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This story happened in the days of my stormy youth, in my student years, when it seemed that the whole life was ahead of me, that I had only to graduate from the institute and everything would go like clockwork - work, money and a fun life full of adventures. I was learning in textile, and I lived respectively in a hostel. The institute was good because there were an incredible number of girls in it, in our group, apart from me, there were three more males, the other 23 were girls. And the hostel was also replete with the fair sex, the whole floor was one room with the guys, and the rest with the girls. The most wonderful time is when after the session everyone is going home and the hostel is empty, no one bothers you in the middle of the night playing the guitar, no one comes in for sugar or lecture notes. And it so happened that I was left alone in our room for the new year.

For ten days there would be no one in the hostel, and it seemed to me, a freshman experiencing unrequited love, that I could finally sleep off, sort out my feelings and enter into the new year with a new person. And indeed, the new year and three days after it changed me for the rest of my life. But first things first. On the morning of the thirty-first of December I was woken by a knock at the door. Without realizing it, I stood up in my shorts, which were bristling from a morning erection and went to open the door. - Hello! - in front of me stood the divine beauty of a girl, fifth-year student Maria, who lived on the floor above and was cared for by half of the male dormitory population. But in vain - according to rumors, she remained loyal to her boyfriend from Chelyabinsk and was dismissed from men's compliments and attention signs with a cheerful smile. It is necessary to make a digression, and tell that the fifth course for a first-year student is practically the inhabitants of the heavens, those who were able to survive all the colokviums, sessions and exams and who are about to write about the diploma. For me, a freshman who just realized that there will be no freebies, that the teachers are monsters and the army threatens me if I don’t become Einstein in six months, fifth-year student Masha was a mystery of nature — how such a beautiful and fragile girl managed to pass all these matans and physicums, preserving the purity of reputation (we had “specialists” who managed to get credits, remaining alone with a teacher in a closed audience). So she was standing now and, looking with a malicious smile at my underwear tents, asked if I had salt: “I ran around the whole floor, everyone went home.” So do you have salt? - Yes, come in (I did not even think to call her “you”) - I am now.

Back in the room, I pulled on my pants and went back to her. In the cramped corridor we hung a regiment on which stood all sorts of cans, mostly empty, among which was salt. I took the jar and handed it to Mary. “It’s a lot,” she said, “I’d have a little sleep.” “Take it all,” I said, smiling, “I will not need it this year, and next I will think of something.” “Okay, I'll fill it out and return it.” - Her eyes slipped on my torso and she left. I returned to bed, but I could not sleep any more - at any moment she could return. Turning the music on, I picked up an unfinished novel and tried to read. But my thoughts crawled from the pages and entangled in the memories of Mary. Her thick black curly hair, body odor, neat hands, warm gray-brown eyes, slightly plump beautiful lips, exciting chest and a chiseled figure were as beautiful as they were inaccessible. Most likely her boyfriend from Chelyabinsk came to her and now they will delightfully meet the new year. Well, I had a great New Year loneliness, the first time in my life. The moral masochist in my head was preparing tools for a great holiday, breaking my soul apart. A knock on the door again.I would be glad if it was not she, if for example my neighbor was late for his train to Nizhny, or the commandant came to check if we have a fire-dangerous tree, but it was Maria, the living embodiment of the upcoming fun and New Year's joy, a sweet cake that will get a guy from Chelyabinsk under the explosions of firecrackers and fireworks ... - Hello, this is me again - she smiled. - I return the salt. Thank you very much. “Not at all,” I tried to smile, taking the can from her hands.

- Why did you stay in the dorm? She asked. - Long story. - her company was tearing me apart, so I wanted to close the door as soon as possible. - You know, I will now prepare all sorts of salads and other goodies. I'm terribly bored by myself, can we do this together? I was taken aback by such a turn of events. - What about your boyfriend? - I asked in surprise. “What guy?” I did not know what to answer. However, at the thought that we will now do something together, that she will be there and we will talk about something, poured a liter of adrenaline into my veins, and I could hardly restrain myself not to smile from ear to ear. “I’m not good at junior chefs, but if you’re really bored, I’m ready to help you with that.” - I tried to be gallant. “Well, fine,” she said, and turned. “Then come near, my room is 406.” “In about fifteen minutes I will be at your place,” I replied, before closing the door. A masochist can still put off the tools, it may well be that the old year will give me something special before leaving.

However, I didn’t want to think about it, in order not to accidentally scare away luck, not to offend the pure image of Mary with my sticky thoughts of a man clutching at a straw ... I dressed, washed, looked at myself in the mirror and thought that this is exactly what an archaeologist looks like rummaged around in search of scientific discoveries, and unexpectedly discovering a half-decayed chest. What is there? Household utensils or runes from the Byzantine library? I can't wait to reveal this secret, but you can't hurry - everything can crumble to dust in a flash. - Come in, openly - I heard her voice. I opened the door, I was in this room for the first time. Everything is very clean, neat and homely. Anyone can distinguish the girls 'room from the boys' room, and right now I lacked this “strange” comfort. The comfort of his room in his parents' apartment made melancholy, the coziness of the room in the apartment of the former girl was burning with indifference to my feelings, the same room with his novelty, those thoughts that were pleasantly swarming in the corners of the subconscious, and the presence of a girl with whom we may become closer I immediately liked it. The warmth of the thick curtains, behind which snow was falling slowly, a cheerful alarm clock on the refrigerator, beds with velvet bedspreads and many other little things created an atmosphere of calm and measuredness. Another pleasant surprise was Louis Armstrong, whose hoarse voice flowed from the speakers of the music center. So I am arranged that no matter how beautiful the girl is, if from the ears of her player I hear Alena Apina or Oleg Gazmanov, then all her beauty fades in my eyes, interest in her as a woman instantly disappears, as if instead of aged wine, beautiful in appearance, in taste, it turns out to be a cheap booze from an underground spill from the remnants of Pushkin’s alcoholic beverage. But Maria listened to Louis and this opened part of her inner world made the outer beauty even more attractive.

On the table, which, because of the small area of ​​housing, was both educational and dining and kitchen, there were plates, saucepans, plates with boiled eggs, carrots, sausage and other ingredients for salads and snacks at the festive table. - From all this we should have three salads and chicken with apples baked in the oven, with mashed potatoes for garnish. She said cheerfully, pointing to the table. I, who had been eating somehow for the second day (a pre-New Year quarrel with a girl deprived me of my appetite), now I felt keenly a lot of hunger.Having mastered the increased salivation, I smiled: - We will try! Maybe something will come out. My ...

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