After all my adventures followed a long break in sexual life. The summer holidays began, most of the girls' acquaintances were busy passing exams, sessions and similar labuda. As for me, the delivery of such a harmful thing as a session went almost for free - most of the items were set as “automatic”, and the only one that had to be handed over - I passed without a single problem as “excellent”.

I would not mind to diversify my life, but all the classmates went their separate ways, according to their native collective farms and villages, and the city people drove off to rest in Borovoe. I especially regretted that I could not meet with the headman a couple of times - the accumulated tension would have given her a couple of interesting hours.

After our first meeting, we met for a month in a row - solely for the sake of sex. The most banal and animal - without words, without feelings, with the same moans and cries. Then this case somehow died down - as I found out later, Olga found herself a permanent guy, sunk on her sagging breasts.

Toward the middle of the summer, I restored my relationship with two sisters, Natasha and Ekaterina K. They were Sergei's childhood friends, and I had known them for about six months. The eldest (Natasha) was 19 years old. She was a fair-haired girl, with insanely delicious buttocks and hips. In addition, she had what I value most in girls - the mind, supported by a beautiful breast, topped with large pink nipples, a cylindrical shape, and a flexible, pliable body. Katya, the youngest, was a 16-year-old, tall girl with long legs and small brown nipples.

I will not say that purely platonic communication with two sisters is a simple matter. At times we quarreled, did not call each other. But then, nevertheless, the girls went to the world - they invited me to visit, traditionally luring me with pancakes, cake with a new recipe or other food and taste (to which, as they knew, I was not indifferent).

That is exactly what happened this time. A week after another disagreement, Natasha called me:

- Hello. How are you?

- Nothing. How are you? - I am not vindictive and quickly move away, so I always go forward.

- Come, - we talked about all sorts of things, like common friends, new films and books. Then Natasha asked, “You don't want to come to us?” We have stuffed pancakes ... Still, we were wrong then ...

“Okay,” I smiled. - when?

- Come to seven. Okay? Just take some movies on the computer, see?

Clear pepper, I thought. I will not miss such a moment - the girls cooked well. And I had a couple of new films on a CD - let's have fun ... There was a terrible heat on the street. Therefore, I stood under a cold shower, changed clothes and went to the sisters.

At that moment, when I was approaching the porch where the sisters lived, the father and mother of the girls were leaving. They knew me well enough, asked how things were going, how they studied. I wonder where are they? The door opened to me Natasha. She was wearing light-fitting pants and a small top.

“Hi,” she smiled. - Come on in.

Katya looked out of the girls' room - in a robe up to her knees, with hair curlers. I greeted and asked - "I change clothes, you still do not come, okay?".

Well, let's drink tea with pancakes in the kitchen. Natasha hosted it. I enjoyed watching how she moved around the kitchen - she owned her own body, and did not hesitate at all. I have already said - she was a smart and completely non-complexing girl.

Five minutes later went to the kitchen and Kate. As I understood, she was not going to remain. She went on a date with her boyfriend (the date did not succeed - she returned, found Natasha and me for ... well, more on that below).

I drank some tea, ate pancakes. I always try not to eat much, especially at a party - it doesn’t have a very good effect on health and form.Then Natasha and I decided to watch the films on the CD that I brought.

We went into the girls' room, turned on the computer - the films were unfamiliar to me, he took them for a week, but did not have time to watch. I lay down on the bed of Natasha, she sat on the floor. The film was an incomprehensible blend of love melodrama, tragic fate and warm feelings. I don’t remember the exact content, but he left such sensations ...

Ten minutes later, Natasha moved to my bed. I just put my head on her hips - soft enough to replace a pillow. The back of my head, I felt the lower abdomen of her stomach, moving to the beat of her breathing, under the right hand lay the inner surface of her thigh. And here in my head flashed thoughts:

"What if? After all, I never even thought about it - to do THAT with her ... But she fucking excites me! ”.

I gently pressed her palm to her thigh and began to slowly, almost imperceptibly iron. Back and forth, back and forth, from the knee to the middle of the thigh. I turned a little bit - Natasha, without looking up, was watching a movie. I slightly increased the pressure and increased the area of ​​action - on the inside of the thigh - I am ready to swear that she felt my touch ... But, I did not react!

I raised my hands to her face and calmly, gently kissed. Natasha responded to the kiss, her lips opened and allowed my tongue to enter. Having thrown her by the shoulders on the bed I began kissing her more persistently and freerly - I ran my tongue over the inside of my lips, stroked my palate - she groaned and you tried to return.

While holding, I gently stroked Natasha's chest, feeling her charming nipples harden. He took off the topic, stroking the sensitive skin under the straps and took the right nipple. I kind of saddled Natasha lying on the bed and stroked the nipples of the chest with both hands. He gently rocked them, stroking the pink areas and sensitive, delicate skin of the chest.

When Natasha stopped resisting and made attempts to ward off my hands, I began kissing a flat stomach, sank to her pants and carefully but firmly took off. Panties were not a big problem - and I began to kiss her hips, lower abdomen, almost passing into the pubis. Dug into the clitoris - sucking him, clinging to her, caressed his tongue, kissed. She was trembling in time with my touch, her hands were in my hair — as if she were directing me.

Caressing her, I almost undressed myself. I was very excited, and scared to enter

juicy, hot vagina of the girl, covered with a thin virginal hymen. He ran his tongue over the enlarged sexual lips and gently moistened the entrance to the vagina with saliva. Then, kissing and stroking, he rose to Natasha's face, squeezed her mouth with a kiss and carefully, but inexorably entered her gut. Has stopped.

She shuddered for a moment, stopped, as if listening to her feelings, then relaxed again. I began slow, cautious movements. Natasha seemed to delve into a new quality of sensations, a new pleasure. She began to moan, lifted her legs and pulled them behind my back.

After a while, her moans became louder — she was a bit fluttering at me, no longer holding back passion, and, therefore, inflamed even more, hugged, kissed, pressed against her breast. After a few seconds, her moans became louder, she started, arched, ending, whispering in my ear: "Pavlik ... you are good, my ... Pavlusha ...".

For some time we lay nestled to each other, heated. I did not finish, and wanted to finish the job, and suddenly I noticed a movement on the left. Katya was standing next to the bed, in a robe thrown open, at her naked body — she looked at me with slightly insane eyes, and I looked at her excited, protruding nipples.

Then she dropped the robe, and climbed on the bed, right to me. She kissed me, and I caressed her breasts, stroked her back, gently ran my hands over my hips and caressed the hollow between my buttocks. Finally, I felt ill from the excitement that gripped me. I knocked Kate on his back, began to kiss her stomach, legs, clit.Her labia reddened a bit, and when the girl began to breathe more often, I turned her over on her stomach, placing a pillow under her lower abdomen so that her butt turned out to be appetizing on my display.

Katyusha was not a virgin, so I entered her without any preparation, lifting my hips and began to move rhythmically, stubbornly trying not to finish - to give her pleasure. The head of the girl was between the legs of Natasha, who was watching us, and she, feeling the random touches of her sister, who were clearly bringing her pleasure, began to press Katya to herself.

Katyushin licked the tongue and patted Natasha's sexual lips, the clitoris, giving her incomparable pleasure. Katya seemed to serve as a conductor of erotic caresses - each of my movements in her gut gave a new splash of pleasure on Natasha's face, both sisters moaned - one from my quiet movements, the second from a trembling tongue of a sister and an influx of lesbian feelings. Finally, they finished. I took both of them two more times, until I was tired.

Then the girls went to the shower, and I lay on the bed, hearing them whisper and giggle. I was overworked, so I could not finish. Excited flesh remained unsatisfied.

Then shining Natasha sat on my chest, and Katya got on her feet.

- Because you were gentle with us, but you couldn’t finish yourself, poor thing, Natasha cooed, plugging my mouth with a kiss, - we prepared a surprise for you ... She began to kiss me, not even letting me move - and at that time, my cock caressed my mouth. Katie's tender lips slid over the penis, and the rough tongue added thrill. Then the sisters changed - Katya kissed me, and Natasha caressed. She began to accelerate the movement of the tongue a little, with small pauses, then with several strong and especially gentle movements of the mouth, finally, it caused a long-awaited orgasm.

Until the morning we lain together, chatting and kissing - kissing girls, I felt my own taste on my lips ...


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