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The weather could be called "frost and sun, a wonderful day," if only it was not late in the evening and shitty mood. Andrei left the crowded streets to a huge deserted park on the slopes of the river - he did not want to see anyone at all. Three weeks, as he broke up with his girlfriend. But he seriously intended to marry, met for half a year ... At first, everything was as good as possible, but a couple of months after they met, an unbearable trait of her character began to appear. And the further - the more. Pathological, on the verge of paranoia, jealousy. Moreover, it is absolutely unreasonable! For four months, Andrei first tolerated reproaches and tears, trying to explain that he does not change or intend, but after several ugly tantrums and scandals, moreover publicly, he broke with her once and for all. Three weeks ago. For a week she still called, made tantrums over the phone, accusing him of all the sins of the day. Then, realizing the futility of this, stopped. But the mood was still shitty ...

Having gone deep into the park, Andrew leisurely walked along deserted avenues, gloomily reflecting on the vicissitudes of fate. He stood a couple of minutes on the observation deck, looking from the height of the steep slopes to the opposite bank of the river, went further. At the turn of the alley, raising the fur coat's collar, I looked back and saw two tall figures on the landing where I had just left. I looked closely - like, girls. Tall, slender. One in a short fur jacket, the other in a thick, “inflated” jacket - puff. A thought flashed into my mind, not whether to try to get acquainted, but the mood was not there, and Andrei leisurely went on, sometimes looking around. The girls, too, walked leisurely along the avenue, talking about something of their own, without shortening and not increasing the distance, clearly not paying any attention to him. Once he noticed that one of the girls was talking on a mobile ...

Andrei was already approaching the summer “Green Theater”, from which it was 10–15 minutes to the exit from the park and to the nearest metro station, when three tall but clearly female figures separated from the pompous columns of the entrance to this very theater: two at the edges, one in the middle.

- It seems they are waiting for their friends coming from behind - Andrei thought. - Or dismantling is planned!

Approaching, considered: a sports warehouse, high. Although he was not a giant, 175cm is not much for a man, but the smallest one, also in the “blown” jacket, was not lower than his height. The other one, in a short sheepskin coat “a la the Snow Maiden”, was clearly over 180, and the third, in a long shaggy fur coat with a hood, was generally a basketball player — at least a head and a half taller than Andrey!

Looking back, I was surprised to see that the girls who followed him sharply reduced the distance and were just a few steps behind him! Both are also taller than him!

Those who stood in front did not pay any attention to Andrei, looking at the other two girls. But when he passed a girl in the “dutiku” standing in the middle of the alley, she suddenly abruptly and unexpectedly threw his left hand aside, firmly grasped him by the lapel of the fur coat and turned to her. At the same moment in her right hand flashed a small gas spray. Andrei only managed to open his mouth to rebel, but he did not have time to say a word, having received two short “pshik” in his face. So without saying anything, he stood held by the girl by the lapel, waiting for a cuts in his eyes and a terrible cough ... But there was no crap or cough. But terribly wanted to sleep! So much so that the eyes began to close by themselves, legs relaxed. Andrei managed to notice the other girls stepping toward him from all sides, felt strong hands that had taken him by the breasts and the collar of his fur coat and fell into the darkness ...

Further he remembered vaguely, in fragments.He was being led somewhere, stopping when he fell asleep and could not move at all with his feet, the “basketball player” lifted him, grabbed his breasts tightly and shook him violently until he regained consciousness and stood on his feet again, after which he was led again, holding and lifting the coats by the collar. It seems to be brought to some porch, but Andrei hardly remembered that ...

He came to himself from the sharp, pungent smell, jerked, turning away, but a strong hand firmly held him by the gate. He opened his eyes.

- Well, woke up, finally! - A pretty female face was looking at him, smiling. - Got there? Smell more! - The girl again brought to his nose a fleece with ammonia.

Andrei shook his head: - Enough, no more! Who you are? Where I am?

- Do not worry, lie quietly. Everything will be fine!

- What you want from me?

- We need you! - The girl continued to smile, - and why - you will soon find out! Do not worry! - She got up, her short fur coat flew open, and Andrew saw that there was nothing on her except this fur coat! From her slender, strong athletic body it was difficult to look away. But she stepped aside and disappeared from sight. Andrew looked around. He lay on a narrow couch, standing almost in the middle of a large, not brightly lit room. The windows and part of the walls are closed with thick curtains. On the floor is a huge thick fluffy carpet. Looking at himself, Andrew, with surprise and horror, saw that, besides his fur coat, he also did not have any clothes on him! I tried to jump, but the noiselessly appeared girl held his shoulder, forcing him to lie down: - Wait, don't twitch! And do not be nervous, everything will be OK!

The rest of the girls approached the couch from all sides, looking down at Andrei. He tried to get up again, but he was kept. He pushed his fur coat tightly on him, someone stuck a cloth belt from his wrestling kimono under his waist, wrapped it in several turns and tightly tied it. The "basketball player" bent over him, carefully raked the fur coat on her chest with such force that she caught her breath and ... Andrei literally soared into the air, hanging in by no means girls' strength and size! Firmly shook. The long shaggy fur coat of the “basketball player” swung open, showing a strong, pumped-up, but not disfigured, like a bodybuilder's, mounds of muscles, a trained body. She easily lifted Andrew to the wall, pressed her down and crushed her whole body.

- Now we will otymeyu you in full! We are not sadists, we will not hurt. And without distortions. You can resist, but do not advise: it does not help. Harm, we will not cause you, we will not be responsible. But it is better if you yourself try not to interfere with us and hold out longer! - and, turning to the other girls, asked: - Let's start? I'm first!

- And why you? After you almost nothing will be left for the other! - retorted the girl in the "dutiku", which sprayed into Andrew mysterious gas-soporific.

- And who was dragging him on himself? It was not necessary to “pshikat” him twice! You know that enough times! In short, start!

With these words, she put the completely confused Andrei on the floor, grabbed her cuffs, grabbed them and wound them on her fists so that they rested against his chin, depriving him of any opportunity to turn away, raised his lips to his lips again. Andrew screamed, choking, but a strong girlish tongue had already penetrated into his mouth, began skillfully wielding there ... After a minute, Andrei realized that he could not cope with himself, his penis himself began to strain and get up! Tearing off, finally, from his lips, the “basketball player” with a turn threw him at the rest of the girls standing at a distance. He was not allowed to fall, grabbing the fur coat from all sides, put on his feet. Before him was a "Snow Maiden". She grabbed the collar with one hand and gripped the belt tightly with the other and lifted her, she pulled him to her and also gave him a powerful kiss. Gasping, Andrew tried to push her away, could not, and only grabbed the sheepskin coat on the sides. Interrupting the kiss, she pushed Andrew on others, he was again taken by the breast, kissed and passed on.He left any attempts to resist, lost count, how many laps passed ... Sometimes he was thrown on the floor, more precisely, on ...

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