The evening sun already slightly gilded the crowns of trees, when three young people and a girl came out of the roadside cafe noisily and amicably. Nikolay Chernyshevsky, Tolya Buyanov and Kostya Chernoborodov took turns telling jokes to their companion Masha. After the sultry summer day on the lake, everyone was already a little tipsy, and so everyone was laughing at the anecdotes, even the always sullen Kostya Chernoborodov. Nobody wanted to go home yet, and the weather cleared in earnest, for the second week already pleasing St. Petersburg people with a tropical temperature and lack of rain. Slowly moved to the lake; after abundant libations, everyone revealed a desire to swim again. Come up. Looked around. A narrow path led straight to a small gangway ... and - into the lake. Naturally the people at that late hour were gone.

“Oh, let us swim without anything,” suggested Nikolai, looking sideways at Masha.

- Anatoly for !!! - shouted Buyanov and began to pull off his pants, no longer allowing for any objections.

- What about Masha? - exclaimed pedantic Konstantin, - she is a woman.

- Duc who is easy right now? - together blurted out Chernyshevsky with Buyanov, who had barely laid out with a light blue on the evening egg chill.

- You won, look at Masha better ...

Masha was already in the water, in a bathing suit, though all the same blue-bluish eggs of two young people suddenly turned pink when looking at Masha.

Jumped into the water. Constantine remained on the shore to digest the eaten hodgepodge and watch what was happening on the water. The water turned out to be warm and after half an hour of childish splashing and naive and touchingly funny conversations with Masha did not want to get out onto the shore at all. Suddenly Buyanov shrilled to him:

- OOOO! I see the bungee, hooray, all on the bungee!

On the other side of the lake, there really was a rope hanging tightly tied to a branch of an old oak tree that bent over water. Nikolay and Tolya, having reached the very first shore, quickly and without embarrassment and embarrassment came ashore and approached the rope, trying it out for strength and the intended range of the flight to the lake. Masha swam up too and, in a girlish way embarrassed and giggling, began to splash in the water on a small part, not going ashore to the two young people, although from time to time looking in their direction. Without thinking twice, Chernyshevsky and Buyanov jumped into the water one after another, expressing a great deal of enthusiasm and desire to do it again. They also jumped, inventing at the same time how best to dodge in the air or roll over and at the same time enter the water so as not to damage the bare and vulnerable and fragile sex organs. Masha, meanwhile, still went ashore and with slight embarrassment approached Nicholas, who was preparing to jump. Nikolay ... covered in sports passion, wet, disheveled, shaking an elongated member, turned to Masha.

- Come on, Masha, do not be shy, jump, - and Masha put a rope in her hand.

Masha, continuing to be a little embarrassed by the two naked male bronze torsos, took hold of the rope and jumped into the water with a loud screech. Kohl and Anatoly standing on the shore applauded approvingly, thinking individually about the same thing.

"... oh, good Mashulya, aaa ..."

Masha, meanwhile, emerged and left the water. On the body of its thousand small streams flowed lake water, clear and transparent, like Masha herself. Already a little more bold she approached the guys who admired her. But ... apparently, from strong cotton against the water, Masha's left chest fell out of a bathing suit, exposing a pink girl's nipple - wet, covered in goosebumps ... Noticing the disorder in clothes, Masha, already cheerful and energetic, ran up to the guys and, as a sign of naked solidarity, slightly bared and the second breast. Nicholas, fascinated, took a step forward and ran his hand over the Machine pink pacifier. The members of the boys have long been standing, swaying slightly in the wind. Tolya gently stuck his hand under her panties, and with a sharp movement tore them off from Masha's hips.Masha has already felt that she is beginning to sink and melt under the heavy heated looks of two young people. The neat and sparse hairs on the Pubic Machine seemed to have moistened. Kolya deftly took Masha under his arms and ... gently planted Anatolia who was already prepared and sitting on the ground.

A member of Anatoly easily entered the anal machine and began to work vigorously, making reciprocating frictions with an incredible frequency. Nicholas, on the other hand, attacked Mashenka from above and thrust his huge erect phallus into her soft-rosy young vagina. A little discouraged by this turn of events, Masha at first was slightly opposed, but quickly relaxed and gave herself up to the athletes to the fullest.

Nikolai stuck out his tongue and ran them along the breast machine. Anatoly, increasing the frequency of movements, confidently approached orgasm. Masha, sighing at first languidly, began to shout loudly from the pleasure of carnal love, hitherto unknown. Five minutes later, it was all over ... and Anatoly and Nicholas' sperm poured into Masha in a stormy and irrepressible stream, filling every pore and cell of her calf with animal brutal pleasure.

Ended and the evening and a trip to the lake. Finished and Konstantin, finished with his right hand on the other side of the lake, and tucked into his left leg his huge and excessively swollen member. He hadn’t looked through his binoculars for a long time, he put him near an orgasm much earlier, his soul saw everything ..


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