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I got off the bus, in which I was overcome by thoughts of emigration. When I go in a transport full of bodies, thoughts of emigration always prevail. So, got out of the bus and walked toward the glass doors under the sign “Good morning, comrades. We wish you success in your work. ” In the fresh air to go abroad already got sick, but there was a desire to change jobs. A stream wishing to work, a polished turnstile. You call your number, you get your pass. As part on the conveyor. “Well, hello, plant ebany (emphasis on the letter" a ")" - every day I mumble this greeting. Green cozy alley. Probably, those who like to work here, the view of the avenue really pleases. An indispensable honor roll with two rows of color photographs. On it are stiff, tense faces in wrinkles. Well, they are all ugly? So, povyabuy, like a damn, twenty-five years old, pass everything through your hands, earn the respect of the collective, and maybe you will be hanged here; and how you die, from the plant - a bus, a coffin is finished, wreaths are there, everything is just like that of people; gray factory workers will remember you: “Burned at work”.

Alley crossed the rails of railway tracks and added two workshops on the left and right. Behind them - two more. I turn into one of them, go past the working machines. No, there is something in it. In the capitals and abroad, bohemian artists from art collect compositions from pieces of iron, the aesthetic public looks at them, nods and clicks with tongues, and here, please, everything is ready. Here is a worker’s corner: a rough table covered with oilcloth, a mug with peeling enamel. On the wall are black and white photographs from the 70s. Red holidays with men in hats (spring, autumn) and fur hats (winter). Weddings, farewell to the army, birthdays. White fitted shirts with large collars. Above all this is a healthy exhaust pipe with an inventory number written through a stencil. Uninvented sotsart. Though now at the exhibition.

I climb to the fourth floor to my welding bureau. The boss is already there and he greets me dryly. This means that today I am late and in general, as a whole - a poor worker, I do not justify hopes. Fuck you, I think. I sat down at my place, turned on the computer and changed the picture on the desktop, I do it every week. I rummaged in the table, picked up some piece of paper for the visibility of the work, and left our room — take a little walk. I meet two familiar devonek from BTZ. BTZ is a labor and salary bureau. Ira and Lena. It has long been met, but just do not know what to do with them further. Ira or Lena? The same height, girlfriend. Lena is prettier than Ira, but Ira smiles at me more. Lena has a better figure, but Ira is dressed with great taste. And this is our great rarity. It happens terribly to watch - young girls are absolutely young, recently they just finished their studies, and already they are pulling on themselves some kind of grandmother's dresses, afterlife jackets with huge buttons and heavy coats to walk afterwards like boyars. Weep, "Ptyuch." My trousers are cut "military" with pockets on the hips, it seems, are perceived by most aunts as workers, and received from the storekeeper. The limit of "youth" in the clothes of the local workers is jeans shirts, preferably tucked into pants, even in classic trousers with arrows. Ira and Lena probably like me for my height and lack of acne. I also wear a gold ring with a gold-plated watch — these are symbols of some prosperity.

- Well, what about labor and wages? (Fuck, for the umpteenth time I start talking so stupidly).

- We believe. And how are you?

We still need to solve something with them. Ira or Lena? And if both of them, that? That do not drive. This is a movie only. Well these are ordinary girls with a patriarchal upbringing. You will lose both one and the other. And fuck me to lose? Nekrasavitsy of course, so beautiful and are not going to fuck with a process engineer, in addition, still a lousy engineer with a soul of humanities and music lovers.

Something more beautiful than a chick - so much the more, often not even completely justified, and, accordingly, less bed recoil. Because, if there are any rudimentary makings of prettiness, immediately everyone around her starts telling her that we need to choose only the most worthy and so on ... and we know the most worthy ones. So she sits all haughty, such as "I am the prize to the winner," to communicate with her will not be enough nerves or money. And then pretend that nothing should. As if I should be grateful to her for a refined society and small talk. But not very beautiful willy-nilly have to be sociable, non-capricious and sexually disinhibited. Our brand is not like frigid queens. Although there are pleasant exceptions and among the cutest. But these are all Przhevalsky horses, an endangered breed and there is no time to catch them. We must live fast and die young, once used to say punks, and now well-fed and wealthy people. We, I repeat, will deal with average girls.

- Hear, girls, and you are ... What are you planning to do for the weekend?

- Yes, nothing, but what? (Good intonation, while everything is fine).

- Come to visit me. (As much as possible in a harmless voice).

- What for? (Expression of playful interest).

“To fuck you, what kind of stupid questions ?!” (This is not a rumor) So let’s sit and celebrate.

- What will we celebrate?

- Well, because the holiday ...

- What holiday?

- So this, well, day, in general.

- What day?


Ira and Lena, flushed, lay back and now were half lying on the sofa, smiling drunkenly.

“Well, Len, maybe we will seduce him,” Ira suggested languidly. (Well, it started!).

- Him? Che, you can.

- I did not understand, but why does nobody ask me?

- Ta! Yes, you guys still ask! Yes, you do not fuck seduce you can, if desired.

“Well, no,” I said, “I can even sit next to you and not react to your harassment.”

All according to plan. He got up and sat between two heated bodies. Lena put her hand on my chest, held her around with her palm, strongly pressing her fingers in silver. Ira turned my head to her, brought her closer and began to set a strong, slobbery kiss. It's great. My favorite taste and smell - alcohol and women's cosmetics - the most promising signs of the upcoming holiday. I, as far as I could intelligently, hugged both. Lena's hand, meanwhile, snuck up to the stomach, then to the swollen jeans, stroked and squeezed the mound of matter. I looked up from Ira's lips, turned to Lena and answered with a kiss to her too. The tongue as if plunged into some pit of flesh, pushed with the same slippery mouthpiece, touched the teeth. Lena unzipped my fly, released the languishing dick, tightly took it. Slowly, several times pushed the sandpaper. Ira, licking and biting my ear, took hold of the scrotum, tickled and rubbed below (Look, I’m still sticking my finger in the anus. That was still not enough for me).

Kissing with Lena, I felt that my wet mouth was strung and swayed on a member. The clock struck six, the feast began. From the side it looks, probably, very impressive: Well, well, fuck them, blowjob all of these. Something I do not really. Somehow you do not control everything. Yes, you also understand that only you are good, but the fact that girls love to suck is all garbage, Maly fables. In general, it overwhelms a false sense of guilt, dostochschina right. It is better to just fuck, control frictions, when faster, when slower, and pleasure equally. Although purely outwardly sucking woman looks very impressive. The most exciting porn is when a girl is put on cancer and she sucks. The triumph of male superiority and female humiliation. For staging this play today is not enough friend. Let him and sucks, and in the meantime I’m behind her, only then I’m unlikely to kiss her ....

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