Everyone loves New Year's holiday. For what? For the fact that people gather on this night together and celebrate. In principle, there is no need for a Russian man to have a reason, he always has a toast, but what else is needed for a good drinking besides the company, the liquor and the reason?

One guy told me a wonderful event that happened on New Year's Eve. How does he know about him, not my concern. He told me, it seemed to me interesting, and I decided to write about it.

For a long time with this little girl nothing happened. For a long time nothing happened to her that you should immediately write about. So it happened! The necessary information appeared only now, so the story was delayed from the new year.

So, new year. All I drink champagne, have fun. Then go for a walk.

Maria was not released alone, so she went to accompany two guys: Bones and Lesha. I do not know what kind of Leshi, maybe the one who learns with her in the same class. Her thirteen-year-old brother Yashka and his girlfriend Lenochka, twelve years old, joined this company.

Maria is a visible girl. Especially in her fifteen years, her lovely ass stands out. Beautiful size and shape, besides very elastic. Elastic not only in appearance but also in touch. Naturally, Helen was not her rival.

Maria: a middle-aged girl of fifteen, with a well-shaped ass and small alluring breasts. To this, add also wonderful blonde hair like a glare of the sun from the water. Everything in her would be good, if not for her character. But despite him, when she drinks, the character is transformed, it is extremely attractive for guys. Some even masturbate on her picture!

In class, she has the nickname Spermoglotina. I do not know who invented it, for some reason everyone thinks that I am, but this, of course, is not so.

They reached the Christmas tree, watched the fireworks. Then headed home. One of the guys lived just down the road. His parents, like the parents of the rest of this company, were two blocks away.

They bought cards, although it’s hard to believe, but rather they bought condoms, and the cards were with the guy at home.

Then, they moved all the crowd to the guy home "to play cards". They called their parents, they said that they would take a walk longer. Maria from such a deception blushed to the ears and began to scold her cavaliers, and then her younger brother for this offense. Shitty character, what can you do! But who saw her when she was angry, he will not be able to get this image out of her head.

How to play cards? Naturally, undressing went! Guys got or smart, or even sober. In short, they began to play cards, but they played like this: the loser drinks a glass of “champagne”. Maria did not tolerate alcohol, she always said everything to everyone, but then she agreed, because she was not going to lose, and even champagne, because she was light. But it was not by chance that I wrote the champagne in quotes! The guy may have forgotten, or maybe on purpose, in short, two-thirds in the champagne bottle was vodka. Such a good vodka. The loser had to drink a hundred grams in one gulp.

The children, that is, her brother, and Helen were sent to another room.

The first to lose, out of courtesy, guys. Took a hundred. Then came the turn of Masha.

So they played about half an hour. Guys nububenis well, and Mary has already forgotten about his temper. Now they decided to play strip.

For some reason, Masha smiled luck not long. Soon she herself was completely undressed. However, the guys were only in pants.

Naked, she naturally looked even more beautiful: a whitish naked body, slightly plump cheeks. Girly she is slim. Her hair is loose, so that they reach the shoulders and even lower.

Her pink nipples were sticking out. She seemed very fragile and unprotected. Mom did not buy her razor, and pocket money went to all sorts of hairpins and stuff, and yes even pocket Kama Sutra.Her crack was only slightly visible through the thicket of delicate pubic hair.

- You're so beautiful! - I decided to make Mary a nice Kostya, - May I kiss you?

- I have never seen such a beauty, demand from me what you want! - at these words, Alex almost burst into tears and collapsed in front of her on his knees.

Maria, not speaking a word, kissed Kostya, so much so that his head was spinning, and then approached Lesha, who was still kneeling. He exactly got his head to her pubis. She spread her legs. He understood her without words and, breathing in the nose, the aromas of her pubic hair, dug his tongue into her crotch.

Maria made a slight moan. Kostik decided that it was a signal and stuck to her breast, massaging the second with his hand. The bed of parents, of rather impressive size, stood all in two steps.

They quickly lifted Masha and dragged her onto the bed. There they already took it seriously. Now it was easier to work on the caress of her vagina Lesha, as the pose was now more comfortable. Kostya climbed onto the bed and squeezed her breasts in turn. Masha began to moan harder and harder.

The door to the room opened slightly, and two pairs of eyes stared at what was happening.

- My sister often seduces guys! - assured Lena Yasha.

- And you can just like them? - she asked.

- Of course! Do you want to show?

- Want! - Helen exclaimed slightly audibly.

Helen and Yasha, who had gathered the wisdom of carnal pleasures from the magazines and books of her sister, went to the next room. The bed there was smaller, but how could this stop them?

Meanwhile, Maria took Kostya's cock in her mouth and began to suck it violently. In big sex, she was not the first year, she already had experience in lisbi communication, but still preferred (well done), sex with guys. She was not a virgin.

Kostya almost let it go right into her mouth from such skill. He even asked her to suck slower.

Alex, apparently, also knew his business. He skillfully tacked his tongue in the folds of the Mashkina crack. Soon, when Maria began to move her ass to meet him and moaned with a dick in her mouth, he began to help herself with her finger. He grabbed her buttocks with both hands. Then he moved one hand forward and began to quickly immerse and take out his finger from the slits that were current in all of Mashkin's. With his other hand, he drilled a hole in her ass. At first nothing worked, but then he smeared his finger in grease, and he easily entered Maria's chocolate eye.

After some time, Mary finished. And she had finished quite violently, bit down a bit of Kostya's dick. He did not expect this and poured it right down the throat. She choked, but still tried to swallow everything that flowed from his end.

Lesha, having decided that he did not need suction, (firstly, Maria's slit was so full of juices that the member would pass easily, and secondly, he was an acrobat), inserted his rather frail end of Maria into the hole.

She almost did not notice that it happened. But when I found him splashing on her body with her eggs, I remembered my former boyfriend Alex. And she involuntarily thought: “He had more and more genuine.”

Masha was satisfied only once. Lesha did not manage to do this. But the feeling of celebration was still there. Last New Year's Eve she was alone at home all night, waited for Alex, called him, and he sat in the internet and stared at porn, so he missed his happiness.

She also had joy about Lena being pregnant. Apparently, Yasha did not know that the girl should not be poured into the gap.

The guys, Kostya and Lesha, were also immensely happy. Firstly, Maria convinced them that they had deprived her of her virginity, just Lesha licked all the blood from the torn tissue and did not notice, secondly, they fell asleep after copulating with Maria. Further, she took her brother and left. The guys, half awake, began to perdol each other in the ass, and that's the reason for them to be happy, they knew same-sex love. Naturally, they were accused of depriving Lenochka of her virginity when Masha left. But even DNA analysis could not determine which of them was the father.

Everything that is written here is pure, true. Let a little exaggerated, but true. If someone does not believe, you can come up and ask Maria, with whom she has ruled the New Year, she will answer you. And then ask about whether she was pleased with the wires. She will say that she is pleased. Then, for complete authenticity, ask what they did. She will say that it is very vulgar. So that means they did it!

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