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Sanya ran up to the third floor. Sitting work and any lack of sports made themselves felt - already at twenty-two shortness of breath and a decent tummy became his constant companions. Hearing a heel over the door, he paused, so as not to get on his forehead. And for sure - the door swung open and Larisa Nikolaevna jumped out of the central accounting department onto the stairs. Sanya involuntarily stepped aside ... the woman was the same height with him and two times wider. Larisa greeted and rushed briskly to the fourth floor. Sanya rested his gaze on her very broad rippling ass, thick ankles, tightly covered with thread tights, and missed the step.

- Larisa Nikolaevna, I stand here and think ... why hide such amazing legs in cotton stockings?

The bookkeeper stopped in amazement, glanced at the insolent with a grin ...

- And what should they hide?

- Well, it is desirable, in tights with lycra, shiny, emphasizing the form. Or, at the worst, into strong male palms, - Sanya sighed.

“Lycra is not necessary, otherwise everyone faints,” Larisa Nikolayevna nodded, “but it would be nice about hands.” Yes, nowhere to take them. We have only women in the department.

- I can provide my own, - Sanya got up courage, looking into her eyes.

Larisa Nikolaevna lowered her long eyelashes, then looked up and said with a chuckle ...

- Sasha, yes you, in any way, try to flirt. Yes, I have already gone thirty eight, I’m old for you ... You tear yourself.

- And for me - the most it, - retorted Sanya, - and I'm not afraid to overstrain. Afraid of someone else. Well, if you, my dear Larisa Nikolaevna, my modest sentence is sickening, then I'm sorry. But still, I suppose, not often young people are staring at you in the prime of life.

The young man walked around Larisa and began to rise, when suddenly he heard a low voice from behind ...

- Wait a minute.

Sanya slowly turned around and stared at the woman. Larisa Nikolaevna wanted to say something, when suddenly steps were heard on the stairs, and the secretary of the boss appeared on the steps. Larisa beckoned the young man with her finger, opened some piece of paper with numbers, and both buried themselves in it.

When the staircase was empty, Larisa Nikolaevna asked Sanya, looking at the pattern of his sweater ...

- What are you, seriously suggested?

The young man nodded silently.

The woman looked at him thoughtfully ...

- Well, "no" I have not said. If you are still determined - let me call you sometime in the week?

“Ladushki,” the young man replied, looked around the stairs at the object of strangers, and, pointedly looking at the accountant’s lush chest, smiled pointedly.

Larisa, laughing, hit him on the bottom with a folder ...

- Come on come on, seducer ...

The week flew by quickly. The bell rang on Friday afternoon.

- Hello, is it Sasha? - asked in the tube.

“Yes, I am listening to you,” the young man habitually responded.

“This is Larisa from accounting,” came the reply, “is your proposal still valid?”

“Yes, Larisa Nikolaevna,” Sanya answered cheerfully, “always ready!”

At the end of the wire, they grinned ...

- Check it out. If Saturday is free - take a look.

And gave her address.

- Yes, I understood, Larisa Nikolaevna. Be sure to wait!

On Saturday at four o'clock in the afternoon, Sanya, washed and combed, stood at her door. In my hands I could hardly put ... a bouquet of gorgeous scarlet roses, a box of chocolates, a bottle of good wine. Sanya wine was chosen specially - in this sample was the most alcohol.

After the second bell the door opened. Sanya stumbled into the hallway and finally saw the hostess well ... Larisa Nikolayevna stroked her elegant summer dress with flowers on herself and smiled shyly.

“Gorgeous flowers for a stunning woman,” said Sanya with pathos, handing her a bouquet. Larissa took it with an oat and hid her nose in flowers, looking gratefully at the young man.Then she caught herself, took the sweets with a bottle from him and dragged it all into the living room, not forgetting to smack the guy on the cheek and whisper "Thank you ..." on the way.

Sanya inhaled the scent of light perfume and warm woman, followed her into the living room, admiring the accountant’s legs. Without pantyhose, they really looked, in his view, a fall ... white, full, self-sufficient. His body immediately began to fill with male power.

A luxurious table was laid in the living room. Having surveyed all this magnificence, Sanya spoke ...

- Is it possible after such an abundance to expect active actions from a man? A man should be slightly hungry ... in every sense.

“Oh, come on,” Larisa Nikolayevna replied, “I don’t feel sorry for a good person.”

Then the feast began. It turns out that Larissa also reserved a bottle for such an occasion, so soon the conversation flowed smoothly and vividly. Sanya tried to add more to the lady, but so that she did not notice anything. Apparently, he did it.

Soon the conversation turned to the topic of gender relations. Larisa, with her fists rosy cheeks, began to complain about "these idiots-men." Sanya endured - endured, then pushed back the chair, stood up and pulled the woman from the table ...

- Let me show you what we can still be ...

Hugging Larisa by the waist (well, the size!), Sanya clung to her lips. They just wanted to eat - they were so warm, soft and juicy. Larisa responded to the kiss, at first timidly, but soon, too, became fascinated and, squeezing the young man to her bodies, dug into his lips. San opened his teeth and penetrated there with his tongue. Apparently, Larissa knew about such things, since immediately her tongue moved restlessly in his mouth.

The sleighs of arms themselves crawled along its steep sides and, finally, stopped at full breasts. The young man began to crush and squeeze these sisi right through the dress, pleading with delight. Ladosha Larissa lay on the zipper of her pants and fumbled for a decent swelling there. With a great exclamation, she smacked her reddened lips from the young man’s mouth with a loud smack and, grasping her hand, dragged him into another room.

The other room was the bedroom.

Larisa turned her back on him and pointed to the clasps ...

- Help to remove ...

While she was wearing her dress, Sanya managed to enjoy the view of a huge ass and wide liquid hips. The young man waited until Larissa climbed into bed, and began to undress. The woman stripped off everything to the skin and, spread out on the featherbed in the most seductive pose, watched this little striptease. As it seemed to her, Sanya rented the last part of the toilet for a very long time. Larisa immediately looked at his swollen member, rounded her eyes, issuing a delighted sigh ...

- What is your big!

Sanya jumped on the bed, hugged the heavy milk tits of the woman and found the rough pink nipple of Larissa with his lips. The woman, covering her eyes, was thrilled with pleasure, going through the young man's testicles in her palm. With her other hand she gently stroked a powerful member.

From the tits Sanya turned to caressing the legs. Larissa did not scribble in anything, submissively exposing her charms to Sanin's greedy language. Finally, the young man gently spread the woman's tight thighs to the sides, cupped his mighty buttocks with his hands and with pleasure sank his mouth into Larisa's expansive vagina. He inhaled the tart smell of a scorched woman, licked the bud of her clitoris, sucked the delicate petals of the genital lips, slippery from her salty juice. Larisa shuddered sweetly with her whole body and drained her juices right into her boy’s mouth. Her full white buttocks trembled and swayed in his palms. Moans filled the room ...

- Ah ... That's it, yes ... Suck all my pussy ... Do you like it?

Sanya broke away from the swollen wet vagina and rasped ...

- I ...

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