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Veronica was returning home in the most beautiful mood - so he likes her too, maybe he loves her too! For a month now, she had fallen in love with this handsome man - she thought about him constantly and did not hope that he would reciprocate her. This was her ideal of a man - a tall, broad-shouldered, handsome brunette with a dazzling smile and gentle hands. How many times she, lying on her sleepless nights in her lonely bed, imagined the touches of these strong beautiful hands, but she understood that it would be incredibly difficult to win the attention of such a man. And now her most incredible dreams came true - yesterday he came to her at a party arranged by her friends, invited her to dance, and at the end of the evening offered to take her home. Veronica was on top of bliss. Girlfriends enviously followed her gaze when she, in a carefully wrapped coat with his hands, was saying goodbye to them in order to walk away with him. And what is most unbelievable, already saying goodbye to her near her entrance, he offered to go with him to his dacha for the weekend - only the two of them. From this thought alone, Veronica got wet in her panties and she could not cope with the excitement that swept her from thinking what they would do for two days at his dacha, barely opening the door, rushed to the bathroom to remove incredible excitement under a stream of warm shower.

Finally, Friday came and, just waiting for the end of the working day, she rushed home in a taxi to get herself in order for his arrival. He, as promised, drove her around at eight o'clock and they went to his dacha. The place was magnificent - a dense forest, standing alone on a high bank of the river two-storey house. “He’s also rich,” Veronica said to herself with satisfaction, “well, just the dream of every woman.” They got out of the car, went into the house, Vadim - that was the name of this extraordinary man - suggested that she be placed, he kindled a fireplace and set about preparing the dinner. The dinner turned out to be wonderful - masterfully prepared meat, salads, wonderful wine, from which Veronica quickly got drunk, a warm dim light from the burning fireplace - in such a romantic atmosphere Veronica had never had to be. She dreamed of getting acquainted with the decoration of the bedroom upstairs, but Vadim was not in a hurry.

“It seems to me that a special feeling has arisen between us — not without looking at Veronica,” said Vadim.

- Yes, I really like you - answered Veronika, the cause of the frankness of which was drunk wine - You like very much ...

- How much do I attract you? - smiling asked Vadim

- It seems to me that I love you - just answered Veronica.

- And how do you find me a man attractive? - coming close to Veronica, Vadim asked quietly.

Veronica, feeling his breath on her cheek, involuntarily closed her eyes and gasped. Having lifted the girl's chin with his fingers, Vadim forced her to look into her eyes and asked again:

- Do you want me to surrender? Surrender - do not sleep, do not have sex, namely, surrender?

Veronica almost fainted from the sexual arousal that engulfed her.

- Do whatever you want with me - she whispered, - I want you ..

- Are you sure about that? - smiled Vadim. - Do you really give me yourself?

Veronica could only nod in response.

“Then let's go upstairs,” said Vadim imperiously and made the girl rise. From excitement and drunk wine, she barely stood on his feet. He helped her up the stairs and they were in a huge bedroom. Vadim clicked the switch, but instead of a bright light in the room, several night-lights flashed in a pinkish light, located around the perimeter of the bedroom.

- Get undressed - he ordered the girl.Veronika was somewhat surprised - she imagined how he would slowly take off her clothes, but the thought that she would do it led her to delight. She turned to Vadim sitting on the bed and slowly began to take off her blouse. Vadim silently smiled. She came to a lace belt with black stockings and thin narrow panties. Then Vadim stopped her. He approached her, Veronika closed her eyes in anticipation of a kiss, but Vadim turned her face to the wall. Still without opening her eyes, Veronica felt that he was raising her hands and putting her wrists in the loops fastened to the wall. Veronica immediately opened her eyes and tried to understand what he was doing. But her hands were tightly tied to the wall.

- What are you doing? - screamed Veronica.

- I take you, you yourself surrendered to me, surrendered to my power, do not be afraid - said Vadim.

“You are beautiful,” he said, and wrapped his arms around her tight chest. Veronica moaned from pleasure.

- You like it? - Vadim asked, squeezing her nipples more and more.

Veronica could not answer, only groaned louder.

- And so you feel good? - asked Vadim, dragging her nipples as far as possible with two fingers.

- It hurts - cried out Veronica.

- Be patient my good, be patient for me, you give me such pleasure - whispered in her ear Vadim more and more pulling down her nipples. Veronica stiffened in pain, but Vadim gently stuck her tongue in her ear and began to caress him. Veronica relaxed a bit, continuing to experience severe chest pain. But to her surprise to the pain, a new feeling began to join in - the feeling that she belongs to this man - and he can now do anything with her. It awakened the most ancient desire for someone to belong, to be dependent.

- Already better, is not it? - asked Vadim

- With one hand, continuing to pull off her poor nipple, which stretched out and continue to hurt deafly - he suddenly thrust her fingers right under her panties, Veronica started involuntarily. He reached out and showed her a completely wet finger watered with her juice, which was the result of her incredibly strong arousal.

- See, and pain can bring pleasure - said Vadim, releasing her chest

Veronica almost regretted that the sweet flour was over. But Vadim reached for something in her closet and came close to her again. He again extended his hand to her chest and she saw that he was fastening small clamps on her nipples.

- What is it? She cried. - What for?

- So that you feel how I want you, Vadim answered.

And again, the familiar pain pierced Veronikina's chest - now her small nipples were hung with small but heavy clamps, which Vadim twisted so that they hurt her, but did not harm her breasts.

- Now let's do your lips.

Veronica thought that he wanted to kiss her, but she was almost touching the face of the wall.

But Vadim gently took off her panties and belt, leaving her only black stockings. He stroked the rounded buttocks, easily spread them apart and examined her hole. Veronica again closed her eyes, unable to understand what was happening.

- Have you ever made love using the anus? - asked Vadim, continuing to inspect her anus.

“No,” Veronica admitted faintly.

- Miraculously - Vadim smiled and released her buttocks. - Please spread your legs wider - he ordered.

Veronika complied and felt the metal clips touch her genital lips - Vadim strengthened them on each lip, Veronika almost did not hurt, although the clips held her labia quite strongly. Small metal chains led from the clips. On the ankle, Vadim put the bracelet on, between the bracelets he strengthened some stick so that ...

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