He stood and pondered what he could have become if his life would have been different ... For example, a manager or a psychologist, or a lawyer. He would have had the money, and the apartment, and the cozy little wife ... He was alone, alone in the solitude that is higher than death. He could be independent ...

A rude hail brought Andrew back to reality, at the intersection of a dusty street ...

- Again you are standing with such a look that you want to take someone off yourself. You owe me money - be nice, turn your ass, otherwise what happened to your boyfriend, Grisha, can happen to you. So, it seems, it was called? ...

Andrew scared startled ...

- Sayid, I ... Here, take it, I already had two orders today ... That's all I gave, I didn't leave anything to myself, I swear.

“That's right, dear, right,” grumbled the skinny Azerbaijani, putting the money stretched by Andrey into the pocket of a battered leather jacket, “but if I accidentally know that you are deceiving me, I will be very upset; you better not grieve me.

“Yes, I know,” the guy nastily nodded.

- Good. I will come to take a look at you.

- Yes, Sayid ...

- thought Andrei trying to keep his face motionless. Rage was stifling him, but the owner had not yet disappeared around the bend, and the young man turned his face into a stone mask of reverence; - ...

The car braked right near his foot, and he habitually tuned in to the working mode. The woman who looked out of the car, however, did not look like a seeker of paid sex ... slim, dark-haired, with surprisingly thin features, she seemed to have disappeared from a fashion magazine image. - Andrew decided, helpfully bending down to the door ajar.

- Let's go, ride? The stranger asked.

“Sorry, I'm busy,” Andrei tried to resist the temptation to give a damn about work and roll off with this crazy woman somewhere far away from this city.

- Sit down, honey, sit down. Said said to me, WHAT you are busy with, - she smiled cynically and a little arrogantly, squinting her green eyes.

- As you say, only money - go ahead.

They did not drive long ... literally ten minutes later, the car braked near the homely shabby house. They silently left, the woman locked the car, and sign told Andrei to follow. On the third floor, she stopped near a flimsy, upholstered door with a poisonous leatherette. Andrew marveled at the absurdity of what is happening ... an expensively dressed woman on <рено> and a collapsing apartment in a panel house. Finally, she coped with the lock, and silently went into the dark hallway. She turned around, beckoned Andrei behind her and closed the door without turning on the light. He stood in the dark, only by instinct guessing the presence of a client, and thought that it was difficult to imagine a more stupid situation than this. Finally she moved, pulled at some cord, and a soft light came on in the whole apartment. Andrew looked around crazy ... the apartment was furnished at the level of a good country house for. Finally she said ...

- Come into the room, take off your clothes and wait for me, I will come soon.

- OK, I'm coming.

He walked into the room, and once again marveled at the decor and décor of the dwelling ... a huge bed stood in the middle of the room, it was covered with a bunch of silk sheets and littered with small pillows; On both sides - rounded tables of frosted dark glass; on the floor is a fluffy, albeit slightly wiped carpet ... And that’s all.

- Here I am, dear, - he heard a ringing and at the same time fascinating voice behind his back.

He turned round vividly, and so froze with his mouth open ... a woman turned out to be beyond praise. <вот такой="" бы="" в="" шлюхи —="" цены="" б="" ей="" не="" было=""> - cynically thought Andrew, cheekily surveying the curves of the body, which he was to master in a short time.

She was dressed in a white silk robe, barely covering her strong rounded thighs, peeping from the incision she was wearing a lace bra again, so low that her large pinkish nipples were visible.She had stockings on her feet, but no hint of shoes — the woman was barefoot on a soft carpet, smiling derisively with her amazing green eyes. <зачем ей="" снимать="" мужика,="" любой="" побежал="" бы="" за="" ней,="" не="" раздумывая..="" наверное,="" извращенка=""> - Andrei was still wondering what he should do ... his clients were mostly aging aunts with saggy breasts and cellulite asses, who just had to lick and shove fast. And what would you do with this strange, but such a delightful woman ...

She decided to take matters into her own hands ...

- I think, my dear, you understand that I already have a good life, but I have some problems in my sexual life, forgive me for the tricky wording. I want the man to be my slave, to fulfill all my whims, I want him to crawl in front of me on his knees and submissively put his ass in, if I suddenly want to flog him, well, and so on, I think you understand me. So Said said you take a hundred in an hour. I think you agree to stay with me all night, suppose for four hundred dollars?

- thought Andrew, trying to choose the only correct line of conduct.

- Yes, of course, as you wish.

- I want you to come to me now.

Andrei smoothly moved towards a dark-skinned woman in white lingerie, and stopped at arm's length ...

- Yes Milady?

Suddenly, she snapped a miniature clasp around his neck, and he felt a touch of rough skin to his body ... he stood in front of her in a dog collar, and her thin hand held a dark, worn leash ... She smiled, as if a good joke, and suddenly pulled sharply on a leash, so Andrew, obeying the pressure of the collar, was kneeling at her feet. A woman's hand fell on his head, pressing him against his half-naked velvety thigh, against the fine silk fabric of his robe. He felt excited, but she did not give him time to admire the bend of her thighs ...

“Get on the bed,” she said almost in a whisper, fearing that an unexpectedly hoarse voice would give a wish to her,

- I want to look at you closer.

“Yes, madam, of course,” the boy liked this performance more and more, where he was assigned one of the main roles.

Naked, in a collar and on a leash, lying on the bed in front of this charming girl, he felt somewhat uncomfortable, and for the first time he was ashamed before a woman for his <профессию>. However, he soon became not thinking, because the wet tongue of the woman touched his neck near the collar, and moved below, examining in detail every inch of the body in his path. So she reached his chest, ran her tongue around her nipples a couple of times, then suddenly took one in her mouth and bit slightly, so Andrei cried out.

- You should have fun, my sweet boy, from everything that I do, otherwise you will be punished ... You do not want the mistress to spank you on your elastic ass? Or do you want? ... - She spoke while her hands were studying Andrew's hips.

He languished, his penis stood like a stone, a single thought pulsed in his head ... to take, to subdue this dark, haughty body, sink inside and have it, to have indefinitely. Andrei forgot that he was only a toy in the hands of this woman, he looked at her as if he were a prey, like a female, not a client, he felt that a little more and he would explode, he could not control himself, he would just fuck her, spit on earnings and consequences.

Her tongue slid over his body, she had already reached the abdomen and, slightly biting on his body, moved down to the dampened tense cock. Here she licked his thigh, responding with a spasm to a short touch of a rough wet tongue, then slightly raised her head and breathed on the head of the penis, so that she involuntarily swayed to her stomach. He waited for her to finally take in his body ready to burst, but the woman lowered her head again and continued to study his body ... her tongue slid lower, to Andrei's knees, then higher again, on the inner side of the thigh, walked along the painfully constricting scrotum and again stopped at the base of the trunk. He could not resist ... Grabbing her hands by the hair, forgetting about the collar around his neck, he pulled her mouth to the head, trying to overcome the resistance of tightly compressed lips. She wanted to be indignant, and opened her mouth, and at that moment he finally put her instrument in her mouth, so she only gave out a squeezed moan. Over and over again, he thrust a member into her mouth, she moaned and tried to rest her arms, and this prevented him from cumming ... Finally, she managed to escape, and stared at him with completely rabid eyes ...

- You!! How dare you ?! I will surrender you to Said! Tired of living? Scum, I pay you money for this?

“Excuse me, I do not know what came over me,” Andrei humiliated himself, realizing that she really could complain to Said, and then ...

“Get up on all fours,” she almost snarled, simultaneously tugging at his collar.

- Yes Milady.

She waited for him to get on all fours, and then suddenly struck a blow at the buttocks. Andrew started, and the blows rained down hail. Finally, her hand is tired, but then she found herself having another fun ... her hand began to stroke his glowing buttocks in circular motions, then she spread them both hands, surveying the wrinkled anus ring. So she had never treated men, and she suddenly wanted to touch him. She abruptly pulled the leash, forcing him to lean on his elbows, and now she looks at him in the most humiliating pose for a man ... his ass is raised high up, while he rests his nose on the pillow. She moistened her index finger with saliva and touched it to the opening that opened instinctively at her touch. Andrew and threw on the bed ... feelings experienced by him from this touch, were scorchingly pleasant. At this time, the woman wanted more, and she, dropping to her knees, licked his tongue anus. Andrew again could not resist ... with a sharp jerk, turning over on his stomach, he grabbed her across the body, so that she was on his lap, his head hanging down. Now she was in full control of him, and he lashed her out of the heart with her dark, elastic buttocks, lighting red spots on them. Then he decided to get rid of the collar ... with one hand holding her elbows tucked behind his back, the other he was fiddling with the sly clasp of an English lock. Finally she gave in, and he tore off his collar. She was in his power, that haughty swarthy beauty. He pulled her off her knees, rudely took her hair and pulled her to his cock. As soon as she tried to dodge, he again rewarded her with a strong blow to the ass, so that she lost all desire for further resistance. But suddenly an even more interesting thought occurred to him ... he jerked her head to his face and dug into her lips, then turned her back to himself, forcing him to bend down. Now she was lying prostrated before him, and he could clearly see the moist lips of the vagina and the dark hole of the anus. Still holding her hair, Andrew knelt, directing his hardened member to the vagina of this dark-skinned lustful female.

To be continued soon ...

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