Is he:

They won't catch me. And even if they catch it, nobody will prove anything. All the same, I will do again and again what my nature of the beast demands. Anyway, I will forcefully take females, who believe that the ancient times have passed and now they can control any man. Because even if I get drunk and break in some rubbish, even if I can't tear my head off the floor, even then the desire to tear the female flesh will not die in me. The desire to hear the cries of the victim.

For the first time, everything happened very simply. I walked through the night park. It was autumn, there, or the beginning of winter - I do not remember. I remember how blood was flowing from a broken nose, and my ribs ached. Well this is necessary - to meet those three freaks, and it is in that lane: Critters! Are you a little town? Or maybe they were looking for me specifically? What now? And I didn't even manage to hit any of them - they flew in from behind, bitches, rolled them into the dirt. Here, I go, it means that I grunt along the sides with bloody spit, and in you is the gift of fate! Go, two, in a hug, it means: Love - carrots, asterisks - sadochki, fuck. And the girl is not good enough to be a cavalier - I’m a little noddle: Dress fits like a figure, eyes glisten in the dark, heels clink on asphalt. And this: Next: The nozzle is green: Thin, fucking, bespectacled, with a head with fear twirls, something with its voice winking dondonit. What are you women in these find? Look, she also holds him by the handle: Bitch: Well, I’ll arrange a park love for you, you will remember this night for a long time. I come out of the shadows. I get up right on the road - well, let's see what you do. ABOUT! You look at how his voice immediately sat down. Well, say what you started, what are you talking about there - about love or about agriculture? Che, do not you like my bloody mug? There, and your woman as scared, squeezed her elbow, already knuckles turned white. Stopped watching. “Did something happen?” - I hear. It was a skinny freak's voice cut through. "Nate" - stretches: What? It is he who draws me a handkerchief. Is it you who offer me a snotty bucket, a freak? Yeah, well, type and beat him now there is nothing, and his courage showed his woman. I'll show you courage. The girl is standing, biting her lips: and suddenly she squeals and bounces off to the side - the hilyak falls on the asphalt like podkoshenny. A white handkerchief slowly, like in a cartoon, drops to the ground next to it. “Wake up yourself, schmuck! You need more: ". I turn to the bitch - is wide-eyed and can not move. Well, Nick, right now, I'm pushing you! While she is in a trance, I even have time to consider her a little. Full lips, boobs themselves are asking for a hand, and ass: You just squeeze such an ass - you will remember your whole life. And most importantly, some three steps separate me from all this treasure. Already two - stepped to her. Yeah, pimply schmuck on asphalt stirred - it means not killed. Then the bitch comes out of a trance, and slowly begins to move back. Slowly so: And looks into the eyes. What are you looking at? What did you see? I’ll still see this with me today. With him, just go with your hands and hold on? "You: what? Do not: do not:". But what about: Do not: Right now, turn around and leave. I ran. I finally understood that you wouldn’t wait for your defense idiot. I let them run ten steps away. Run, run: Especially since it is not running to the park exit, but into the thick of it is overgrown, then I rush after it. I wonder why are you still silent? Just some whimper? Mom - Mommy. Well, who else do you remember?

She is:

I do not want to live. Why me? Why did this have to happen to me? I sit in the bath. Blood trickles disappear in the sink. They say it is better to do it in a bath, in a hot bath, and not in the shower - but I don't care: God, Mom, why, why, why!? Why didn't he kill me right there? Why did he leave to lie with all this dirt inside, threw out to choke from the burning pain in the lower abdomen? The hand went numb: I ran, I ran from him. The institute said that I was very athletic.But I never ran like that - choking with horror and seeing nothing before me. He caught up with me. I caught up and knocked down. He pinched his hand behind his back. His other hand immediately climbed under the dress and pulled off her panties. The cracking of the fabric and its mats - it seems he ordered me to be silent. Then he turned me on my back. I screamed and tried to break free, but I received a punch. For a few seconds it became completely dark. When I opened my eyes, my breasts were in his hands. A dress torn to the waist and a bra cut with something. Dress: His mother gave me when I went to college. For some reason at that moment I thought about the dress: It hurts. How painful for me. His fingers twist nipples, dig into my chest, go down below: I can not squeeze his legs - his knees spread them wider and wider. With one hand he does something down there between us, while the other holds my throat. I can not say anything, just crying. Trying to say no. Please do not". After all, you can still leave. Stop it, go away, I will not tell anyone, just stop it: No! After all, I know what he is doing down there, between us, I know why he is so angry, I know. After all now, now he will rape me! How strange it is to see how he gets his: his own: and understand that they are raping me right now: No! Not! NO! ... All the forces to prevent, prevent, delay. But he slowly pushes everything inside me, slowly: Slowly entering. And looks into the eyes. Failure, I do not remember anything further. The last thought was: "if you only wake up, when it's all over." White tile bathroom. Strange. I just looked at the drops of blood, but now I look up. Shower stems cross the horizon diagonally. I see the edge of the lamp on the ceiling. Why can't I move? And who included such cold water? Why is the water suddenly so cold? Why? Why:


The day before yesterday was Saturday. Yesterday is Sunday. Today they buried Zhenya. He forced himself to go to the funeral and could not. I love her. I understand that I must now say "loved", but I can not. That evening, that Friday, I saw off her birthday. I always tried to be with her, to catch her eyes, to rejoice in her smile, but only this evening I finally spoke to her. We danced. I hugged her waist and was happy. What was her warm, and some kind of "flexible", or something, back: Then I offered to hold it. Indeed, in actual fact, she had a boyfriend, but they had a falling out on that day. Suppose, I thought, one evening with her is enough for me. This evening was only mine. As we walked down the street, she took me by the elbow. We stopped in front of the park, and she asked: “How are we going?”. It was possible through the courtyards, but it is too short, and I led her through the park. Moreover, I was ready to do anything for her, and I would protect her: I do not know what happened. A man with a broken face suddenly came out of the darkness towards us. He was three years older than me, and much harder. I thought he needed help. Zhenya pulled me aside, but I took a handkerchief from my pocket and handed it to him. What happened next, I can not remember. It seemed to me that he stabbed me with a knife. Suddenly I was hurt and I saw a blue flash. The next moment I realized that I could not move, and I fell on the asphalt. And plunged into darkness. When I woke up, Zhenya shouted. Turning my head, I saw a man tearing her dress, pressing his body to the ground. I felt myself and raised my hand to my eyes. There was no blood. Still, he hit me with something heavy. I got up and ran. I knew that there was a police station a couple of hundred meters away, and I thought that I would have time to run and call for help. When I broke into the police station, there was one person on duty. He called the car on the radio. Ten minutes later, a UAZ car arrived, and I ran to show the way. Marrying lay on his back. Her face was broken. Nose and lips - a mess. The dress on the chest was torn. Legs bent at the knees. She did not answer. She lay alone. There was nobody around. Two cops jumped into the car and drove off, probably searching for him through the streets. One stayed with me. After twenty minutes, the ambulance arrived. Today I wanted to die.He took a strong cord from his father’s instrument box, tied it to the chandelier hook, and stood on a stool. I could not. Why, Zhenya ???

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