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- Mom, Sergey will come to us today, I invited him. Look how we live, get to know you. - Lily ran out of her room, making a tail of hair on the run.

- Well, in my opinion, it's time for us to get to know your boyfriend. - Elena picked up the bag loaded with food and went into the kitchen. Her daughter has been dating this guy for about a month. We met, as is often the case now, in a disco. My daughter told me a little about him, no conclusions could be drawn yet, but something in this Sergey was alarming Elena. Her daughter is only 16, and the guy is 18, but Lilya felt some kind of adult interest in him.

At 5 pm, the doorbell stumbled, and Lily rushed to open it.

- Here, mom, this is Sergey! - Daughter enthusiastically presented a high strong young man. He was not so handsome, but as a man attractive. Especially his muscular shoulders and languid eyes.

- Hello. - Sergey politely tilted his head, and under his unbroken look, Elena felt awkward.

- Guys, go to the hall, talk, and I now ... I have a cake about to bake.

Looking at her daughter and this healthy guy, Elena thought that they were not a couple at all, that there would be nothing good in the relationship of her daughter, a very frivolous girl, and an adult man, which she thought was Sergei. With inexplicable dismay, she sat in the kitchen, listening to the sounds coming from the room. She barely heard his voice, mostly chirping Lily. The music began to play, and the voices were not heard at all.

Elena was 35. She married early, divorced immediately after the birth of her daughter. As a rule, early marriages are short-lived. Her young unwilling husband was not ready for family life, and even the appearance of a child in the house. Lena did not tolerate his spree, and soon they parted. Of course, there were men in her life, but they were all fleeting, but she never experienced love and passion. Now the daughter was growing up, and all the forces went to her upbringing.

- Please, to the table. - Carrying a cherry pie, Elena said cheerfully.

Putting him on the table, she again experienced a feeling of embarrassment and annoyance from this under the young man’s long gaze. “Why, what am I doing,” Elena thought, “I’m 17 years older than him, he’s good for me as a sons, he’s also a child, after all.” But the excitement did not pass. Sergey said little, but Lily was cracking about some trifles. The young man seemed not to listen to her, completely absorbed in his thoughts, and from time to time threw a scorching look at Elena. So long she could not endure and went to the kitchen. She remembered her childhood, as she grew up, unremarkable, but capable of knowledge. The boys did not pay attention to her, she was always a recluse at home, so the first fellow student who turned her attention on her seemed to be the epitome of all ideals, for which, like a pool of head, she went out. No one took care of her, no one ever looked at her with such an attentive and long look, she did not feel like a desired woman, because she somehow did not have anyone who wanted to.

Soon she heard a noise in the hallway and went out.

- already leave? - Elena asked, looking at the dressing Sergei.

- Yes, thanks for everything, for a delicious cake. - His smile was pleasant, and so smiling, he looked quite like a boy.

So sometimes Sergey began to visit them. It always happened according to the same scenario ... Elena talked a little with him and disappeared under a specious pretext, leaving the "children" alone.

One day, returning late from work, going into a dark apartment, Elena, having decided that her daughter was not at home, sat quietly in a chair in the corridor and closed her eyes wearily ... she had a difficult day. Suddenly she heard muffled sounds from the hall, whispering, fussing. She entered the room and turned on the light. Two faces — scared — of her daughter and excited — Sergey — turned to her.Lily was half naked, and Sergey's face just burned with a crush. Confused, Elena quickly went out, leaving the light on. She did not want to stop her daughter from experiencing a feeling of love, but she could not allow physical intimacy with a man. At least not in front of her and in her apartment. Of course, sooner or later it would have happened - Lily is no longer small - but from not knowing how to continue to behave with her daughter after that, Elena would unconsciously prevent the transition to such “adult” love for her daughter.

Steps in the hallway, slammed the door. Sergey is gone. Lilya closed in her room, embarrassed no less than her mother.

The next day, on Saturday, Lily left somewhere in the morning, not talking to her mother. Elena also did not want any conversation and stayed at home. The phone rang. She picked up the phone.

- Hello. - Velvet sounded the voice of Sergei.

- Hello. Lily is not at home. - Helena's cheeks involuntarily flashed, and her hands shook finely ... inexplicably this person acts on her!

- Elena Nikolaevna, I really need to talk to you. Could you come to me now? - The voice begged.

- A phone can not be? - Puzzled Elena frowned ... what kind of tricks?

- No, I have a very important conversation with you. Please, I'll be waiting for you. Write down the address, it is not far.

Elena hung up and froze in thought. What he, unfamiliar guy, can so important to tell her? Something about Lily? Does he want to marry her because lily got pregnant? Why not come himself? Different thoughts spun in my head. She put on her raincoat and went to the address indicated.

Sergey's house was not far from her. He opened the door and beamed upon seeing Elena. She entered his apartment, all shy, like a young girl. The apartment was cozy, darkened by curtains and quiet.

- Do you live with your parents? - Elena asked.

- Yes, they are in the country. - Sergey helped her to remove her raincoat. - Come on in.

All he was somehow tense and sat down opposite. There was a pause.

- What did you want to tell me? Something about Lila?

“Elena ... Nikolayevna, the fact that Lilya and I were in a situation where you saw us are because of my incontinence. Do not worry, we had nothing with her, I controlled myself. It's just that I am not developed over the years, and sexual power is raging right in me. I need a passionate woman, not a naive girl. I'm already a grown man.

Sergey unexpectedly sat down next to her, taking her hands. Elena, not expecting such a turn of events at all, did not know what to say.

- But I am much older than you. - She mumbled, and a passionate kiss captured her, circled.

She went limp, weakened and collapsed onto the sofa. She was afraid of such sudden pressure, passion, ardor and waited all her life. And now it didn’t matter that a great feeling seized her with a youngster who was a daughter’s bridegroom, and not to her. Nothing else mattered; everything was consumed by the fire that burst from their hearts. Passionately, even a little painfully, they kissed each other, nibbled, tearing off their clothes, knocking pillows on the floor. Sergei was for her a real skillful man who finally made her feel like a woman.

When he entered her, even for her who gave birth to a woman, his cock turned out to be so big that she screamed. With sharp jolts, penetrating deeper and deeper, Sergey bit her lips, crushed her chest, breathing excitedly. Time has stopped for them. Nothing broke their supersual tangles. She distantly heard her own scream, wheeze, curving in orgasmic languor. As in a dream, she felt that he was widely spreading her legs, her tongue and fingers leading her to a whole series of orgasms that she had not experienced for her whole life. Cum and sweat mixed on their bodies. The air became heavy from their love fumes ....

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