to order Chinese food with delivery. Since Dave was in the room, we invited him to join, and he happily agreed.

It seemed like a very ordinary evening. The food was good and the conversation, quite lively, never approached the topic of sex. We relaxed, but did not drink anything, not even beer, just three friends, talked and joked. After dinner, Natasha got up and went to the phone, and Dave and I sat on opposite sides of the couch, digesting food. While she was talking on the phone, Dave looked at me and said very confidently:

- Now she is ours.

- What are you talking about? I asked in surprise.

In the end, nothing was discussed, not that she agreed to something.

“Just watch and don't do anything stupid,” he replied. “I thought you were too thin with her.” Maybe we need to go more direct.

I was not sure what he meant, and I certainly wasn’t ready for what followed.

Natasha put down the phone, finished her conversation, and looked at us.

“I think we need more work,” she said, although something sounded in her tone, she seemed to mean something else.

And here it happened. As if nothing had happened, as if asking what time it was, Dave asked:

“How about sleeping with us?”

I was amazed by such directness, and she, too, I think.

- Are you joking? She asked.

- And why not, we're good friends. I know you already played a little with each other. It will be fun. No commitment, no restriction, just good fun.

I was a little amazed by his arrogance, but even more by her answer. That is, she said:

- No, I don't think this is a good idea.

These were her words, but while she said this, she came and sat down on the sofa between us.

It was my turn to help, and putting my hand on her hip (she was in tight jeans, so it was not very exciting) I told her:

- You know, we have already come together, let's have enough, stop playing, it's time to finally decide everything.

- I do not think it's a good idea.

And again, these were only words, but while she spoke them, she lay down so that her back rested on Dave, and my legs lay on my lap.

This lasted for several minutes, we tried to persuade her, and she resisted verbally in every possible way, while not resisting me at all when I gently took off her shoes and continued to massage her legs through jeans. I was so focused on this that I did not pay attention to what Dave was doing, but when she suddenly stopped talking and silence reigned for a while, I looked at them. And they were there, trying to reach the tonsils of each other with tongues in a passionate kiss. I smiled to myself and saw Dave unbuttoning the top button of her white blouse and running his hand inside and leading her down. Despite the kiss, she moaned softly. Now everything was in order, the fun could begin.

I do not remember who turned off the light. All I remember is that there was almost nothing in the room. Through the window, the light in the next house illuminated her chest and head, so I saw them kiss, but while Dave was having fun, continuing to kiss her and slowly unbuttoning the buttons of her blouse one by one, I focused mainly on the touch. Without much trouble, I undid her jeans, a button and a zipper, but without light it was difficult to know what to do with a belt. I must admit, I gave up.

“I don't want to interrupt you, but I need a little help here.”

I felt foolish, and she slapped my hand and unbuckled my belt with one motion. I patted her legs and she, realizing what was required of her, lifted her ass and helped me when I grabbed her jeans and panties at the same time and began to pull them off of her. She behaved as if she wanted to be naked as soon as possible. She was all hot and obviously needed to be fucked properly!

Everything was ready, and here ...

Suddenly I heard the sound of a key being inserted into the door ...

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