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The sweet warmth of an orgasm was gradually leaving my body. It retreated, as sea water recedes at low tide and exposes the seabed. And so gradually all my feelings returned to me, which were hidden by a veil of surging sensations. I returned to the reality of which fell for a few minutes. First, the feeling of my own body returned to me ... and then the stranger. I felt the warm elasticity of a young body under me. Hell, I still hold her hands! Indeed, I held her hands over her head, tightly closing the lock of my fingers below her thin wrists. I opened my palms, put my hands on the bed and raised myself a little to look at her. She did not move and seemed to barely breathe. Her head was turned to the side, her eyes were closed, her face was all in tears, her lips were tightly compressed. And what is the blood at the mouth? Oh yeah, it's me ... I did not think that such a slap in the face could break a lip. Although how much is necessary to damage such a delicate little sponge! She did not move. She lay limply, like a rag doll, and her face froze with this expression, as if she was waiting for her to take another slap in the face. I began to rise. My drooping member slurped out of her vagina with a smacking sound, and I could feel the smell of female secretions and my sperm emanating from her body. I call it "the smell of sex." I got up and looked at it all. Her posture immediately caused an association with chicken chicken, just lying on his back. I even chuckled to myself, surprised at my own cynicism. I just raped her! If only the shadow of feelings of guilt in the soul stirred! So there is no - “chicken tobacco”! But, to tell the truth, this was a very accurate description. She was lying on her back, her arms were above her head, almost forming a ring, and her hips were wide apart. My eyes involuntarily stuck to her vagina. Her lips were swollen and looked like one big bruise, and my sperm slowly oozed out of her mink, forming a dark spot on the bed upholstery. It has already flowed a lot, but it will still flow. I finished very plentifully, I felt it! Yes, it is not surprising, almost a month I have not had sex! In spite of such a long abstinence for me, I did not do masturbation, because for a long time it only brought me a brief relief. And after the orgasm was over, there was only a feeling of annoyance that one had to “let off steam”, engaging in self-satisfaction, instead of reveling in the female body and discharging the stocks of accumulated seed where it was intended by nature itself! No, to satisfy the hunger of sex, you need a woman! And today I received it! Of course, not quite as I expected. And she definitely didn’t count on that! And I whispered quietly and viciously ... bitch! you are the one to blame!

But nothing foreshadowed such a development of events!

About a week ago, my old friend Nikolai called me. We sometimes did some things together, so that we knew each other well and for a long time in business. He asked me for a favor. He wanted me to advise on the diploma of one of his interns. Nikolay said that he needed her to quickly get rid of her institute and was able to work with him in full force. He said that the girl is intelligent, but she needs someone who is practically familiar with her specialty in order to get a good diploma. From its institute head there is no sense, and the defense is before the commission. She did everything herself, but there are moments where she needs help. Nikolai also said that I can consider this assistance as my investment in his business and what is due from him. I said that I would be happy to help, especially since I’ve had a lull lately, I’m practically not busy with anything, so I can give it to the intern as much time is needed.He thanked me, said that he would give my girl my phone (by the way her name is Kate), she will call me and we will agree on a meeting time.

Katya ... I wonder what kind of girl she is. Probably some stupid chicken with big tits and juicy ass, another Nicholas's passion! So he arranges everything for her ... he took a job for himself, with a diploma, he loaded me up. Well, this is a service for him. Somehow then we will be counted, he was useful to me more than once.

The next morning, Kate called me. Her voice was pleasant, and by the way she spoke, I realized that she did not seem to look like what I had imagined. Katya was very polite and said that I could set any time convenient for me, because she did not want to make it difficult for me. I assured her that everything was in order and if she was satisfied, we could meet at 18 o'clock at my house today. She said that it suits her completely. I gave her my address, and we said goodbye until the evening.

Time for business flew by quickly, and at the very beginning of the seventh the doorbell rang. Well, here she is, I thought, and went to open the door. Behind the threshold stood a girl. She smiled sweetly and said ... "Hello, I'm Katya." I greeted her, invited her to go, and closing the door looked at her. The first impression she made was pleasant. Katya was of medium height, slim. Blond hair curled and did not reach the length of the shoulders. She was dressed neatly and with taste ... a narrow skirt to the middle of the knee of blue dense fabric and a white short-sleeved summer shirt in patterns. On her shoulder she had a bag in which, apparently, there was some kind of plump folder.

We walked into the room and sat down on a small sofa at a coffee table. We exchanged a couple of phrases on an abstract topic so that the conversation would be more relaxed and move on to her diploma. She began to explain the essence of her question, simultaneously pulling a folder out of her bag. It turned out the necessary fragments of her diploma, different schedules, calculations, and the like. While she was telling me, I listened and carefully studied her closely. Her face was triangular, her skin was very white, almost milky. The tip of the nose slightly upturned, the eyes are very large, juicy dark blue. A small, almost puppet-like mouth with thin pink lips and a snow-white smile completed the portrait of this almost angel. I thought that after all, this is definitely not the girl of Nicholas, she is too refined for him. I decided to concentrate on her work and we plunged into the discussion. It was very easy and pleasant to work with her ... she really was sensible, she grasped on the fly. Time at work flew quickly. I began to notice to myself some vague feeling that appeared at the beginning of the conversation and gradually intensified. I began to increasingly look at her slender legs, on her papillae, which appeared a little under the fabric of the shirt. When she spoke, I could not take my eyes off her lips and sometimes I didn’t hear at all what she said, but only looked, looked and looked at her. I sat very close to her and could breathe in the light scent of her perfume with the almost elusive scent of her body. A friend left me a couple of weeks ago and since then I have not had sex. Therefore, the longer we sat side by side at work, the more clearly I understood that I was beginning to WANT her! At first it amused me, then I began to drive away this thought, because it prevented me from concentrating, but by the end of the third hour I admitted to myself that I was ready to tear off her clothes and satisfy my hunger!

When we finished, Katya just beamed with joy ... we greatly strengthened her work and she will shine on defense! She smiled and said that she was madly grateful to me and did not even know how she could thank me. I said I can tell. She slightly tilted her head to the side all the same and wondered what. Outwardly, I looked quite friendly and cute, but inside I had something unimaginable going on.I realized with horror that words were breaking out of me, the consequences of which can be completely unpredictable! And I told her what I really felt ... I want you!

There was a ringing silence in the room. Kate still smiled sweetly, but her eyes changed immediately. She could not understand if she had misheard or I really said THIS!

- Sorry... ?

- I said I want you - ...

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