Involuntarily I remembered a rainy summer day a couple of years ago, when I lost my virginity. I will never forget my first boy in this regard, and every time it rains, I start thinking about that day. It is a little ridiculous, as I always promised myself that I would marry only a virgin and that I would never back down from this principle, a little ridiculous, how intense excitement made me send to hell this promise that day. No, I still do not regret anything.


From noon, heavy rain fell. He whipped on the roofs of houses, on leaves on trees and on the ground. I walked along a narrow path, having soaked my feet for a long time and soaked it to the skin. I didn't even have an umbrella. As if on purpose, precisely today my aunt, Aunt Nate had to go to the store desperately. And I, to my misfortune, volunteered to go for it. It was about a kilometer to the store, and the rain caught me on the way back when running back to the store was already too far, and the house was relatively close. It was a nice, old village, where I went to my aunt, uncle, and cousins ​​for the summer. When I got home, I remembered that everyone had gone to her grandmother for three days on an hour-long bus for three days, and I refused. And so, finding that there was no one at home, I called my girlfriends to come to me for tea. They all refused, asking me how my head would be if I send them to go in such a rain. Terribly angry at the girlfriends, I threw the phone and sat down with a book on the couch when the doorbell rang. I decided that some girlfriend still came, because she was probably even more boring at home than me. I ran to open the door, and was even more delighted to see my friend, whom I had long been in love with. He had brown wavy hair and very expressive green eyes that I fell in love with. He was trembling all over, apparently, also came under rain. A shower straightened his hair and soaked all his clothes, and now he looked squishy and a little ridiculous.

- Hi, Nadyukh! Quite pn-prod-drog, let me go to tea, and ?? And then before my hut still half an hour to stomp, I’ll completely freeze!

“Yes, yes, of course come in, Andrei,” I was overwhelmed with joy, hoping that it would rain for the whole day, forcing him to sit with me longer.

I turned on the heater, planted it next to him, and poured him strong tea with blueberry jam. He looked absolutely happy - he firmly clutched his cup with his hands and sat back closer to the heater. I also poured myself tea and looked at him without stopping, and he looked at me in the same way.

He was still trembling, so I asked him - maybe bring a blanket to wrap up? He happily shook his head, and I rushed over the blanket. In the same place, I had time to slightly pillow my hair, put on a beautiful little ring and change my old home-made T-shirt to a pretty turquoise blouse, which beautifully emphasized my small chest and revealing beautiful shoulders and neck. When I brought the blanket, he smiled with that smile that always drove me crazy, and said quietly:

- And you're beautiful...

I was very embarrassed, I handed him a blanket, and was already quite ready to sit in my place when he sat me on his knees, covered us with a blanket and kissed me on the lips with his hot lips smelling like blueberries. We sucked for a long time, and then we finished our tea and went to the couch to watch a TV set. I lay on his lap and he gently ruffled my blonde hair.


It was already dark, and the rain did not stop.

- Maybe you spend the night here? - I finally dared to ask.

- Why not? Rain pours all, I say, Pavlik was.

I smiled and we continued to watch some kind of horror film, clinging to each other and listening to the sound of rain behind a tightly closed window. Then my eyes began to close and I fell asleep.

I woke up already on the bed, but he still hugged me, lying beside me, and turning over my scented hair.

I opened my eyes and he immediately kissed me on the lips. We lay on the bed for a long time and kissed.Then we started talking about this and that, and he threw an arm across my stomach. For me it was a signal, and my pussy was pleasantly excited. But he didn’t do anything further, it seemed he just decided to hug. I still decided to send it in the right direction. I took his hand and, raising the blouse, put it again on my stomach and moved it to my breasts, I was glad that I hadn’t dressed the bodice today.

He looked at me in surprise, but still began to stroke her nipples, which is why they got up and the pussy began to flow indecently. Then with the second hand he penetrated me into it, and began to gently fuck me with a finger. I moaned and then he began to undress. Here, for the first time in the last ten minutes, I thought about the flight, and, terribly frightened, I got up and went to look for a prezik lying around somewhere. Prezik was found, in a tetin's closet in the section on the lock, but when you consider that I knew where her keys were, I had to open the drawer. After unpacking the pack of prezikov, we pulled him onto the already standing member of Andryushka, and he decided to enter me as a superhero, saying that it was more convenient and I could relax. I calmed down a bit and lay on my back, legs spread wide. He lay on me, touching my pussy with his dick. I started and almost came from the touch. Then he gently pressed and entered about three centimeters. The sensations were unusual - as if the skin inside the pussy was stretching, it was a little uncomfortable, but it was terribly exciting. Then he introduced him another half a centimeter, and the member bumped into an obstacle - as you understood, I was a virgin. Then he pressed and quickly entered to the end. I gasped and kneed. It was sharply painful, but after a second the pain gave way to wild excitement, and I wanted more and more. There was no blood at all, which made us and Andryushka incredibly happy, because you don’t have to wash the sheets! Then we fucked for another couple of minutes, davolno fast and rhythmically, and I screamed loudly, finished like I had never finished before, masturbating with a stream of water in the shower. Andrew has not finished yet, but he was almost ready. Then he offered to fuck me in the ass, and I, without thinking twice, agreed. Then he pulled off the prezik, smeared the hole and his member with a baby cream and began to enter. Wow I have never experienced such sensations !!! The big fat dick was tearing the hole up a bit, and I felt a slight languishing pain, but the excitement was enormous. Then it became a little more painful, and when he introduced the penis to the end, I ached. But he did not take it out, saying that it is necessary to wait a bit so that her butt is used to taking a member, and I agreed. After a couple of seconds I finished with a groan, and then he finally broke through and finished my ass. The heat spread all over my body and I almost nearly finished again. Then he began to lick my pussy and in a few minutes I was overtaken by a new orgasm. In general, half the night we tried different poses in strange places: on the floor, on the kitchen table, in the bathroom, and even on the steps leading to the courtyard. At the last I finished stronger than the rest of the time - it was very dumb, someone could see, although the chance was small. Therefore, adrenaline and affection did their job. Then we wanted to have sex on the roof of the house, but the first passers-by had already begun to pass by the house, and the percentage of what someone would catch us on this was greatly increased. In addition, even though the rain had ended, the roof had not yet had time to dry and it was slippery, and we could fall. In the end, we showered together under a shower and went to bed under one blanket. We woke up late, it was already afternoon. We went to the river and for a long time admired the beauty of the sky and clouds, because the clouds still did not leave the sky, and the first rays of the sun still sometimes looked through and warmed. The water was ice, so we just bathed once. But then quickly anally fucked on the grass, because as luck would have it, the preziki forgot. Then we went to the other end of the village to buy new ones, to put them in the closet instead of the used ones so that no one would notice.

The saleswoman knew both me and him, so it was scary that she would tell adults, and we looked very stupid, begging passersby to buy us preziki.Everyone laughed and thought we were joking, and we needed to get them too. In the end, we found some whore (apparently), who bought us these ill-fated preziki for cigarettes and beer, which we bought for her in a stall. Then Andrew went home, and I began to restore order at home for my arrival, because there was a terrible mess that remained from night orgies. When my relatives finally arrived, they didn’t suspect anything, although I was on pins and needles, answering their questions, how I was entertained in their presence and whether I was bored. I spat from three boxes, I do not remember what it was, and the only truth in my story was only one thing: no, I was not bored!

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