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dishonored me ... and all the people in front of heaven! ... in front of their fathers and grandfathers ...

Ahmed said sarcastically:

- Tell me again that George Washington himself asked you to shoot them! ... What are we going to do, commander?

He looked proudly, his jaw extended, and his shoulders straightened even wider. A man must die beautifully. And not to blame each other for the estimated hour, anyone could be mistaken.

Dmitry, Sergey appeared in the doorway. Their faces were stone. In Dmitriy’s eyes, the melancholy flashed, that life had already broken, but his jaw was pushed even further than Ahmed, and his chest widened and enlarged by wide plates of muscles.

Valentine shrugged, his voice was hard, though tired and sad:

- They heard rumbling shots. Even heard screams ... We can not show the living! Now begin the assault. As is customary among them, at first they will cowardly throw grenades from a distance with some kind of rubbish so that they will turn us up ... and when they have become diseased in their own vomit, they will come and tie us up.

Ahmed flicked the shutter:

- I have time to put a bullet in the head before.

Sergey said very calmly:

“I'll pull the grenade vault out.” My grandfather, in the war with the Germans, threw a grenade under his feet when he was surrounded.

No one paid attention anymore, as Akbarshakh stepped aside, fiddled briefly in his backpack, and when he got out, he seemed bloated and fat. True, no more than the Americans themselves in their bullet-proof vests, put one on another, with thickened pads of soft synthetics, softening the blows.

Heads turned in his direction when he went to the door and took hold of the handle. Sergey extended his hand to him, but Akbarshah shook his head:

- Don't, friend. I decided.

Ahmed shouted sharply:

- What have you decided?

“I did something stupid, but I am not asking for punishment, but for a reward ... Let me die first to the glory of Allah.” I took explosives. Americans will decide that I am going to give up. And when I am near the gate ...

Ahmed did not have time to open his mouth, Akbarsh pushed his hand away, opened the door and left. A bright light hit his eyes, he saw with great clarity the streets and houses of this hostile world. Everything shone with purity, inhuman purity and lifelessness, as if the whole Western world had become a big hospital for seriously ill patients for whom a breath of fresh air is deadly.

The commandos were at the ready at the locked gates with machine guns, incredibly thick, all tall and wide as football players, Further police cars, in two rows, dazzled by the flashing colored lights. On the side of the two buses with inscriptions on the sides of the TV, and on the roofs bearded shaggy men with television equipment bustle around, shoot sunbeams into his eyes.

He threw up his hands, indicating that he was not armed, and slowly began to descend the stairs. Heavy explosives squeezed the ribs, breathing hard, he fastened it too tight, but even now, just in case, he pulled his stomach in order not to bring Allah, not to notice the excessive abdomen, so unusual for lean and fit Arab Murids.

From the gate shouted into a megaphone:

- Hey, stop!

He raised his hands even higher, spreading his fingers. Two dozen assault rifles looked at his face, and, he knew, a hundred rifles with optical sights were following his every move, he could feel the rays of laser sights on his skin ...

“I can't,” he shouted, “if I stop, they'll shoot me in the back!”

After a moment of confusion, they shouted into a megaphone, as if they had somewhere seen deaf warriors of Islam:

- Then go slower! We need to consider you.

You have hundreds of cameras shoot me, flashed his contempt. Hundreds of telephoto lenses. You are considering me even now in night vision devices ...

There was a sweat on her forehead, her heart sank. And what if at a distance they determine that there is an explosive on it?

Trying to distract them, he pointed to the windows of the building, made a mysterious gesture, let them think what he wanted to say, he himself doesn’t know, but there are a dozen steps to go, nine ... eight ... six ... It is necessary to get even closer, the cast-iron posts are dug in, as they were done only in old times, the hinges on the gates are thick, and the battleships would be moored like that, and even aircraft carriers ...

Forgive me, Dad, flashed through my head. Forgive me, mom ... But I have to. In our whole family, no one has disgraced himself by cowardice or an unkind act. I have eighteen brothers and twenty-two sisters, three brothers in the ranks of the Fedayins, but not one has even received scratches ... And so in noble births they will say that the children of Sheikh Ismail did not disgrace the ancient race: his younger son had already died for a just cause Allah ...

Through the hubbub of the people, he heard their elder order everyone loudly and clearly:

- Keep it under the gun! This moron can try to jump into the gap between the cars!

“It will not succeed, it is blocked there,” answered a confident voice.

- Anyway, it's better to stop earlier!

- Let's do it, captain!

- Keep under the gun!

When Akbarsh was already in three steps, from behind the cars, heads began to rise in helmets, with their faces covered with transparent shields. These people were hung so much that they looked like huge lizards, armor-clad shelters covered from top to toe, even faces were not visible. Everyone in the hands of the machine, the black barrel looks in Akbarshakha. He saw dozens of these blew in three steps, and knew that several hundred more followed off his step, looking from the rooftops.

Their older, stern-square-faced man, who looks cool and likes women, said sharply:

- Face the car! Spread your legs! ... And do not even think of breathing !!!

Akbarsh obediently turned to the nearest car, spread his legs, bowed his head, and rested his palms on a cold metal surface. Looking askance, I saw several people rushing to him at once. A hot wave ran through his body, burned, he felt mad delight, incomprehensible happiness, inaccessible to a mere mortal, had time to think that this message was from Allah himself, his fingers instantly grasped the cord on his chest.

- Allah Akbar!

In this most sweet moment in his life, he saw the insane fear of these subhumans, that his enlightened face was noticed, they had time to understand what to expect, tried to move away in wild fear, although they know that with a terrible explosion everything will be carried hundreds of steps in all directions and will even drive into the ground ...

“Allah Akbar,” he managed to repeat in his mind, he didn’t have time for words, and he knew that he would appear in the gardens of Janna with a happy smile on his face, doubly matured, because there all men over thirty-five years old would meet him with the most beautiful women. - This is for you for ... a storm in the desert ...

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