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According to average data, over a third of all serious crimes are committed by people who are mentally ill. And this first of all means that for their investigation law enforcement officers need to have not nerves, but steel ropes. However, judge for yourself ...

To anyone in the world, unfortunately, it is still not clear where people get this damned schizophrenia from. Whether infected with it, like the flu, or it occurs when an unsuccessful traumatic brain injury, or is inherited.

Until the tenth grade, Irina was a playful girl, but she didn’t give her parents much trouble. In the tenth, everything changed. Ira, the first class beauty recognized, became angry and irritable, and at the same time lost interest in schoolwork. To her stuck nickname "mad" because she because of any trifle could throw a tantrum, and even a fight. The teachers complained about it to their parents, and those believed that they were taking adequate educational measures.

Her parents adhered to strict rules and firmly believed in the benefits of harsh upbringing, with the result that Svetlana often found herself on her mother's lap with her skirt up and bare ass. For easy misconduct a girl received a portion of strong slaps, lying on her knees from mom or dad. Requests and pleas were not taken into account. For more serious offenses, Dad took a belt out of the cabinet.

Instead of showing the girl to the doctor and finding out the reasons for such behavior, the mother laid her on her knees without any special ceremonies, and the father forced her to lie on his stomach on the bed and put a sofa cushion under his ass. For whipping my father used a narrow or wide belt, depending on the seriousness of the crime. True, the benefit from such upbringing was a bit ... not a week went by, so that the diary did not beautify another remark.

Having passed the school exams for the tenth grade, barely a triple, Ira went to improve her health. Over the past year in the village, everything has changed. An entrepreneur who had been abandoned many years ago was bought by an entrepreneur and the already forgotten smell of manure appeared in the village. From fresh milk or from something else, she was prettier, cheered up and rounded.

On the very first evening, Ira saw how Muscovites arrived in a village in a jeep ...

- The girls who want to fuck, climb!

So many people crammed into the car that the door could not be slammed. The men quickly took the girls into the night.

The village boys immediately began to glance at the girl from the city with undisguised male interest. More than once she heard sentences like ... "What do we, the boars, eat ... - in the forest, do not bend down," "As the chicken carried, shook it off and went," "Snort, get drunk - and contract the girls!" above his dignity even snap at stupid jokes.

On a summer evening, Ira, together with her best friend Katya, gathered at the local disco. At eleven in the evening the village is already asleep, only the club windows are shining, and the sleepy silence is cutting ... "On a white and white bedspread of January! Beloved girl, I wrote the name ... "and" White Rose - in the arms of frost ... "

- Girl, you have such a nose, - Ira heard a drunken voice behind her back, - you need to write a picture. Yes, I will give your grandmother two cows for you, my wife and children ...

- Muddy, do not rub a lot, it's better to go to bed right away! - Someone's hands, as if by chance, grabbed Ira from behind.

They twisted and went out of the smoke-filled room. Following her came a deeply pregnant girl with a high belly raised. The future mother turned around and showed everyone the fact and quickened her step.

I did not want to sleep yet, and the girlfriends decided to walk before bedtime. The girls walked along the road, enjoying the evening coolness, and chatting. Spitting out after cheap cigarettes, a flock of local girls appeared.All as one with a six-month curl, with a red peeling varnish on dirty nails and in black skirts on the knee, with a flirty cut behind.

“You probably don’t have that in Moscow.” Yesterday Lyudka was called an ambulance ... an attack of appendicitis. And instead of appendicitis, a boy was born to her. Mother shocked, rushed to her boyfriend. Like agreed to get married.

- And what, you are not protected?

- What for? It is only in your city that there are all sorts of AIDS and gonorrhea, and abortion is like curing a cold.

Of course, the conversation went about the boys.

“In our neighborhood,” said a friend, “they are doing two things here ... drinking and copulating.” The neighbor is with the neighbor, the teacher is with the student, and even the mother is with the son. Here is the norm!

As a rule, parents do not conceal from children, and it is often necessary to observe pets… However, our village sex giants do not shine with diversity. Kiss on the lips, mash the chest (occasionally - the stomach), reciprocating movements and ... in fact, everything!

When Ira told what her classmates did to preserve her virginity, Katya was indignant ...

- We can safely hang up posters ... "No oral sex!" Or ... "Our women do not blow job!"

- So I ever took in your mouth? No, it's dirty! And in general, God gave women one place to take a man. About others in the Bible does not say. The rest is sin!

- And what, parents allow you?

- And who asks them, the truth for the b-tst gets on the first number! It is in your humanism in the city, but we have a little bit of it, so on the bench and the rods along ... Well, look, how many branches are cut off from the bushes along the river banks! This is not for baskets!

Ira honestly told about the belt and strict parents, and that she is still a girl than she rather amused her friend.

- This is a fixable matter! - She said fun.

It was already quite late and boring, and they were about to go home, when suddenly they heard a crash and three motorcyclists left because of the turn.

Ira was frightened, having decided that they were gangsters, and was about to grab her friend by the hand and run. But Kate said ...

- Do not worry, this is a local from a neighboring village, my friends.

Ira met with them, they stood, chatted.

- Do you want to show you the “Third Top”?

- No I do not want to! - answered Ira.

A friend had time to tell that this nice place is located thirty kilometers from the village. Carry there, as a rule, visitors and inexperienced. They offer you to "give me to give" ... either you have sex and you are taken home or get what you want.

- Well, you do not want, we will go to collect the creeper or to look at the hamlet of little calves?

Ira did not know that local slang meant an invitation to have sex, but, sensing something unkind, she refused, and was about to leave. Her friend reassured her, saying that these guys have nothing to fear, that this is not the capital, everyone here knows and respects each other.

- Yes, let's go, Katya said, you have never seen calves!

- Of course, - Ira was offended, not knowing the second meaning of these words, - for how many years your farm has been abandoned, but not the whole village and three cows will not reach!

Ira was a little ashamed of her own fear, she did not want to look like a coward in the eyes of a friend, and she decided to make a company for the guys.

Yura drove her to the farm. This is a pretty handsome mustache, about twenty years old, I immediately paid attention to him, and sat down in the back seat with him. He was short, but well built, apparently engaged in sports.

The guys made fun of her, as Katya said that Ira had never seen live young calves, which in the local language meant ... a virgin.

When everyone got off the motorcycle, Yura asked ...

- Ira, have you really never seen small calves?

- Yes!

And they went to look at them. When the couple entered the room, no calves ...

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