I came to the village of Vduevo, which is several hundred kilometers from Simbirsk. The courtyard was warm, but with a snowstorm, the winter of 1878 and the dark residential buildings of the local inhabitants, on a black body of which a golden window of light can be seen here and there. I went to my nearest house, ordering my servants to wait for me at the carriage. With difficulty, having found the door on a completely black house, I tried to open it, but it was locked from the inside. Then I knocked loudly at her, to which I heard fast shuffling steps.

- Who? - I heard a dear to a female voice.

- Open, sir arrived, - I tried to call out the door as threateningly as possible.

Immediately I heard the rumble of things being pushed back and the rust of a rusty bolt.

“Come in, come in, sir, let me take off your coat,” a young girl, about 15 or 16 years, was running around me, barely letting her into the house.

I gently pushed her away.

“Where are your parents,” I asked imperiously, without even looking at her face.

“There is a hut there,” she pointed with a thin finger in the direction of another, but open door, from which the light of a candle or something like that would make its way.

I took a step and crossed the threshold.

“Hello, good people,” I said to the man sitting back to me in a canvas shirt.

Turning around, he started fussing and began to shake the woman lying on the bed in front of which he was sitting.

- Get up old, sir came.

“Do not let him lie if she is bad,” I stopped him, putting my hand on his shoulder in addition.

The man stopped and slowly turned in my direction.

“My mamma,” I proceeded to the matter, “told me strictly to find a new maid,” looking around, I glanced at the little girl who opened the door for me, “and the girl for the nightly pleasures.”

“For God's sake take pity, sir,” the peasant rushed to my feet, “take our daughter, but leave us money for her, otherwise we will die of starvation.”

- Well, that's fine, I threw to the feet, right in front of the peasant's face, a small bag of gold.

I knew that money was important for these people and that is why I threw a fairly large amount of money to them, which no other family in this village would have received for its child. I turned around and, grabbing the little girl by the hand, led me to the exit.

“You have been with a man at least once,” I asked the girl on the way.

- Not.

“Well, it's a pity, but fixable,” I led her to the carriage and shouted to the coachman, “we should put the girl on.”

The coachman instantly jumped off the goat and rushed to the trunk with luggage. At this time I pulled up a little girl on a dress, exposing her slim, slightly pale body. The frost made the girl cringe, but she still stood proudly and directly, which I could not help but like. I saw her nipples covered with pimples and, unable to restrain myself, stroked them. At this moment, the driver came running with clothes. I turned to him and, seeing that he was devouring a girl's body with greedy eyes, took the dress from him and threw it on the girl. She helped me put it on myself and straightened slightly, it is clear that she was warmer.

“Come on,” I stretched out my hand and led her into the carriage.

The coachman, who was minced from behind, gave the girl a coat. The door closed, and in the carriage immediately felt the influx of heat. After waiting a bit while the air in the carriage was warming up, I lifted the hem of the maiden's skirt and with light slaps on the knees made her push them apart.

Pulling her legs to the edge of the seat, I gently pulled the hair on the pubic that was stretched to the side. The girl breathed loudly, quickly warming the air in the carriage.

Swinging, the carriage stopped, and I heard the coachman’s crisp steps in the snow. Remembering how he licked his lips enviously at the girl, I decided to tease him, turning the girl to the door with his crotch and spread his legs to the sides even wider.

The coachman with a sweep opened the heavy door and, having buried his face in the girl's crotch, hatched his eyes, he stopped.

“Ah, wow,” the coachman was speechless because of surprise, but he waved his hand to another house in which the light was burning.

- Go on your own, Kuzma, I need to figure out the girl, - I turned the little girl with my crotch towards me. Rummaging in my coat pocket, I took out another bag and threw it to the driver, and change it.

I knew that the coachman would want to fuck a woman in the house, and that she would. I did not care. Kuzma knew that I needed exactly innocent girls, but I didn’t like trying them already, so I would give her to be torn apart by Kuzma while he was going. As I expected, Kuzma returned only after ten minutes, justifying that the girl rested and did not want to go.

- Well, teach her not to rip, I said through the open door, clearly stroking my hand over the cutter of the first girl.

- It will be done, sir, - the coachman pulled the girl by the hair to himself, and slammed the door of the carriage with his other hand.

Soon the loud groans of that same girl were heard and the carriage began to move. Again, Kuzma could not resist, and on the move will tear the devchin. The next stop occurred only when Kuzma, with a loud cry, threw off a moaning woman. I again threw a bag of money at him, strictly telling him to bring me a woman now. And he reminded him what will happen if he again touches the lordly property.

Kuzma made off in the snow, and I, having planted Nyurku, was the name of the girl, on his knees, and holding the dress even higher, I began to stroke the girl’s chest hard. I liked girls from distant villages: there was less chance that the girl was already used by someone and from the way of life that they led, their breasts were practically huge for their age. But in the bustle of the city, they ceased to grow, remaining in a form in which I needed to see them.

Kuzma soon came and ran a little at the carriage, he opened the door and let me in another girl. I carefully looked at the second, then at Nyurka — both were like twins, but with different faces. With an emblem ordering the second maid to lift up the dress, I appreciated that both girls were strikingly similar, unless the faces were different.

I examined both of them intently and, having ordered to undress completely, inspected both of them for a long time, until Kuzma again stopped at the next house — my mother ordered me to bring eight girls to her. Fortunately, the carriage gave a roomy.

Kuzma again took a bag of gold, rushed to the house. At this time I called to myself another girl, who gave Kuzma to be re-educated, but later on he would also be served. Kuzma loved me for the fact that he always had a comfort girl, while other women serving me loved for the fact that they had at least a job unlike mother girls.

I told the girls to watch what I would do with Kuzmina now. When the girl got into the carriage, I ordered her to undress and sit on my knees, and at that time he let out his dignity. The girl, already knowing what she had to do — for the third time in a row, or even the fourth in a day — sent the trunk to her bosom. I tried to hold her so that the girls sitting behind could see how the devkino's vagina tormented by my member looks from the side.

I let the girl go and gave her a chance to jump on me myself. She did it reluctantly, it was evident that her vagina hurts after the first time. Almost reaching the climax, I ordered the girl to rise above me and sent a member in her anus.

The head passed without any resistance, but as the girl felt the pain of penetrating her virgin anus, she squeezed her buttocks.

I pressed hard on her buttocks, and she howled in pain and threw her breasts on my face. But I continued and saw over the shoulder of the girl the open mouths of other girls, whom it was still waiting for. I slightly relaxed the pressure and began to slowly drive in her ass. After waiting for her to slightly relax the anus, I pushed the woman to my stake with even greater force and a jerk. The girl howled and climbed up, clutching at the clothes hooks sticking out of the walls. But I pressed on her hips with force and she could not climb high, but only helped me to lift her, and then I put her on with even greater force on my peak.

In the brief moments when my eyes were taller than Devkin's shoulders, I saw the woman's eyes, which were watching the action, opened with horror and curiosity.

Then the door to the carriage opened, and I saw Kuzma standing with a naked girl and a dress in one hand and a fur coat in the other.

“Sir, here is a girl, already with a man,” Kuzma said stammered after a brief review of the process over his girlfriend.

- Well, so now. Put it on the snow and disaccustom from childhood to walk over the peasants until the master has tested her. Kuzma, delighted, pushed the woman into the snow and, raising his girlfriend's bare ass, tried to insert his process into her anus.

- What are you doing fool, eh? Barsky girl tear up going? Yes, I’ll take you right away and make a woman ..., - I cried, when I saw the driver over the woman.

- But you are there.

“Idiot,” I cried in the Italian manner, “wean, that is, pori, a bitch worthless.” And you, I see, are incapable of educating the devas. Go away, brute.

Reluctantly, I took off the whining girl and jumped off the carriage step on the snow.

“Bring the reins,” I said to the frightened coachman.

He did not dare to disobey, rushed to the goats. When the reins were in my hands, I swung at the girl lying in the snow.

- Oh, father, do not pori me shameless - howl girl. I lingered a little - not me, that's all. All of this Vaska-plowman, dragged me cursed in a haystack and let smack on the lips, I already fought, fought, but he still does not lag behind.

- What are you, Kuzma on the girls clean slander? - I snapped at the driver, hearing the pleas of the girls.

- He already kissed me, kissed me, said that I became a woman with him. With a real man now was - screamed girl, waiting for spanking.

“Yes, I don’t know what I am, sir, tacos, she herself said she was with a man,” Kuzma whimpered in response.

“Okay, put on a fool,” I laughed when I saw Kuzmino’s face, “put it in the carriage and wait until you touch it.” You can even have a look what it is, a woman in the ass to fight.

I jumped on the bandwagon, not waiting for the driver, and sat down at my place. The girl immediately sat on my knees and with a pained face sent my already almost settled member in her white ass.

I watched with pleasure as Kuzma and the new girl stared at the wonder of penetrating the peasant woman's ass. Soon after finishing with a woman's ass, I noticed that the girl herself was jumping at me, without my help, I liked it.

- Well, Kuzma touch, - I ordered the driver, - and take this woman, but try her ass — she liked it — I turned the girl back with my ass and looked at the deep well in her bottom, along which my white semen flowed to the exit.

- Yes, as soon as possible, and then from her asshole is already flowing, I took the edge of a woman's ass fucked and wiped my trunk with it, stained in her guts.

When the door closed, I looked at the girls sitting opposite.

- What babonki liked? - they tenderly nodded their heads, - well, here you are and will also try, - the women wanted to argue, but I gave them a sign that it was better to keep silent.

I also needed four women to find, but I already wanted to sleep and I did not want to argue with women.

To be continued..

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