One day, while walking in the park, not far from his home, Denis met Lenka, the wife of his best friend, with whom — oh, how many different stories they had together. “Hi Lenka, how is life, how is Olezhka doing? What news? She said that everything was okay, began to chatter some new gossip, Denis asked her again, and Lenka answered him something, spoke in general something, and just walked and walked, scattering only what fallen leaves. And Lenka boasted to Denis, that, well, they say, what is she clever, recently finished some courses, and learned the most that there is a professional masseuse, and now she works in a cool salon, and sets people’s bones, but removes stress and stress.

Op-pa, Denis tense up, "Lenok, what the hell's up"? They always talked to each other quite in a patsanski manner, and he directly asked her: “What have you become a prostitute?”. In principle, Denis never condemned the girls who worked as prostitutes, but Lenka, the wife of his best friend, was already too much. Lenka quite simply joked that she was still very far from a prostitute, but she did make the massage naked. “This is a special Denis massage, for men who have problems with potency, a man lies down on the bed, and I crawl around him naked on my knees, rub my arms and legs with different oils, rub my hands, eggs, of course you don’t think anything such According to the rules, the client has no right to touch me. Oleg, by the way, at first, too, the scandal started, when I found this job, and then we went there together, he looked at how the other girls work, well, he agreed. After all, he knows how I love when men are staring at me, but about the fact that they have to jerk off there, they end up in a towel. ” Denis pro-himself thought that Oleg firmly protupil, and said out loud that this was probably a really difficult job for Lenka.

Denis still remembered that summer, when together with Oleg they rested on the sea, and met two girls, one of whom was Lenka. The girls moved to live in a house with them so that they could save money, and to fuck so that they did not have to go far. And Lenkina's friend drove off home after a couple of days, and they stayed three in one room. And then Olezha, as a greedy person, allowed Denis to go to bed with them as a third, did not let her fuck his new girlfriend of course, but you could touch anywhere and as much as you like, and she teased him at that time so that it would not be completely sad. Who knew then that Oleg and Lenka would marry later?

So naturally idle talk Denis spent Lenka to her house, and without any special formalities was invited to a coffee with a cigarette.

Oleg was not at home. Lena made coffee, and they quietly continued their conversations no-ochim having fallen into a soft leather sofa. Lenka was now dressed in a short pink robe, through the transparent silk of which Denis was pleased to look at the nice neat Lenkin breasts, flat tummy and deliciously groomed pubic hair. All her charms have long been a secret to him, and therefore, even in the presence of her husband, she often went before Denis completely naked. After coffee, somehow imperceptibly behind the conversation, a bottle of dry Georgian wine began and ended, and Denis asked Lena to put one foot on the sofa so that he could look at her pink pussy during the conversation. No problem, Lena said, leaned back on the edge of the sofa and spread her legs in different directions, so that Denis saw not only her delicate pussy, but also in all its glory her white ass hole. “So, is it better?”, Asked Lena and smiled childishly.

Denis threw his jeans on the floor and sat closer to Lena, so that she could pull his pen with his pen, while he licked his finger, and began to stroke Lenkin and the sponge with his other finger, and penetrate the wet pussy with another finger. During this occupation, they also naturally talked about the benefits of massage, and other nonsense. Then Lenka had an idea, come on, he says, I will show you now how the massage session takes place in our salon. Fold Deniska sofa, and lie down in the middle. He did. Sprawled like a gentleman, hands behind his head, a member of a pillar.Lenka squatted over him squatted, pussy inside out right in front of her nose, and became some kind of cream or oil in the stomach to rub. Denis only inserted her finger into her pussy, and Lenka removes his hand, he cannot say. “C'mon Len, I can,” Denis mumbled, and continued to caress her expiring hole. And Lenka climbs around on his knees, fingering the member with one hand, and rubbing it with the other, then legs, now belly, then ass.

And then she bent down and whispers in her ear, “Now I will allow you something, only you don’t tell Oleg later,” and after these words, I began to gently kiss him passionately. Denis from the excitement all shook as much, never really, they have not kissed before. And Lenka does not let up, let him tongue on his chest, lick his stomach, Denis pulls it with one hand on the clitoris, and pinches her with the other nipple, then rubs it, then delays it, and with her tongue she licks her pussy. And here Lenka raised herself, looked into Denis in the eyes, smiled so slyly and winked: “Fasten Deniska, take off”. After these words, Lena opened her mouth, showed her pink tongue, and Denis saw how she simply put the head of his penis in her mouth, and began to gently suck up her eyes. Lenka sucked very skillfully, wrapped her lips around the top and side of his cock, licked Denis eggs and buttocks. Denis was lying on his back. He was vaguely aware that the gentle lips and tongues that his friend Oleg kisses every day when he comes home from work are getting close to his ass, and this is a thrill, at this moment Lena, the wife of his best friend, without any warning began to lick his spring and over and over again shove your tongue into it. After a minute of such inconceivably pleasant torture, Denis, without any hesitation, threw Lenka on her back, onto the sofa, spread her legs wide and put his post into her expiring pussy, as soon as this happened, they immediately groaned at the sensation of a wild, sweeping away on its way a hurricane-orgasm.

Denis lay on the couch and tried to sort out the clouds of thoughts for a moment coming and disappearing again. Lena at this time, as the kitten was licking the sweat from his eggs and tried to suck the last droplets of sperm from his limp member. Denis looked at her from above and it seemed to him that he had never been so hard on his hands, how to look Oleg in the eyes now, how to look in Lenka’s eyes, because right now she will dry out the remnants of his seed, and they will look upwards and they will meet hit the story:

Lenka took the limp member of Denis in the fist, made the lips a bow, smacked the head of the member again, then looked into Denis’s eyes and said with a contented look: “Cool, yes? I will sometimes indulge you, you just do not tell Oleg. "

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