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She had not seen him for almost half a year. Yes, and that she meet with him, with her ex-boyfriend, it is very necessary ... But then he really could help, and only he. Katya was a 4th year student and she just needed to take a job in computing. She did not go to classes for the entire semester and now she needs to bring all 6 tasks and 2 additional tasks (to her as a punishment). Students and so handed over these tasks with a sin in half, with errors, but her teacher (pimply graduate student who hates girls in general, and even more so, such as Katya - slender, with smooth legs and big eyes) promised that he would check each of her work personally! It was the end, the end of everything! "I will be expelled," thought Katya.

Her ex-boyfriend Alexey was a computer hacker and understood such things, next to which these tasks were childish prattle. And Katya understood this. And Lesha also understood very well that only he could help her.

“I beg you very much,” Katya literally purred into the phone, “I'll do something for you too.”

- Will you do everything? - Lyosha smiled.

“Everything, everything ...” Katya twittered, “well, of course, without vulgarity,” she remembered.

- Well, - Lesha’s voice has become business-like, - we’ll do this: we’ll meet at McDonald’s on Haymarket today and give me the tasks, and I’ll tell you what I want to get from you ...


- Here, all eight tasks, - Katya handed over a thick package to Lesha (to be honest, there was so much work for her that she was ready for absolutely everything for them!) - And can you do it? - She began to doubt, seeing as he shoves the bag in his fashionable bag with a laptop.

- Cope! He assured her.

- Well ..., - Kate was wondering what he would require of her.

“I want you to meet me at the Cafe tomorrow and spend the evening,” was his reply.

- and all? - she stared at him.

“Not really,” he handed her a fancy bag with a beautiful appliqué, “I want you to wear this, look at home,” he grabbed her hand, as the curious Katya immediately tried to see what was inside.

- And remember, this is a prerequisite! - he said at parting ...


At home, Katya unwrapped the package. There lay women's panties and a blue bra with some bunnies, a white T-shirt, a blue short polka-dot skirt and knee-highs of the same ill-fated blue color with children's patterns.

“Wow,” Katya drawled, “I'll be in him like Lolita, nymphet girl.”

I must say that Katya was a short miniature girl with a small breast and slender legs and could easily pass for a schoolgirl. She knew this and tried in every way to get away from the image of a teenage girl. And then this outfit! In principle, there is nothing vulgar in it and there was nothing from the arsenal of prostitutes, but it would look very dissolute and seductive.

“I'll never wear this!” - categorically she said, calling Lesha on a mobile phone.

- Katya, then you can solve your tasks by yourself! - there was a noise in the tube, it is clear that Alex was somewhere in a crowded place, - think for yourself, and do not forget that I am waiting for you at the Cafe at seven in the evening, - beeps were heard in the tube.

- How dare he tell me! - Katya flashed, - at seven in the evening, well, wait, wait!

But after a couple of hours, her determination to send him to a known address had evaporated a little. Someone should help her to do these damn tasks, and besides Lesha, she does not know anyone who could help. Katya was a very capricious girl and believed that if she needed something, everyone should fall down, but do it.

- What to do? - Katie’s gaze fell on the “Lolita set”, - chose, damn, still the blue color of childlike innocence, a pervert! - Try it, or what? - Kate went to the mirror - for the sake of laughter.

She took off the robe in which she went home, pulled off her panties and a bra and stood in front of a mirror.Slender figure, flat tummy with a round navel, Katya turned around in front of a mirror, butt without cellulite, not like some! She put on panties and a bra from a set. Panties were thongs and a narrow strip of fabric behind fell through her buttocks. The bra, oddly enough, sat very well. Katya always had problems with this, since she had a small breast, and she was embarrassed about it. She put on a T-shirt that was significantly higher than the belt and opened the navel, skirt and socks.

- Well, the real Lolita! - Kate giggled.

Suddenly she felt light heat between her legs. This whole situation, her outfit a little excited her. But most of all she was excited (she would never admit to herself) that she allows this boy to do this to herself. She made up her face brightly, for some reason she wanted to spite him to show how beautiful she was. Katya went out into the street. A light breeze blew her bare legs and blew under her skirt. Although, I must admit that it was not cold outside. Passers-by, and especially young guys that Katya was infuriated, looked at her with interest and curiosity, she looked very piquant. In the Cafe, she was half an hour late, however, for her it was the norm.

- Hello! She casually threw and immediately sat down in a corner so that he would not stare at her bare legs. With all her appearance, she tried to show that her outfit is a normal way of life. But Alex did not fail to pin her.

- Well done! You look great! - he laughed.

Katya blushed, but didn’t show it, - order something, - she moanedly stretched.

Lesha called the waiter and picked up a beer with salads and cold cuts. They ate, drank a little and Katya relaxed a little.

- Did you do everything? She asked.

- Yes, almost a little left.

- Damn, I thought he brought them now, but he still did not do everything, - Katya was annoyed.

The beer quickly ended, then another beer appeared, which also quickly ended, the conversation flowed slowly and sweetly. They remembered the past, old and mutual friends, some ridiculous cases ... From drunk Katya became red-faced and began to behave more liberated. Alexey was also tipsy.

- And if we do not drink a glass? - he said and slyly winked.

Katya initially repudiated (she is a decent girl!), Then allowed herself to be persuaded (but only one by one!). Vodka appeared on the table. Between the first and the second interlude, you yourself know which third toast Alexey offered to drink for brotherhood.

- Lets do it! - Katya was rather drunk (well, at the end of the day, this is her former boyfriend, what could be here ...)

They drank, and he kissed her passionately, which she naturally resisted very much.

- Katya! - he said meaningfully, but with a little laugh, - I think that you really, really need these tasks and you are completely in my power. I want you to do ALL of what I ask today!

- Right now! - Katya snorted, - ran away!

But he made various arguments (the argument about her dismissal was very powerful), he persuaded a little, but mostly he demanded and insisted. Katya resisted that she had the strength, but she just didn’t have enough strength. She has always been a weak emotional kind, and even hops in my head.

- Well, Lesha ..., - she already begged, but he was inexorable.

“So what should I do?” - She asked.

- First, let's go to my house, I want to give you the first half of the work.

- So what is next?...

“And it will be seen there,” he uttered a strange phrase.

I had to go.

- Okay, - thought Katya, - he will drag me into bed.

By taxi ...

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