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and if someone is shocked - this is his problem ... On the beach, Nina also carefully folded her lips - so that they would not stick out, to look modest. She liked to cut her pubic hair shortly so as not to interfere. Now Nina regularly did this from autumn to spring, and at the end of spring, usually after the May holidays, she stopped so that by the summer her hair would grow back and you could walk to the beach ...

They lived together for about two years. There was no love, just living together was more convenient and “more fun” in many ways. Gradually, it became clear that they were still different people and that happiness would not work, sooner or later they would have to part. But so far, both have not sought this, because there was nothing better anyway.

Nina still dreamed of a child. Oleg was indifferent, rather, he did not want any extra trouble - and he said that all the same nothing would work out, because Nina had already tried various treatments, why waste time, money and money on a knowingly unsuccessful case? Nina was offended. She promised that the child would be engaged only by herself - after all, it was already clear that separation was inevitable. Oleg thought: no medicine was able to help Nina, although everything seemed to be fine - it means that something is needed that was not there yet. The human body has huge unexplored reserves that can manifest itself in extreme situations. Oleg recalled that he had read and heard, and then one day he had a strange thought ...

He spoke to Nina only after he had thought about everything. After having been discussed more than once - that there is no point in trying again, which was no use and probably would not be - he said: “I understand very well how important this is for you. I have an idea, I am even ready for this ... however, you yourself probably will not agree. ” Nina became interested in: “What kind of idea? Come on, tell me. ”-“ Well then. Just listen calmly to the end and do not resent immediately. ”-“ Good. ”-“ Gangbang. ”-“ What ?? !!! ”-“ Yes. You and two men. I explain. You need an emotional jolt, then you will be aroused much more, the uterus will open, and in general with the person in an extreme situation sometimes the almost impossible happens. And at the same time, any man will subconsciously perceive the other as an opponent - and this means that he will try his best to do everything that he can. And also the hidden reserves of the body will manifest. So you do not even get the sperm twice, but ten times more than usual. Maybe it will: I read about such cases. "

Oleg knew the character of Nina well and was not mistaken. She was silent for a long time, and then simply asked: "Well, and who do you suggest? ..." They quickly sifted through mutual friends and almost simultaneously said: Ivan. The most experienced Don Juan with a velvety voice and a piercing gaze, who is able to persuade a woman in a matter of minutes ... Once, Oleg himself observed this. At the next meeting it was possible to live “as a human being” - on a bed, or cheaper - on the floor in a sleeping bag. Of those on the floor - part lived in one big room, and the rest gradually spread out into the rooms with beds. Ivan paid for the night on the bed, and in the evening, “like a gentleman,” he decided to give up his place to the woman on the floor in the same room (everyone knew that she had a husband and two children, although no one had ever seen her husband). Oleg heard the beginning of their conversation, then went to wash and brush his teeth. When he returned, he saw that they were already lying in bed, having embraced ... And on the last day in the tram going to the station, she was sitting on Ivan's lap, and they did not notice anything around ... and an hour later they went to different cities.

Ivan confessed: “Some people are spreading rumors about me - as if I have many children scattered all over the country. So, I do not want to be slandered on me, therefore I prefer the pure truth. (spectacular pause) I have five children from four women. "

In general, the ideal candidate.But Nina, of course, could not offer it to him herself. Oleg willingly agreed to talk with Ivan. He didn’t feel jealous: he wasn’t jealous by nature, unlike Nina. She, oddly enough, was very painful about any communication between Oleg and women. Not so long ago, he had a new acquaintance, the relations were just friendly - it's nice to talk with an intelligent, interesting person. It never occurred to them to hide something, since there was nothing to hide. But Nina suddenly hated this girl, arranged scenes of jealousy. Soon, Oleg and his girlfriend realized: “to prove that they are not camels,” is impossible - so that it would not hurt, it would be better to bring reality into line with rumors. After that, peace came: after all, a clever lie is much more like the truth than the truth itself - and Oleg could encrypt ...

Oleg asked Ivan to listen without interrupting him, and to keep everything he heard in secret, regardless of whether he agrees or not. Ivan promised. I listened, thought for a few seconds and said that I agreed. It remains to discuss the details, and this coming Saturday, Ivan came to them, with a bouquet of flowers for Nina.

Everyone trusted each other and understood: today our main goal is common - so that Nina could become pregnant. It was not required to talk about it out loud, Oleg and Nina, and then Oleg and Ivan had all been discussed in advance face to face. If it were not for this, men could please their girlfriend with simultaneous infusions from different sides, and many more. But now it was necessary to try to not a drop of sperm spilled in vain. By the way, someone once advised: right after ejaculation, you need to stand on your head so that the sperm gets numb. Nina remembered this advice.

Of course, there was no alcohol. Everyone was already quite excited by the unusual situation.

All three were nudists, swam together several times - so that nudity was completely embarrassed, and this helped to overcome the first psychological barrier.

Nina did not come up with something with erotic clothes: why? Bathrobe on the naked body, she almost always went at home like that. However, she herself did not begin to undress herself: let them take care of her, today she is the main one. Sat on the sofa. Oleg is located to the right of her on the floor, began to stroke and gently kiss her knee, then her thigh, gradually lifting the edge of her robe. Ivan settled down symmetrically on the other side and began to do the same. Nina quickly turned on - closed her eyes, leaned back. Now she was lying across the couch, only her legs were still on the floor. The men, constantly kissing her, carefully untied the gown belt, opened, and now four hands and two pairs of lips roam all over her body ... Oleg, briefly interrupting the caress, moved aside and quickly undressed. When he returned, Ivan did the same. It seems that Nina did not even notice this, because while one was undressing - the other continued to caress her.

They gently freed one of her hands, then the other. They lifted Nina, turned and laid, while simultaneously removing the robe from under her. Just neatly removed from the sofa cover, under which, as usual, was a bed made. And all this - for a second without stopping kisses. Gradually, the kisses concentrated: Oleg kissed his face and soon stuck to his lips, while Ivan was busy with the inner surface of his hips and other lips. (Probably, they were impressed by him just as they did Oleg at the time, and not only by him ...) Nina was trembling, as if a current was running through her body - from one lip to another and back. The first orgasm did not take long ...

On the wide couch there was enough space for three. Oleg and Nina were in position 69, on their side. She stroked and kissed his member, not too active, so as not to perevozbodit a little time. He vigorously and passionately licked her clit, lips, the entrance to the vagina. Ivan lay down behind Nina, embraced, squeezed her breasts, kissed her on the shoulder, neck, whispered in his ear some kind words. His dick was already standing. Oleg with a strange mixed feeling of surprise and anticipation of something forbidden, even with a sinking heart, looked ... Read more →

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