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Hello to all visitors and readers of this site. I want to share with you one real story that happened to me quite recently. First, I will tell you a little about myself: my name is Oksana, I am 27 years old, height 171 cm, weight 53kg.

The most important thing my external dignity, which attracts the views of the male half, is the luxurious chest of the 5th size. I am, as they say, in legal marriage for 7 years already, I have a child. My husband works in a joint German-Russian company as a financial analyst, so my husband and I have not experienced a lack of money, and for 4 years I have not worked - I have been engaged in housekeeping, raising my son, and in the last year I have been working only on myself and my body. After giving birth, I lost a little thinness and constant jokes of my husband, about my ass and fat on the tummy, infuriated me. Therefore, I lead a sports lifestyle, go to the gym, pool and beauty salon on a weekly basis. During the year of such a struggle with myself, I brought my body to the state in which I was before giving birth. Only a single detail I could not change (but this is for the better) - my hips became a few centimeters wider. Well, this is probably in short and everything, although it is worth mentioning, before starting the main story, that sexually, my husband and I are all right and we completely satisfy each other in bed.

The story I’m going to tell about happened in the spring of 2005. My husband and I decided to celebrate the purchase of a new car in a restaurant and agreed to meet in the evening right there. That spring day I had a great mood and I decided to arrange a little surprise for my husband - to do a little sex marathon in the evening. For a long time I chose what to wear in the evening and decided to stay on a tight skirt, a transparent blouse and a jacket. When I was going to the restaurant in the evening, I shaved my pussy, strangled it and was ready after the restaurant to give it to her hubby. By the way, my husband is a big fan of women's underwear and stockings, so he gives me sexy underwear for all the holidays. This time I wanted to give him a gift myself - I drove into a lingerie store and bought flesh-colored stockings with a wide elastic band, a set of cream-colored underwear: pontoon garters, tight ass, panties and a transparent bust. In the evening, went to the beauty salon, made styling and makeup. My time was running out and I started to get ready as they say “at a waltz pace”: I put on my bust, put on garters with stockings, pulled on a skirt (my ass looked just gorgeous), put on a blouse and jacket. When I got into a taxi, I realized that I forgot to put on my panties, but for some reason this didn’t upset me very much.

But this is all the background, but what happened in the restaurant. Sitting in a restaurant with my husband, I noticed my longtime friend Yulka at the institute and waved to her in greeting. She came to us (she was alone and went to a restaurant for dinner) and we offered to sit with us. For about thirty minutes I forgot about my husband, remembering our college years, and after another 15 minutes my husband asked me to go home, as he had a hard day and his head hurt. I was so upset that I could not hide my disappointment and begged him to go home and leave me with Julia and the promise to be at home after 1. 5 hours. Seeing my disappointment, he agreed and went to rest, but we stayed to chat. For a long time we didn’t have to be bored without the male society, because Julia intercepted some familiar guys and asked us to dilute our female company. In principle, I was not against it and further conversation became even more interesting. There were three guys: Maxim, Stas and Lech.Everyone was a nice guy, as they say, of a sporty build, and Maxim and Stas threw meaningful glances at my chest and after the third bottle of wine I started to get excited and bad thoughts came to my head so to speak. But having remembered the obligations to my husband, I began to get home, all in one voice began to ask me to stay, and then Julia, after the next cocktail, was completely drunk.

Stas offered to take Yulka home and continue the holiday there. I agreed, but decided that as soon as we bring Julia, I will go home. That was my mistake. We drove to her house quickly, Aleksey was already carrying a girlfriend and we all went to the apartment in five of us. I realized that they were not the first time here, since Lech immediately took Yulia to the bedroom, and I went to pack him and undress her. I spent 15 minutes with her, and when I left the bedroom in the hall, a table with champagne and fruit was laid and Maxim invited me to the table, but I ended up and said that I should go home. Immediately, three male voices protested and begged at least one slow dance, since they did not have time to invite me to a restaurant. The music was already playing and Max did not allow me to come to my senses, he hugged my waist and we started to dance. I do not know what was playing, but for about 10 minutes we danced and Stas began to protest and say that he would not have time to dance, to which Maxim had joined. Stas came up behind me and hugged my waist just in front, and I was in the grip of two bodies. After a minute, I already felt how Max and Stas had strained, their two knolls on the pants pressed on me from two sides, and my stomach hurt and between my legs it became warm and wet. My mind went out when Max's hands sank a little lower on his ass, and on the contrary, Stas's hands went up to his chest.

At that moment I realized that today I would do something that I hadn’t even dreamed of - I would sleep not with two, but with three guys. Maxim and Stas understood everything without my words - Max’s hands had already lifted my skirt and stroked the ass, the jacket fell to the floor with Stas’s help, and the blouse was unbuttoned and his hands gently stroked my chest. I also did not remain in debt, unbuttoned their pants, got into the pants and pulled out their members - these were two huge clubs. We have long stopped. Maxim stood bending over and kissing my tits, pulled down her bra and sucked my nipples, Stas squatted behind me and tongue was already pulling my clit. It could not continue for a long time and the first orgasm shook me, from which my legs gave way and I almost fell, but my men's hands supported me and I knelt down. Two huge cocks (centimeters 20 exactly in length and 5 in diameter), hard and elastic like a stone, with purple heads and lumpy trunks, had testicles that were both shaved from my testicles. At that moment I felt like a real whore, and an unmarried decent woman who can safely kneel in the middle of a room with her skirt raised (which has already turned into a belt at the waist) without panties in bodily stockings with garters, beige shoes with a heel, with unbuttoned blouse from under which protrude breasts with excited nipples.

From all this action, my pussy just flowed and I felt like my juices are running down my thigh, through stockings. I remembered a scene from porn, which my husband and I watched recently where the main character for the film had guys 15, I was like her. On my knees, I sucked at Maksik and Stasik (for some reason, that’s how I wanted to call them at that moment). Their members were so tasty and cool, in turn I licked their testicles, while one member was in my mouth and tongue I played with the head and licked the bridle, stroked Max's testicles, Stas member I actively nadrachila. Max held my head and fucked my mouth in a furious rhythm. For a long time this could not go on and Max began to cum in my mouth with an animal roar. Although I tried to swallow all the sperm, I shoved my cock deep into my mouth, so the sperm beat me in the throat, but still a part of the sperm spilled on my chin and began to drip on my chest.The sight was not for the faint of heart and now Stasik turned my head to his penis and, not having time to insert his dick into his mouth, began to cum. He had even more sperm, I just opened my mouth and caught his jet, sperm hit my face, hair and a huge amount on the boobs.

A few minutes after their orgasm, I caressed their limp limbs. I got up from my knees and went to the table, poured ...

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