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heart beat - sharp and frequent. His heart is pounding as if at the very throat - he still does not believe and is afraid to scare away a short moment. But the girl does not intend to interrupt this moment at all, she straightens up and presses her back to the guy. He plucked up his resolve and even swallowing with excitement, gently kisses her head. Burned-burned hair by experimenting with coloring, a faint smell of varnish, the warmth of her skin. The girl inhales, with her lips parted, slowly turns and closes her eyes.

Kissing young people know how - even with each other. One more tomfoolery with overtones - and now not even tomfoolery, without the stipulated “this is not serious”. And they kiss on everything as they can. Her lips are cool and her tongue is hot. And under the boy's hands there is the smooth skin of her back, and her hands run along her, higher up, to the bend of the shoulder, and lower - where the gum of the sides turns into a triangle of thin fabric.

The girl takes a breath and exposes her lips again. The dressing-gown has ripped up, they touch the stomachs, and the guy presses the girl more and more strongly, while their lips represent either struggle, or dance. Suddenly the girl catches herself ...

- The window! look at us who is not lazy! She knows about a peasant with binoculars, a lover of spying, and sometimes even teases him, sunbathing by the window. But now she does not want to tease him at all, she does not want anyone to see. The girl turns around and draws the curtains - bedspreads, hung on the wire (which the guy also once tightened). When she pulls up, the edge of her robe rises above the panties, and the raised breasts stand out clearly underneath the protruding nipple points.

And the guy takes his hands on the girl, right over the whole and at once - putting one hand on his hip, the other on his chest. They kiss half-turned, once, for another, gradually freezing with their hands - the guy under the robe, and the girl by the belt of the shorts. The bodies are smooth and flexible, and the clothes seem rough and coarse, they are superfluous, they interfere ...

Buttons of her dressing gown under her arms, there are only five ... four ... three ... two ... not one ... The dressing gown hangs on a thin owner like on a hanger, and under it you can not only run hands, but almost climb the most, as if leaving the robe "behind the scenes."

It turns out, kissing, touching breast, much tastier than doing the same thing through a bathrobe. However, it is not surprising to young people. The girl's hands are confused in the stretched robe and she tries to shake it off - naturally, the guy warmly supports this initiative, and the robe flies to a corner with a crumpled cloth. Pulling down the shorts is also easy. But then - the last line, which suddenly becomes frightening to both of them to cross. And although the excitement makes your head spin, and next, under the hands, is a familiar-unfamiliar body - the last details of the clothes still hold. First, the girl is decided, she takes up the belt and pulls it, slightly detaching herself from the guy and, as it were, giving him a reason to hold her waist - by the waist and below, by the elastic ... under the elastic ... without the elastic ...

She meanwhile quite dexterously pulled off her shorts and climbed under the elastic band heats. This skill is unpleasant, causes vague suspicions - although what would seem his business? But you will not ask, you will not take an interest, and in general, why spoil the beauty of the moment? And the guy picks up the girl under the ass, a wonderful elastic-rounded ass, lifts up and takes two steps to the bed - a common bed with a wadded mattress on a wire mesh.

In this room, boards are planted under the net — girls like to sleep straight, not in the bags of the nets that almost reach the floor. Now it is very convenient - you can sit down without falling on your back. Small (according to the girl) but quite sticking out on a thin body breasts face the guy, and he buries his nose in the hollow between them and quietly kisses the delicate skin, gradually moving to the side.

Under the skin, very close, the heart is pounding, and the closer the lips are to the nipple, the more desperate it is pounding.When the sharp nipple is in the lips, the girl gasps frantically, pressing his head. The guy draws his chest deeper, licking the whole circle near the nipple, and his hands gently, but strongly stroke the folds of her legs with half-pulled panties, pull to him, closer, closer.

The girl moans, throws back her head and the guy's hands move higher to the shoulders and shoulder blades, and her lips kiss the neck and the dimple between the clavicles. The girl moves her hips, the fabric rubs against the fabric, the clothes curse her, interfering and chilling ...

To remove the last scraps, you have to spread out and straighten your legs, you do not want to do this, and the young people go to half measures - the girl lies on the leaning back (good is another bed, standing close, which gives an endless theme of jokes about the orientation of the girls) guy and such a horizontal position, the panties can be moved to the hips, then to the knees, and then completely shake off somewhere, no matter where.

Now the girl is completely naked, only earrings, inconvenient pendants in the shape of half-rings are left on artificial objects, and she removes the last detail, rising and sitting down on the guy just as it should - if it hadn’t been his heat. The guy seems too busy with her breasts and waist, and she, throwing back the earrings in the direction of the bedside table, pulls off the last rag. Everything happens in silence, words are not needed, words are superfluous and harmful here and now - and both feel it and are grateful to each other for this feeling. Only glances, touches, sighs and the sound of hearts - or is it the sound of a loose bed?

The eased penis rushes to the ceiling as if on springs, the girl discards the melting and carefully takes it. She knows what to do with this thing, she has some experience - but while she hesitates to exercise it or not, the guy pulls her to her, literally moving along his legs, and she runs into a post with his soft and wet, yes no, wet already, slit and with a moan rubs against it, superficially, without penetration, as (rumor does not always lie) they sometimes rub against each other with the sock-ball Marinka.

But the body on which she is sitting is not at all marinkino, and she often imagined how to sit on him, on this guy (in fairness, we note that besides him, there was another place for several guys from dormitories, and only for Jyrki, who tried to force her without the youthful awkwardness of the rest, and yet once, while drunkenly, he achieved a blowjob, which he finally turned away from himself, it wasn’t found why this experienced lovelace had broken off). And the guy really wants to continue, but he doesn’t know how to do it - that is, he has plenty of theoretical baggage (including from Yuri, who is not averse to being a mentor to the young), but there’s no important point in the baggage - like be with virgins?

He moves the girl a little higher, to the very tip of the penis, feeling the humidity and the warmth coming from the depths, and realizing that this is IT, the very thing, but he doesn’t know how to go there, not to hurt and not to spoil the whole buzz. And the girl does not know, rubs on the surface, sharp movements of the hips preventing attempts to penetrate deeper - it hurts, and it is terrible, although it would be desirable, and there are still doubts - but does it build, or maybe not? And then the guy connects his hands - his index finger, gently spreading the strange dark (he used to have a girl's blonde hair, although he knows in principle that her natural color is dark blonde) curls, plunges into wet folds.

The girl, who was already utterly excited, groans out loud, lies down on the guy and clings to unexpectedly strong hands. But the finger is already in place, and with frequent movements it strokes the knob that is clearly palpable between the lower lips. The girl is trembling. The girl groans. Silence is broken by her quiet "Oh", again, then "oh, I'm going to die."

The guy reaches his lips to her shoulder, then along the neck to the ear. All her body is goosebumps, moans turn into short screams.Somehow, having guessed that this is the very moment, the guy with his second hand sharply presses her lower back, moving towards the hips - and he feels like a member who has stopped at the entrance smoothly enters into the hot, taut depth.

The girl twitches, but the moment is right, she also cannot and does not want to stop, and she herself moves on the penis, not understanding, she cries out from pain or pleasure. The guy pulls out his hand, presses the girl to him with both hands, kisses her wet with sweat body. The room is floating and dissolving, the street noise disappeared even earlier, there is only it, hot and wet, groaning and wriggling. And they shudder together already, having joined together and merged into a single “animal with two backs,” as the Shakespeare cynic said ...

Then drunkenness slowly slipped away, the shuffling of shovels and the rumble of trolleybuses, voices and soles in the corridor were heard again ... Life went on as usual, and only for these two it became different - even more exciting and interesting, and all the more fun that no one else it does not know ...

In addition to Marinka, who came at the height of the fun, could not open the door, she immediately realized what was going on from the sounds that were coming, and the offended left to “wait out the earthquake” - the well-established term of common newspeak for such forced emigration from her own room. But about where, with whom and how Marinka was waiting for the earthquake, I will not tell here, I will only say that when she returned, there was no trace of her resentment, and all night the girls were chatting about something - and not only chatting . But at the same time, I certainly did not and could not be.

Max K-113, 1988–2003

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