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I was madly in love with one “best friend,” and he didn’t even think to take me seriously. He was older and had been married for a long time, and I hoped that someday he would become my first man. Of course, he had many mistresses, I knew about it and he did not hide that he wanted me to become his girlfriend too. I waited patiently for this to finally happen. One Saturday, he suddenly called, something that had never happened to him at all.

- Hi it's me. What are you doing? - My first love on the other end of the wire simply and carelessly asked.

From the sound of this painfully familiar voice, I almost dropped a spatula to remove pancakes from the frying pan, which, by the way, was burning now.

“I miss you ...” I replied in the most erotic voice possible.

- Seriously? Then, maybe, we will meet, and you will tell, how much you missed?

At this point, I presented the contented smile of a man who always feels like a winner.

- Agree. When?

- In an hour I'll pick you up. Ride.

- I'm waiting.

I hung up. Today or never!

At nine o'clock in the evening, as promised, at the door of my entrance was a luxurious black Ford. A huge expensive car reflected the brilliant streamlined surface of the rays of the setting sun. His master was sipping a cigarette near the open front door when I came down. A man in a business suit, immaculately white shirt and shoes polished to a shine (apparently, he was driving from some regular meeting) looked around the neighborhood with a smile from a Chashir cat. This narcissistic egoist has not yet looked in my direction, but I was already worried, not knowing whether he would like what I look like.

The man smoked a cigarette and, throwing out the cigarette butt, looked back in the hope of finally seeing me. But ... unexpectedly, a tall, slim girl, who at the moment, smiling seductively, frankly looked at him, appeared before him. A light breeze played in her brilliant black curls, her hair gently touched her shoulders, almost caressing them. White beacon tightly tight elastic chest, and luxurious thighs hid the same white slim skirt, through the transparent fabric which peeks lacy panties. It was me. Of course, I knew that white is his favorite color and that he so successfully shades my tanned skin after tanning. And now, from the surprised eyes of my attractive male, I realized that I had guessed and that he probably did not expect to see a sexy half-naked girl in front of me (I put a small blouse on top, because it was still cool), instead of a modest slender girl whose feelings I could play when he pleases. With light, unhurried steps, I came closer, noticing how his carnivorous gaze wandered through my body.

“Hi,” I smiled, looking into his eyes, although his attention was lost somewhere on my chest.

“Hi,” he finally responded and added, “You look great!”

- Thank. Where to go? - I asked busily.

“Do not worry, we will find a place,” my beloved assured, without taking his admiring eyes from me.

Actually, I knew perfectly well why I'm here. She knew what would happen next. I calculated this date step by step a long time ago. But I’m afraid that he had no idea why I agreed to his proposal so quickly - right now, outside the city, in the car ... So it’s unromantic and having sex for a couple just for the purpose of getting hooked. Did he really think that I want him so much that I am ready for “no matter how” and “no matter where”? No, I had another goal. I firmly decided that he should deprive me of innocence and I had reasons to choose him ... of all male individuals, I trusted only him alone, considered him my best friend and ... I still loved him madly.No matter how hard I tried to kill this stupid feeling in me, my heart stubbornly stretched towards him, and my body still could not forget his caress. I hated myself for this weakness. And I jumped at his words so as not to miss this opportunity. But there was one problem that I was still silent about ...

The man of my dreams inspiredly talked about work, business, finances, etc. (I like to listen to male conversations about work), anticipating in my thoughts the best night in my life with the goddess of sex, who apparently considered me. Thanks, of course, for the compliment, but do I really look so experienced? Erotic - yes, but professional ... although, in any case, I myself am to blame. By seduction, I always had the “five”, but I never passed the practice exam. At that moment I was only thinking about whether to tell him that I was actually a virgin? Maybe not to notice? And if he finds out, how will he react? Scared and immediately quit or angry, that deceived and ruined his date?

While I was tormented by doubts, we left the city. In the wild, cars that were parked in the glades with the same enthusiastic couples, like us and I, gradually began to get nervous.

- And how are you? - the man turned to me, and his hand was easily laid on my knee.

- BUT? What? - I shuddered at this touch, immediately forgetting about my worried thoughts.

His hand slid up the smooth, tanned skin with a familiar movement, slowly stroking it and, without meeting resistance from my side, moved on. It was really nice to feel him again and I, smiling, spread my legs wider.

- Oh, you are my sweet ... - whispered a man, trying with will, trying not to break away from the road.

The fingers of the right hand began to feel the soft lips of the pussy, on the way to which there was a small barrier in the form of lace panties.

“I have ... everything is fine ...” I moaned, feeling the panties begin to get wet.

“So, we have to stop somewhere, otherwise I won't take you,” the man remarked hastily.

Ten minutes later, finally, a free glade appeared, on which we remained. It's already dark. Nearby is no one, only stars and a full moon, the light of which enveloped everything around and gently poured into the cabin of the spacious lonely Ford.

The man admired me for some time, as if he was waiting for something, but I did not know where to start. Yes, and what usually start, I never did? He lowered the back of the front seat and took the initiative in his hands, for which I was terribly grateful to him.

- Get down. Are you comfortable? - He carefully asked, taking off my beacon.

“Yes, very much,” I answered quietly, feeling his lips and tongue on my nipples. At the first touch, they turned into sharp elastic berries. The feeling was exhilarating and enjoyable.

- Mmm ... how delicious! Clean ...

He kissed every part of the body, as if he could not get enough. At the same time, one of his hands got to her pussy and began to tease her through her panties. I adored when he spoke like that, I started to get worse from his words, and his hands just drove me crazy.

“Wait, I am now,” the man pulled away from me and began to quickly undress, since I was already practically in the same skirt, pulled up to the waist.

Naturally, I lay hot and waited for what would happen next. Guessing about himself, tell him now or later, when will he manage to deprive me of innocence? It's not for long, just a couple of minutes? In the dark, he may not guess, then he will not have to say?

I noticed that during his exposure he was staring at my sweaty white triangles on his hips, like a predator who had discovered his prey.

- So, lie down higher ... and now bend your legs ... Good girl! - his instructions followed one after another and I clearly followed them ....

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