I hardly remember her name. It seems Stacy. Yes, perhaps it is. Stacy Muller, we are German, we are English. I met her at an evening with one of my friends, Earl Sh-va. The ladies at the reception that the count had arranged were few, and she stood out against the rest, like a pure royal diamond, framed with small semiprecious stones. I will try to describe it so that it would be clear why I was fascinated by this woman.

Pretty tall for her slim figure, blond, graceful, like a Chinese ivory statuette. Platinum curls neatly laid, beautiful thin-lipped mouth circled with bright red lipstick. The skin of the face is bleached in fashion to a painful pallor. Deep shadows under the eyes, black as the Persian night. Add to this the refined evening dress of black velvet and the languid elegance with which she kept herself, and you will understand why I couldn’t take my eyes off her all evening.

Count Sh-s noticed my condition and whispered in my ear:

“Good stuff, isn't it?”

- Oh, it's a goddess! - I said admiringly.

- Well, so by the way will have a surprise that I have prepared.

And he winked conspiratorially at me, leaving him to be perplexed until the very moment when the guests began to disperse.

Goodbye to the owner of the wife Brik; ordered to give the coach a count-chamberlain; Kurakin and his wife bowed. In the living room, where the evening was held, there were only Sh-vm and I, the three brothers R-nykh — the permanent participants of all the sh-ry adventures, and the charming Miss Stacey.

“Let's move on to the small living room, it will be more convenient to continue the conversation there,” suggested the count, smiling oilily, and we all followed him.

I gave Miss Müller’s hand, and barely restrained a shudder when I felt the touch of her tender fingers, and from her grateful glance I almost melted. It seems that I was ready to give all the millions to my uncle, and in addition all the millions of millions, if they were mine, for the evening spent alone with this woman.

Meanwhile, Sh-ov had conceived some kind of self-indulgence, judging by the decoration of the room we were in, most of which resembled a boudoir. I began to vaguely guess what was going to happen now, but when Miss Stacy sat down on the sofa and looked at the charming men of the men present, I still could not imagine if what could happen a minute later was possible.

A minute later, the count unbuttoned pantaloons, and everyone else followed suit. Only I laughed, fascinated by watching Stacy take off her clothes. She was left with only patent leather shoes and black mesh stockings, stretched to the middle of the thighs. And numerous rings and bracelets, which she did not bother to remove.

Her body was flawless. After all, the thing is that nature has created people so similar to each other, and every woman has both hips, and breasts, and ripe berries, breasts, and a small pubis, and, nevertheless, I could not even compare Stacy’s body with by the body of some other woman. It was perfect and indescribably seductive.

In particular, I was struck by the same platinum as her curls triangle under the stomach, which stands out on a white, almost gypsum skin, not in color, but in its silvery sheen. Also, the chain linking the rings in the nipples and the tiny bell on the navel glittered with silver. While admiring Miss Muller, I did not notice how my dick acquired the hardness of the famous jasper root sung in Chinese love treatises.

The count put a black leather collar around the beauty's neck and was the first to offer her a member. He was followed by the rest. When my turn came, the pretty face was thickly splashed with sperm - the three brothers R-nykh in turn ended up on Stacey's face. Her thin lips clasped my penis like a rubber ring and slid up and down, forcing me to dissolve into pleasure.Truly, she played on my organ, like an organ!

When I finished, I could barely stand on my feet - the sensations were comparable to knockout in boxing, and below the belt I just ceased to exist. I saw Stacy's mouth filled with cum; she carefully poured it into her palms and then, languishingly looking at me, rubbed the white liquid over the chiseled chest and elastic abdomen. I sank into the nearest chair, recovering from the craziest blowjob in my life. But that was only the beginning.

In the boudoir stood a small, but rather high table. On him, Sh-in laid face down to Stacy, and a magnificent picture opened up to the eyes of those present: long slender legs in black stockings, white as the core of a nut, butt and a thin pink slit in the middle. I saw that she, too, is framed by rings; one was thrown into the clitoris, and another into the anus.

Graf parted the juicy upper lips and squeezed his powerful member into the pink depth, while one of the brothers walked around the table on the other side and suggested that Stacey take his instrument in his mouth. But soon the table ceased to satisfy the count, and he forced Stacy to kneel, tied her hands behind her back, so that her hands were pressed to the shoulder blades, and pulled them to the collar, and after Stacey lowered her breasts to the floor - her pelvis remained raised . Two equally enticing holes appeared to our eyes, attracting like a siren song.

The count flattered himself on the top hole and, thickly smearing the member with a Vaseline, hung over Stacy. Without kneeling down, but standing on half-bent legs, he put his hands on her buttocks, parted them greatly and inserted the penis into her anus, piercing the beauty from top to bottom.

I could not understand how such a thick member can enter the ass without causing severe pain, but Stacy did not show any signs of discontent, on the contrary, in her half-closed eyes and voluptuous breathing it could be assumed that she likes it. Sh-s wielded a member with ever-increasing energy and ended incredibly violently, thrusting his horn to full depth - it seemed to me that Stacy's stomach was swollen from this attack - and in shocking convulsions he poured the damn break through sperm - he finished about ten seconds, not less.

Pulling out a member and translating the spirit, he offered to try the rest. The brothers R-vigorously and quickly began to work, filling Miss Muller’s stomach with the eagerness of the monks who break their fast after a long fast. From their tumultuous offerings, sperm poured over the edge of a fragrant vessel — when I set about my seductive bottom, trickles of semen ran along the slits, dripping onto the floor.

The count suggested that I change my position. Now we put two stools on which Stacey's knees were placed, spreading her hips, as far as the stretching of ligaments would allow - Miss Muller was a former gymnast. The pelvis was suspended in the air, the belly with a bell at the navel was horizontal to the ground, and in order for it not to fall forward, it should be held behind the hair.

I ran one hand into her hair, the other supported her under the chest. A member introduced into the vagina, leaving the anus for "Negro" - a hefty artificial penis made of black rubber, inserted for the sake of fun W-vym. Prankster Sh-ov put on my dick at the base of some kind of strap with a hook, which he then attached to the ring, driven into the clitoris of Stacy. Now, when I was leaning back, this ring significantly tugged the girl’s flesh.

After all these tricks, I finally began to move, at first smooth, then more and more rapid. Perhaps in my life I did not feel more ecstasy than the delight of being inside this woman. Feeling that I was finishing, I made my pelvis work quite furiously, no longer measuring the strength and depth of my blows, and bent the arm that held Stacy by the hair, pulling her head almost to her face - she bent at the same time in the back - but second hand grabbed the chain that connected her nipples, and pulled down.Through the slurping of a member who walked into the vagina like a piston in a cylinder of an automobile engine, I heard the moans of a girl giving out both the pain and passion she was experiencing.

In the mirror hanging on the wall, I saw Stacey and me — her sagging belly with a ringing bell, ribs billowing from frequent breathing, a pale face that alternately grimaces of pleasure and pain ran — all her white beads covered with sweat and thin body crucified on background of my muscular and hairy figure. When I reached the final, my hoarse roar merged with her ringing, drawn-out cry.

Stacy was transferred to the sofa and untied his hands. After a short rest, we again started the love games, and all six participated in the final position. One of the brothers lay back on the sofa, Stacey lay on his back, taking his cock into the anus. Over it lay Sh-ov, the second brother put his root in her mouth, and the third brother and I stood on the sides of the girl, entrusting her scrotal fingers to her thin fingers.

But this arrangement did not satisfy me - as soon as Sh-s had finished, I dragged the count aside to take his place. I didn’t want to just fuck this loving bitch, I wanted to feel her whole body, feel her vagina as a member, belly her belly, breast her breasts with sharp nipples, her lips salted from sperm lips and find her tongue while our bodies gradually merge into one whole, into one living being, living only passion!

When it was all over, and we started to dress - slowly, slowly, as if we were dead after a good bath, - Stacey loudly farted and immediately laughed. Her melodious laughter drowned in the rolling sound of the surrounding men.

- Well, what did I say? - Sh-s told me when we said goodbye near my carriage. - Thing is first grade. Come on the eighteenth number - I will have another berry of the same field.

I promised to be by all means.

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