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For some reason, it is believed that students are divided into two categories: davalki and blue stockings. think up more idiocy than such a classification is difficult. If you do not believe, then let me tell you about my novels during my student years, and you will say which of these categories I belong to.

Throughout the first semester, I considered my youth ineptly ruined, because education is, of course, good, but I also want not only to learn, learn and study again, and we have an institute of noble girls in their pure form - philfak (two frankly blue classmates do not count, they are really good at girlfriends). And you can talk as much as you like about the charms of female friendship, but jumping to an improvised disco in the absence of young men is more likely to fall into the category of “physical culture and sport” than to any other. A normal heroine of an erotic story would quickly find her way around, change her orientation and sleep with the entire female team in turn, but I was never attracted to such games, you can be considered a hypocrite.

The first story. Zhenya.

During the winter session, I met Zhenya. He was transferred to our institute from another and said the difference. Outwardly, he was, as my friend Lizaveta put it, “quite an ordinary boy”: of medium height, medium build, except that in profile she looked like some kind of strange bird, because her nose was also rather broken by nature, and her glasses emphasized it. Well, I like young people of Jewish origin, and even with glasses, let the psychiatrists understand why, if they are suddenly interested. After passing a particularly furious exam (as you know, there are such subjects for those subjects that are not needed by anyone except teachers) over a cup of disgusting table tea he admitted to me that he immediately noticed, fell in love at first sight and through and so on. Maybe trite, but I was seventeen years old, and he was twenty ... After visiting the theater together and going to some museum there, we ended up in his hostel. For those who have never been there, I explain: the hostel is not the place where the three cockroaches march along the walls, everyone is drunk and sleeping with each other. This is something like a minimally decent hotel, only all its guests are students.

First, as it should be the last two romantics, they drank wine. Then they began to look at the album on Renaissance painting and were surprised how one of the nymphs in the picture resembled me, then he offered to undress me and take pictures in the same pose, and I agreed - I was wondering how this would end, and the wine was Crimean and sustained. In the third frame, he lost his composure and lay down beside him. I said it was so unfair, because he was dressed and I had to either get dressed or he needed to undress. By the way, under the shirt his average physique looked very good. We fumbled like two-month-old puppies - he tried to bite my ear, and I tried to tickle his stomach, but I could not, because he caught my arm halfway through each time. I suspect that from the side the picture is still the same: I am completely naked, Zhenya is in unbuttoned jeans, we are lying on a narrow bed, but I liked it - such an amazing feeling of complete openness, which was not with anyone later ...

There was a knock at the door. We froze, Zhenya got up and gropingly (without his glasses, he saw very badly) went to close the door on the latch. I must say, I was an inexperienced maid for my age, and only now I saw that he, um, seriously wants me. The cynic sitting inside asked curiously: “Well, will we have something today or will it be odd at all?” When he returned, foolishness disappeared, and the air was buzzing from tension. It became clear: everything will be.Zhenya turned off the lamp, which served as a source of mysterious light when photographing, and asked if it was cold to me. It was really cool, and he began to warm me, his body soon began to burn from his hot lips, and an unfamiliar, but pleasant sensation pulsed somewhere inside.

- Am I your first?

I could not answer, only nodded.

- Do not worry, it will not hurt.

I was not afraid. I wanted.

His hand penetrated between my hips and the finger slipped into my already wet.

It was very nice and I leaned forward. He began to pull out a finger, and I squeezed my hand with my hips, so that he did not succeed.

- Wait...

He nevertheless released his hand and, spreading my legs, ran his tongue along the crotch. It seemed to have burned me: if he doesn’t take me all at once, I will go crazy. He undressed to the end once again promised that he would be careful. What the hell, caution, I'm all burning! He was not very big, but a thick member, and when he entered into me, it was a little painful. He slowly introduced to the end and froze. For a few seconds I liked to feel it inside.

- So it does not hurt?

After receiving confirmation, Zhenya began to move carefully. When he began to accelerate the pace, I asked not to hurry, but he said that it was already hard to hold back and it would be better for me to be on top to control myself. He came out of me and lay on my back. I was afraid of this posture, because I'm still a big girl, but he assured me that he was tough. I felt less like being on top, and on a narrow bed I was very uncomfortable.

- Let's try differently, Zhenya put me in a chair, and he knelt before him. In the light of the lantern outside the window (we did not close the curtains), his face began to seem somehow devilish, and I felt seduced by Woland, my head was spinning, and I had finished, having only thought that you had to be careful not to scratch the back of his head .

Half a minute later, Zhenya finished and, breathing heavily, he sat down on the floor and put his head in my lap. The power to talk no one was. A few minutes later Zhenya got up and asked:

- I hope I did not inspire you disgust for this occupation?

Instead of answering, I got up and kissed him - by the way, he kissed amazingly and loved it very much ...

We were together for almost a year, I was already wondering what style of dress to wear to the wedding, and then Zhenya was killed. The first three months I had the feeling that I was killed along with him, then life went on as usual, especially his mother, with whom we met at the funeral, claimed that he would not be happy to see how I kill him ...

The second story. Misha

Misha was the captain of the KVN university team and part-time the first handsome university student: more than two meters tall, poetically ruffled black hair, green eyes and sherbinka between the front teeth, indicating, as it is believed, secret depravity. The girls hung on him almost dozens, but the maximum that they wanted was a kiss on the cheek, because from the eighth grade Misha met with a certain Galya. The most annoying - this Galya was beautiful. If it were scary, like a rusty tank, extracted from the swamp, one could decide that Misha is just a fool with bad taste and calm down on that. Once a rumor broke out among the students: Misha had a falling out with Galya to death. It is not clear who, how and from where it came to know, but everyone decided to seize the moment - tighten the skirts as high as possible and pull the jackets as low as possible to create a neckline. I did not take part in the competition to attract his attention, although I wanted to: as luck had caught a cold, and on this occasion I put on jeans and a thick sweater with a huge collar. However, Misha, who was stunned by so much attention, sat in the sideboard just for me, and not for some of those who were smiling and smiling radiantly. We knew each other briefly, but it was somehow embarrassing to be silent, so I asked when the KVN final was expected and with whom to fight. Misha answered and offered a ticket.The views of fellow students from neighboring tables spoke eloquently that it’s better not to sit down at the same desk with them on the next couple. He suggested either to leave a ticket for me in the training section, or to come in tomorrow evening ...

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