In the evening, he came from work a little earlier than he had assumed and found us preparing food. I cooked fish patties, my girlfriend, my sister called, baked pancakes. He went to the store for bread, and returned ... with a bottle of vodka, a bag of juice and a can of beer. Someone persistently tried to download mail, it was necessary to constantly press alt + a - it held out for a long time. They sat down at the table somewhere at half past ten. I called him back and said:

- You understand that it is already late, and when we all eat and drink, the metro will be closed, and we do not have a second bed.

- Don't worry about it ...

- As you say, dear ...

However, we still did not finish drinking vodka. He sat on the Internet, and I taught my sister to dance. She already began to make significant progress when we turned our attention to time. It was two in the morning - and in the morning everyone was at work. While in the queue took the shower, it took about an hour.

“You will sleep in the middle,” we said in one voice, and he did not return ...

We were approaching him from both sides, so hot and fresh. Kissing his chest, shoulders, neck - of course, he could not resist ... At first he kissed me - quite bluntly and sleepily, as if asking: "Can I?". "You can!" - answered my lips. And then her persistent lips asked to kiss - first - mine, then - male. And then ... I very quickly ceased to understand where those hands and other parts of the body ... We kissed each other everywhere - there could not be a prohibition. Slowly he got excited and took me - first - in the traditional pose, then - from behind. Her friend was patiently waiting in the wings ... "How cool it was!" - she could only utter when we lay back on the pillows. And we began to kiss her - at the same time, lightly touching the lips of a small, teenage puddle, the delicate skin of her shoulders, in a way falling to her lips ... Then everything imperceptibly zadremali ...

I woke up from some slight stirring in bed. They kissed, caressing each other with their hands. The clock showed six, it was already past the window outside. I barely noticeable prick of jealousy, but since I didn’t understand who was jealous of whom and to whom, I decided to beat the zeal in the bud and began to caress them both. Then he took her from behind, and during that time I kissed her eyes and lips, gently rubbing her hair. I seemed to say to her without words: “Pottery, honey, it will hurt a little, and then - sweetly”. After all, it was the first night with a man in her life! But it was enough for me! Now I was superhear, at that time he caressed her lips between her legs, and I stroked and kissed her back. Then His Majesty Oggasm came to me - the most violent and powerful in my life. And next to it there were two of the most expensive people for me ... We just fell asleep - intertwining in an insanely delicate embrace full of gratitude and love ... And after a couple of hours he went to work. As soon as the door closed behind him, my little daughter climbed up on me and gave me a lot of unforgettable minutes ... Ah, had I not told you yet? - The soul of my girlfriend lives in the body of a frail, youthful boy ...

We could not breathe this new, unprecedented intimacy! When I was alone with him and with her, there was nothing even remotely resembling this “euphoria”, although it was very good for us. But this new feeling was stronger than anything that even I, the most sophisticated love of all of us, had to bother with. And my girl almost cried from happiness! "He is simply God, men are not so gentle!" - she whispered, kissing me - all the way, closing her eyes from unearthly bliss. But, alas, it was like that and we were going to work Then he called and said that in the evening we would all go to the theater. Ok, I’ll get ready to run - I still have to do it myself ...

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