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I am probably a very vicious man. I am the most vicious man of all that I only know. And, probably, one of the most vicious, from all existing representatives of the stronger sex. Although, I do not understand why it is strong. After all, a vice is a vulnerable, weak point in a person.

I am wicked to the bone.

I'm wicked to the tips of my nails.

Vice permeated my whole existence.

He became my way of thinking.

He has become a way of my life.

Sometimes, I declare war on Him. Sometimes I even lead the attack on the vice. But in the end, nevertheless, having understood His prevailing power, I capitulate. And he, this vice, occupies more and more new positions in my soul ...

Let's take a little philosophical ...

Oh, many readers, after such a "wise beginning," have already switched the Internet to other pages. So, there are true fans of my humble talent of the writer, fans of Mr. X! Yes, let's agree that my pseudonym, with your permission, we will now change to "Vicious Man."

So what is the philosophy? Yes, the fact that a man does, compares favorably with a woman. And first of all, in the age criteria. Here I am, for example, already (or still?) 36 years old. I look like a cucumber. Tall, fit, sporty and slim build. Not burdened with heavy, physical labor, I kept the beautiful skin of the hands and face. They say that I do not look older than the age of 25-28. Nicely. What is a woman in 36? Oooh ... A creature that spread wide, with numerous wrinkles on the face, hands, elbows, and cellulite wherever it occurs. And this is only a "dressed woman." It is necessary to undress her ... In general, you understand me perfectly.

I live in a small town where everyone knows not only the face, but also the passport details of each other. Against this background, my reputation as a "womanizer" and "revelers" has long been formed. And if, earlier, I fucked the beautiful half of our city from 16 to 25 years, now, I continued to get acquainted with her, also in the same age parameter!

Now about the new way I discovered recently. This is not a new method. This is the Internet ...

In short, I posted the most obscene questionnaire on one of the dating sites, where I described my sexual preferences. Now, getting acquainted with the "new" passion, I can first carefully study its profile. She, in turn, is mine. Naturally, if “my data” does not suit her, she can simply ignore my messages.

Recently (about a month ago) I began to correspond with one 19-year-old lady. I liked her pictures, looks, and more or less emancipation in filling out the “my sexual preferences” block. In short, after a couple of days of our virtual dating, the lady agreed to a real meeting. As soon as I saw her, I immediately realized that photography was still a very powerful art. So much was the difference between her photos and the original ...

The entire face of this monkey was covered with pimples of various sizes. She was dressed tastelessly, indecently, despite the fact that she worked as a speaker at our local television. No, I understand, of course, that we do not live in Paris. But still, in the courtyard, the badge fly, XXI century! But it's flowers. As soon as this little hoop opened its mouth, I realized that even I could work on television. So much her speech was miserable and stupid. The most favorite words of this Mademoiselle, turned out to be "Yeah" and "yy". No, you estimate, yes? Do you understand what che means, for example, the word "yy"? She pronounced it in a singing tone when she decided to deny something. Here, for example, our dialogue with her ...

- Let's go to some restaurant? Drink to meet you?

- Yy.

- You have no time?

- Yeah.

- Maybe tomorrow we meet?

- Yeah.

Approximately such a fucking conversation took place between us. In short, after 10 minutes, I terribly wanted to run away from her society somewhere.Having quickly bowed out, I poped into my studio. Fuck, better, I’ll fuck off the dam before the computer, than I’ll seek closeness to this announcer!

When I was making my way to the taxi stop through the houses, I saw two sitting girls. The girls are young, beautiful. Sit on a bench and husk seeds. I came closer.

- Girls, can I come to you, smoke a cigarette.

- Yes, sit down, of course, Alik. There, how many places!

- Excuse me, are we familiar?

- You did not know? - it says the one that I liked less. The second, just sits and smiles, exposing a mouth full of large white teeth. "Spelling off" with them for a couple of minutes, I "drove in", finally, that once I had a relative of the one who recognized me. M-yeah ... Where are my seventeen years old? ... I’m sitting here, talking to young “paws”, and my head is all mixed up ...

The younger one, Olya, I liked very much. Growth low, with an excellent figure, she awakened in me the most lustful desires. You should have seen her face! Without a drop of "plaster", it shone with an unearthly beauty. The regular features, the beautifully shaped nose, the flawless design of the slightly plump childish sponges. And the eyes ... No, Olenka does not need products from max-factor at all! While other women artificially lengthen their tiny little eyelashes, her eyelashes were amazingly long. And they bent their tips to the top. Oli's eyes are incredibly beautiful, brown color. And the depth of their expressiveness forced to doubt that the girl only ... 16 years! And the fact that she is still 16, I understood from a short conversation between us. In short, I was blunt, I invited them right there, in the nearest cafe to celebrate our acquaintance with champagne. Look, the girls did not mind. Only Oksana (the eldest) jumped home for a couple of minutes and changed her slippers for shoes.

After a while we sit three of us in a cafe, drink champagne and continue our conversation. In my mind, I thank that speaker a thousand times, because of which, in essence, I was at the right time in the right place. Of course, the announcer in no comparison did not go wrong with Olenka, even with Oksana!

A few more minutes later, “my” Olenka became tipsy (oh, youth!), And I, seizing the moment, even managed to schedule her a date the next day. And what do you think? Olenka agreed, with only one condition that not one will come! The next day, she came at the appointed time again with Oksanka. I, in order to neutralize my girlfriend, took Gosha, my nearest chum, with me. We did not waste time and came straight to my studio. However, a slight disappointment awaited me here. Olenka was not only a virgin, but even (don't be surprised at all) unkissed! As soon as I started pestering her with my kisses and hugs, she immediately explained why she had come with her friend. For insurance, I mean. Gosh, he didn’t waste his time, and Oksanka was squeezing him in the kitchen. In short, I was a little nervous. Then the whole situation began to amuse me. While Gosh and Oksana were engaged in pinging, Olenka and I began to drink champagne. After the champagne, Olenka was a little bit stuffy, and even allowed me to touch her lips to my un-kissable lips. But my hand was immediately removed as soon as I tried to crawl into her crotch. So we sat for about an hour.

The next day, Olga left alone, without a friend. But she refused to go to my studio flatly.

- Do not rush things. I have to get used to you, dear (!).

No, you heard, yes? You can not convey the feeling that covers in such situations. Hear so tender words from a girl who was older than me in fact in her daughter. I was elated! I was delighted! I gladly agreed to her request not to go to the studio, and we went to a nice little restaurant with karaoke. All evening I sang her the most tender songs. Watered champagne. Sent the waitress for the flowers. True, Olenka did not carry the flowers home ... "How will I explain to my mother?" On the next date ...

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