I used to live like a real nun. I spent most of my life at home. Home - School - Home - School ... Nothing interesting happened. BUT! So it was until recently! Now a lot has changed. I'll start with the main thing: I finally met a beautiful boy. His name is Dima, he is also 22, like me, he is tall, with blond hair of ashen color, with gray eyes, pumped up and ... so beautiful! They say about such people: handsome as a Greek god. I met him in Norway. He moved there from Russia with his sister and mother, who married a Norwegian. Recently, I also live in Norway with my mother. We live in the same town, not far from Tromsø. The most interesting thing is that our houses with him are in the neighborhood. I can see his room from my window. His computer is constantly working, I can see it by the flickering color coming from his window.

One fine morning, my mother and I went to “get to know” our neighbors. And ... lo and behold! Our mothers were familiar, because we studied together at the same institute. There was talk about life, etc. I did not know what to do with myself. Here Elena Mikhaylovna (that is the name of our neighbor) asked me to look at the computer of her son Dima, (the fact is that I do not understand computers badly, especially in terms of various viruses there). So, I went up to his room on the second floor. For some time I stood at the door in indecision:

- What can I tell him? - I thought.

In front of me on the door hung a big sign "Get out!" In Norwegian. Well, how can I go there after that? But I plucked up courage and knocked. There was a slightly hoarse voice in their rooms.

- Enter!

I went in and saw HIS, sitting on a sofa and leaning over a magazine. Rock music played loudly in the room. Oh my God! How handsome he is! He wore only jeans that emphasized his pumped up torso. My heart beat fast with excitement. He looked at me in surprise and asked:

- Who are you??

I was confused and said nothing. He stared at me intently, downright with undisguised interest. Suddenly waking from a stupor, I murmured:

- My name is Kate, I ...

Stumbling, I did not know what to say yet. Suddenly he smiled at me and said:

- Aaaa ... you, probably, that girl who lives in the next house? Did you come to visit us with your mother?

- Yes ... your mother asked me to look at your computer ...

- Finally! And then I was tortured. Something with a modem. Broke, probably.

- Okay, I'll take a look.

He got up from the couch and went to the table. I noticed that he was a little nervous. Turning on the computer, I saw a naked woman on the screen, looking eagerly from the monitor.

- Nnda ... So what are you, it turns out! - I thought. He changed the screen saver with the speed of a meteor. Now there were pictures of nature.

- Come on, sit down.

I sat in a chair and climbed into the "settings". Dima, meanwhile, leaned back in his chair and watched me. I was embarrassed that he was looking at me.

- Your modem is not broken, it is simply not connected ... Where is your cord?

- At the table, over there.

Well, now you have to crawl under the table. I dived there in search of the cord. Having found it, I pulled it out and stood up. Wow! He looked at me in such a way that I even blushed. “What is he staring at?” I thought. And then it dawned on me ... I was wearing jeans at a very low waist and short T-shirt. Probably, when I bent down ... well, you know ... Emboldened, I asked:

- What?

- Never mind...

But I understood from his voice that something was wrong here! God, how he looked at me! He literally devoured me with his eyes! I could not stand it and moved closer to him. A wild desire to kiss him woke up in me. I wanted to tease him a little, so I decided to ask him:

- Are you bad? Some kind of you are pale. Maybe you bring something?

- Nnnet ... Do not.

Ha! He all already shook with excitement! How I wanted it! I already felt that everything inside me was boiling. GO! DO THE SAME ANYTHING !!!

- Katya ...

He came up to me and squeezed in his arms! My hands were pressed to the body so that I could not move! He covered me with hot kisses ... It was magical! I didn’t want him to stop ... He kissed my lips, neck ... I closed my eyes and felt the sweet languor roll over my body. He had unusually cold hands, as if he was holding them in icy water. And this despite the fact that I was heated to the limit! Clasping one hand around his waist, the other he crawled under a T-shirt. Ohhhh ... How nice it was! His hand slipped to the bra clasp, he tried to unfasten it, but he could not do it. With trembling hands, pulling at the unfortunate clasp, which did not want to give in, he kissed me passionately. Finally he managed to unbutton the bra. My legs gave way when I caressed my chest. I was pleased to know that the chest does not fit in his palms. After all, after all, 4 size!))))

“I want you ...” he whispered in my ear.

- I also ...

Without releasing me from the embrace, he threw me on the sofa. Removing the T-shirt, he continued to caress his chest, sucking sweetly, biting his nipples, he moaned with pleasure. And then that pretty much rested on my thigh. I opened my eyes and saw a hillock in his fly, who was eagerly waiting for his moment. I smiled and he, catching my gaze, began frantically to unzip the jeans. It was very hard for me, because I had such a heavy pile of muscles on me! I helped him take off his jeans and an unforgettable picture opened up to my gaze: dark blue swimming trunks, from under which stuck out a huge, simply giant member! I was a little scared, because it was my first time! I have never seen male dignity live, all the more so close and so huge !! He smiled strangely and pulled off the bottoms. THIS IS YES! Dear readers !!! He had a Prince Albert piercing !!!

- GOD, MY GOD YOU ARE MY! - burst out of me. Dima covered my mouth with his hand and whispered:

- Quiet! And then they will hear!

- But ... I can not be silent, do you understand ???

- Tell me, and you ... are you a virgin?

- Yes. But you hardly!

- I, too...

He blushed deeply in spite of me.

- Yes, it's just great! - I was so happy, because for both of us this will be the first time!

He quickly pulled off my panties and groaned. He must have waited a long time for this moment. I still wonder how he could remain a virgin with SUCH BODY ???

- Yes...

He sank down to my cherished place and started kissing ... so gently and carefully ... I could not bear it any longer, I wanted him to penetrate me faster. But he was in no hurry! I caressed my clitoris, kissed it and so moaned ... I was all over with desire. I can not say that I was not pleased, but still wanted him to penetrate me not only with the language ...

- Dimaaa ... Come on! Enter me! I can not do it anymore!

Having a little caressing my pussy, he rose higher, took the breasts in his hands, the nipples were already standing upright like a stone! And he caressed everything, gently nibbling and covering with hot kisses ... Suddenly, something hot spilled between my legs, accompanying Dima with a moan.

- Sorry, but I finished ...

- Dima, come again, I beg you!

Seeing that his member hung limply, I, no longer aware of what I was doing, took him in hand. He became smaller, definitely. I gave him all my kindness and tenderness that I had and happily noticed that his “boyfriend” had become firm again and was up! At this point I could not stand it and dime my nails in the back.

- Come on ... - I moaned.

Breathing intermittently, he tried to insert my dick into my pussy, but somehow I squeezed all over ... I suddenly felt sorry that I would become a woman now. I do not know what happened to me, but I was scared. But what happened to Dima! He blushed deeply and began to simply "break through", making strong pushes. And he broke through! Feeling a dull pain in the lower abdomen, which, however, quickly almost passed, I experienced something that is difficult to describe ... An explosion of emotions, insane pleasure ... Dima fell on me, breathing heavily and said:

- I love you.

These were probably the best moments of my life.

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