After the illness I couldn’t be soared, and in a very humid environment I began to choke. Therefore, we decided that my wife Irina would soar men. Those smiled cheerfully, but his wife, on the contrary, was embarrassed and tried to refuse. But the duty of politeness and the desire to please the workers, who already worked for not very high wages and always went forward, took over and she reluctantly agreed.

Irina wanted to wear a swimsuit, but I explained to her that she could not wear a pair in clothes, she would definitely sit down, and that she had better put on an ordinary cooking apron to cover her own nudity. Irina thought a bit and finally agreed, and taking off all her clothes she wore an apron. Her big breasts were ready to jump out from under the apron, its length was just enough to slightly cover my wife's steep thighs, and I think everyone understands that she remained completely naked behind her, her plump ass was open, and only thin apron strings hung down between her delicious buttocks.

Ira already wanted to argue that in this form she does not agree, just as our workers entered the waiting room. Oh, the hostess is already ready - they pronounced in one voice, casting around my wife with interested looks. You mistress do not extinguish - one of them said, taking up his clothes to pull off - in the bath all are equal and kings and beggars and men and women. His words were not very encouraging to my spouse, but she nevertheless took the brooms hanging right there and went to the washing room. The men most closely pursued my wife, who walked between them slightly shaking her plump buttocks.

Undressed and turning with towels around the hips, the men headed for the washroom. Well, commander, do not be sad - one turned to me - and there will be a holiday on your street.

The men went into the steam room, and the wife began to soak the wreaths, so that later they would be glittered. I went to the house and brought two balloons with a cold beer, and after rising to our room I took the camera.

When I returned, the men were already lying on the benches and Irina alternately processed them with whisk. From the heat of his wife's face reddened, sweat streamed down her body, running down the back and soaking the apron. My wife's big nipples were already clearly protruding through the soaked material, at the bottom the apron stuck to my legs, covering almost only the pubis. The wife, completely absorbed in her occupation, did not seem to notice any of this; she turned from one to the other and substituted her ass with the eyes of men, and when she leaned a little, then I think they could see her crack.

Having pored enough, the men asked Irina to turn away and wrap the towels, all three of them went out to the waiting room to drink beer and cool down a bit.

While they were not there, I slightly opened the door and through the crack I filmed the whole process with the camera.

Having hidden the camera, I, as if nothing had happened, poured them three cups of cold beer. They sat around me on the benches, trying to catch their breath a little. Having rested and having drunk still on a mug, the men stood up - let's go hostess, still give in to the park. Irina got up and went forward. Wow and good - one of the men loudly slapped her on her bare ass. To my surprise, Irina took it quite calmly, only smiled slightly and playfully gave him a headset. They had already disappeared behind the door, when the second one came back to me - listen to the commander - he began and stopped in mid-sentence. Without waiting for his return, I already took out the camera and was ready to continue shooting. He looked at me in amazement, standing in front of the door with a camera in his hands; I was no less shocked by his return to look at him.

Got it - he finally reached out. What did you want - I did not find to tell another. I - he hesitated a little, continuing to glance at the camera - I wanted to ask - he looked at me again - whether it is possible to fuck your wife - finally, he gathered up his courage.It is possible, if she will not mind - I answered him - and do not forget, I take pictures - I showed him the camera - look so she does not notice. The peasant happily winked at me and hid behind the door, prudently not closing it completely. I continued my observation and shooting of course, too.

The men again went into the steam room, while Irina was still managing in the washroom, rinsing the benches with water and pouring water into the tub. Here the steam room opened and our workers appeared from it, completely naked, without towels on the hips. Irina looked at them in some amazement, the men, as if nothing had happened, passed and sprawled on the benches. Irina again began to process them with brooms, the men groaned, groaning in time with her movements. While Irina changed brooms, they turned over onto her back. After standing a little indecisively and seeing that men are not completely complex from their appearance, Irina has nothing left to do but start to seduce them on this side.

While she was processing one, the second man to whom she had her back, put her hand on her buttock. Ira turned slightly to him to protest. At that moment, the first one launched his hand under the short hem of the apron and put a palm on her pubis. Being thus squeezed on both sides, Irina, in complete disarray, continued to stand holding a broom in both hands. Men, meanwhile, not only did not remove their hands, but also began to stroke her a little, one in front, the other behind. The front hand climbed between Irina’s not widely spaced legs and began to rub her genital slit, while the second continued to squeeze her buttocks. Ira continued to stand inactive, the manipulations of the men were pleasant to her, and this was evident from the slightly trembling lips and eyes of my wife.

Put the crowns - I heard the voice of one of them. Irina, as if in a dream, put the unnecessary brooms to the side. Take this better — the man pointed to his trembling penis gaining strength. Irina slightly leaned forward and clasped a member of her palm. The man put his hand between her legs and began to stroke her hair. The second got a more complete access to the body of his wife, sat down on the bench and with one hand spreading the buttocks of my bowed wife, the second began to drive along the slightly swollen lips of the vagina. Irina, meanwhile, took a member of the first in her mouth, giving the second complete freedom over her pussy.

I continued to shoot, as my wife stands in an oblique pose and sucks the penis of one man with ecstasy, while the other is crawling in her juicy cunt. Having rummaged in it much, the second man knelt in front of her bulging booty on his knees and plunged his face between her widely spread buns. What started here. Irka began to moan in full voice, jerk her hips and bend, throwing back her head and for a second letting go of the first member of her mouth. It can be seen the man was a great craftsman, because literally a minute later his wife finished and finally released the member of the first mouth seated on the bench.

After giving her a little breath and enjoying the sensations she received, the men stood on either side of her, sending their raised members to her face. Irina clasping their ends, inflated in the veins of the veins, began alternately sucking on them, continuing all the time to peck them up with their hands. Climbing from both sides under her apron, the men meanwhile squeezed and squeezed her milking, one of them putting a hand behind her back pulled the ribbon of the apron, unlocking the bundle. Moving the apron on his back, the men continued to knead his wife's tits, fingering her big swollen nipples or squeezing the supple flesh with his palms.

After some time, Irina slightly pulled away from their members and sat down comfortably invitingly spread her thighs. One of the men, sitting between her legs, and clasping my wife in a businesslike manner, began to pump his dick into her. After a while he finished and his place was second.Having piled on with all his heavy body on my wife, he powerfully moved his pelvis, with a force of pounding his dick on the very eggs, there were slaps from the contact of the bodies and the characteristic squelching of the oozing vagina.

When the second man threw out his sperm into his wife, all three of them sat down to catch their breath, yet it was very hot and stuffy there. Wetting a towel in a nearby bucket, he rubbed herself between her legs, while the men asked her to lick their drooping ends, which was done by my wife. After that, the men turned around with towels and headed in my direction. I turned off the camera and waited innocently.

Coming out, happy men patted me on the shoulder in a friendly way. After a while my wife appeared. She had already brought the apron in order, and immediately went out to the beer. Taking a sip of more than half of the cup, she relaxed and sat on the bench. How beautiful she was! Steamed, freshly fucked, tired and contented!

After sitting in this way for some time, the men again went to bathe. My wife stayed with me on the bench. Without saying a word, she got up, took off her apron and knelt down in front of me. I also silently got up and lowered my pants. My wife began to suck me, passionately, smacking loudly and pushing me by the buttocks. After a while I felt that I could finish and said this to Ira. She pulled away, I helped her to get up and lie down on the bench. Being located between her divorced thighs, I began to lick her swelling pussy. Having brought my wife to orgasm with my tongue, I settled on her and plunged my dick into her womb. She wrapped her arms around me with both hands and firmly pressed herself. I began to fuck her, along the way kissing her neck and breasts.

At this moment, one of the workers came to us — e's mine, and we wait there, wait — he continued to look at us. Suffer a little more - I said, turning my head to him and not ceasing to hammer my spouse. No, we are not complaining - the man smiled - this is a necessary, useful thing, so take your time. He sat down at a nearby shop and poured himself another beer - I hope you don’t mind - he turned to us. Yes, sit too - through the moans of pleasure she whispered wife.

For the first time, I preliminarily fucked my wife, this served as an additional stimulus, and I violently pushed my dick into her. When I lowered into it, we lay awake for some time. Then I got up, my wife sat down on the bench and reached for cigarettes. Pour beer - helpfully offered us a man. My wife shook her head, but I did not refuse. So we sat down, I drank beer, my wife was completely naked and uncomplicated and smoked.

Soon a second worker appeared from the steam room — why are you all here — he asked. Yes here, we sit beer we drink - I answered. He glanced at my naked wife. She, as if nothing had happened, was sitting cross-legged and continued to smoke. Dokuhriv she got up - well, we go boys - she said, heading for the steam room. Irish, you forgot your apron - one of the workers said. Come on, why is he now for me - she smiled:

What happened next is probably so clear. The peasants again had her on razik, then immediately from both sides at the same time. Then she came back to me, and already I was able to enjoy my wife. To persuade her to have sex with the men here in the locker room, with me, I did not succeed, but I was completely satisfied with what he saw and captured through the doorway.

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