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silky skin. How he enjoyed stripping the unresisting female body! Previously, as a boy, Andrei did not understand women: why do they resist? Even when you agree? Then I realized that it was a love game and stopped rushing things, savoring the kicking and shrugging as a prelude to the "Polovtsian dances." But now, undressing Lena, he tasted another relish, when a woman is all in his power and he can do whatever he pleases.

They still had to take off their blouse and underwear, but Andrew could not stand it - he threw the clothes that were constraining him on the floor directly. And then he hugged her. What did he enjoy more: passion or power over the divine female body? Melting became small, and he evilly removed them and threw it to the side. They soared to the ceiling and hung on the chandelier.

Only now he began to take off her blouse. A heart beat under her blouse. It beat exactly. Lena's bosom, resilient, molded, slowly heaved and slowly descended under the bodice. For a long time he could not unbutton the lock on it. Still in a hurry. At every hitch, Andrei pressed himself against Lena, feeling faint in his own body. That bra hung on the headboard. There were panties. This is the last. He looked at her blissful face, but kissed her even more attractive breasts. Launched a hand under the panties. He ran his fingers between his legs, feeling the tickling of the hairs. Breathing became hot, tearing. Through inhaling and exhaling, you could hear his honeyed voice: “What a beautiful panties!”

Finally she is all before him: naked, beautiful. Andrei spread her legs, bent them at the knees and found himself in a hollow. A member of his shuddered, so the streak beats in his temples, echoing throughout his body.

Lena did not feel that this illusionist was doing. He embraced her motionless body. Swaying. Tried, as if God breathed life into it. He was all tense. A cramp swept over him. Movements are cutting and reckless. Peak - and a cliff. Everything. He froze. And Lena remained dead.

“No,” he said to himself, “no high. I tried to drink.

Andrew knelt, looked at her. She is like a dead princess. And suddenly he jumped out of bed, rushed barefoot to the nightstand, got something out of there. Then he turned on the light. "Only two light bulbs," flashed through my head. - Not enough. From the desks he assembled table lamps, installed opposite Lena, turned on. "Now you can." He had a camera in his hand.

Andrei installed the camera on the table extended to the bed, the lens was aimed at Lena. I looked through the peephole, cocked the self-timer. And when the mechanism cracked, Andrew lightning rushed to Lena. Turned her face into the lens, lay down between her legs. In the seven minutes of the self-timer, Andrew did everything with amazing accuracy and froze. The camera clicked. The first frame is made.

Next stage set. He raised it, leaned against the wall, again directed and adjusted the photo lens. I looked closely. He took only artistic shots, taking into account the light and shadows, the inclination of the head - everything, everything, everything.

He still moved the lifeless body of Lena for a long time. In which only poses did not capture the camera on the film of him and Lena. Soon the film was over. And with the film and the fun, which he gave himself to at least somehow reward himself for the inaction of his partner. And Lena was all asleep. Her measured breathing became annoying to Andrew. Out of anger, he raised his dick to her plump dark cherry lips. I wanted to hold a head on them, but changed my mind. I turned off the light and lay down nearby. About an hour lay without movement. Phosphoric arrows of an alarm clock already showed three nights. I’ll wake her up now, he thought. - I count to one hundred and wake up. One two Three. Ten".

The closer to a hundred, Andrew strained.

"Ninety eight, ninety nine, one hundred"!

He shook her. Lena mumbled something unintelligible. Andrei shook harder.She stirred, smacked her lips like a child, opened her dull eyes. She was still drunk, did not understand what was the matter. And he rejoiced at the little success. Immediately climbed between her legs and hurried. It seemed to him that the delay of death was like. In a half-awake state, Lena smiled at something incomprehensible and closed her eyes again. And Andrew tried his best:

And only when he caught his breath, he realized that Lena was also lifeless, like the first time. It was he himself who brought himself to ecstasy.

Andrew lay down on his back, put Lena's head on his hairy chest. How these black hairs did not knit with her tender face! He did all this in order to, when Lena wake up, she herself understood how tender she was with him that night. When preparations for tomorrow were made, Andrei fell asleep sensitively.

x x x

: She woke up a moment earlier, and, like a current, her awakening struck Andrew. He immediately woke up from a dream, but did not move, watching her through his eyelashes.

Lena opened her eyes. Inspected the room, the chest on which she slept. She looked up to see who owned this hairy chest. How charming she was after sleep! Andrew could not resist and opened his eyelashes. Their eyes met. For a while they looked at each other in silence. Then she asked in surprise:

- I do not understand, where am I?

And he familiarly embraced her, as if last night she herself threw herself on his neck, and said:

“Then I'll explain everything to you.” That's all. Only not now. - And kissed her.

The expression of surprise still did not disappear from Lena’s face.

“Did I warn my mother yesterday?” - She asked.

- Not. From the cafe we ​​immediately came to me: How beautiful you are! Why are you. Now it's too late for Mom to warn. Anything, we will think up something - we will calm your mother.

His sharp hard voice acted. She smiled. What was she supposed to do? Tear and throw? She realized her position: morning, she was in bed with a fellow student. Business:

Andrei kissed her smile. In it, the forces roamed after the morning awakening. The body responded with desire. He felt a growing tension in his limbs. Lena calmly, as if they had lived together for many married years, said:

- Well, well, it's time to get ready for mom: And we still need to prepare for exams:

- Do not rush, Helen, - he changed his hard voice to a gentle, begging. - Take your time, I beg you. I still want, my dear:

She looked into his suffering face, and suddenly playfully smiled, slapped her finger on his nose. He understood: she is not against his proposal. Andrey soared into the clouds. The masculine power in him swirled with new passion and power. He hugged her and kissed her to stupor. She giggled merrily, forgetting about her worries. And he kissed. Kiss and get drunk. This game, like a warrior cocked the bolt of their machine gun desires. At last they could bring each other joy. The forces were boiling. Andrey ran his finger over the clitoris and saw what pleasure he brought to his partner. Lena tried to strung his finger deeper, making it clear: well, start now. She was still laughing, but less often. Her breathing became more frequent. And Andrew did not start. He teased her: he would stick a finger, then he would take it out. Lena has already stopped laughing. Now and then her lips broke loose: “Well. Come on! Well:"

He took away his finger, touched his palm to his thighs, making it clear: spread your legs. Lena understood. His cock stood, swelled like the side of an ardent horse. Lena, too, began to choke with overwhelmed desire. She carefully took his dick in her palm. What did this care cost her when she wanted to rage! From her touch, the member seemed to have grown, pleasant warmth spreading through her body. The member was like a bowstring bow. And Lena herself sent him in the right direction. He touched his lips. They flinched. Lena and Andrew swung to each other. It seemed to her that someone was stroking her, but not from above, but from the inside. This stroking was so affectionate, gentle, even his heart sank. It beat unevenly, as well as on the rail joints of the train's wheel. Lena closed her eyes and, with a sigh, burst out of her:

- Aa-xx!

It was the groan of a tired body that found support .... Read more →

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