In addition to “formal” acquaintances, those to whom my husband and I go to a cup of tea, where you need to chat with your wives about clothes and television programs, while the husbands discuss their working problems, I have a whole army of my own friends whom my husband does not suspect . He would not approve of such communication, but while he is on a business trip, I do not care about his approval. I am worried about my own adventures.

When I reached the station I needed, I went upstairs and went to a pay phone. Dialing the number, waited for a male voice.

- Hello?

- Hi Aleksey. It's me. I agree.

- Well! We start in two hours. Do you have time to drive up?

- And if I go up early, nothing? I am near, near the subway.

- Even better. Come on.

I met Alexey the day before yesterday, when I gave him a blowjob in a semi-dark arbor in Izmailovsky Park. People walked around, they sometimes gave us quick glances, but hurriedly turned away. Alexey was somewhat embarrassed, he would have preferred that we go to him, but the day was just beginning, and I did not want to spend it on one man, when there were so many others around. I knelt in front of him, legs apart. With one hand I caressed his balls, stroking and gently squeezing them, with the other I launched it between my legs, stroking and teasing myself. The end he had a mediocre, but for a blowjob big and not necessary, even, perhaps, undesirable. Of course, I can skip a member into my throat, but I like to capture it all the way down to the root, to compress it and stroke it with my tongue without interference. He could not finish for a long time. I started to get tired a little, so I took steps to speed up its eruption. Continuing to suck, then taking it in myself completely, then leaving only the head in the mouth, I lowered his pants, running his hand in them.

I accelerated the movements of the tongue, and with a sharply sharpened fingernail on the index finger, I began to lightly scratch the delicate skin of his crotch. He groaned. Then I launched the middle finger (with a short cropped finger) into his anus with ease. He did not expect this, but came to a wild delight. Clasping my head, he pressed her closer to himself, stopping my games and pulled out. Half a minute later he dug into the arbor railing so that his fingers turned white and, forgetting about the people walking around, he let out a triumphant cry. A stream of sperm poured into my throat, and I took advantage of the fact that his hands no longer hold my head and released the penis from my mouth. Half of his sperm spilled on my face. It’s a pity that I didn’t have a mirror around me, I’m madly in love with how I look with sperm on my face, neck, chest ...

Later, when we walked out of the park, he told me ...

- Listen, you are so great at it ... Can I ask you something?

I thought that he wanted to meet again and decided to refuse, but he said ...

- My friend has a wedding on Saturday, and on Friday we are going to a bachelor party as a small company. We need a girl - well, you know, a striptease there, the rest is optional ...

It was much more seductive, and I, without hesitation, agreed. That's where I went now.

Alexey gave me the address and I quickly reached my destination. The bachelor party was going to be held in an amateur gym, which was located in the basement of a residential building. I hesitated at the door, but Alex looked out and invited me inside.

Machines and simulators were shifted to the walls, in the middle was a table that had already begun to be laid. Alexey, letting me in, hugged me from behind and began to kiss. I pushed him off.

“Wait, where are you in such a hurry?” Would treat something!

Embarrassed, he invited me to the table, I quickly drank a couple of glasses of vodka, ate some meat and tasty, and then looked at him.

“So everyone will gather in an hour?”

- Yes.

- Then fuck me.

He seemed to be just waiting for this.We went to one of the machines, I got on my knees on the seat, leaning my arms on the racks for the bar. He lifted his skirt on me, unbuttoned his fly and thrust it without any warning. He held his hands on my hips and put me in with such force as if he was fucking the last time in his life and was about to take it away.

- How many guests are invited? I asked, without turning around.

- What?

- I ask how many people will come?

- Ah ... Man six, maybe seven.

- Cool. Seven or eight men fuck me today. Wonderful!

In fact, this thought got me. I had a day and more, but not all in a crowd. Meanwhile, Alexei tried more and more, deciding that it was he who started me up. But to finish this time he was not destiny. On the stairs, he heard footsteps and voices, and he hastily pulled a member out of me and walked away, buttoning his pants. I didn’t even think about changing the position, only I skirt slightly.

Three came. We were introduced, but I did not remember the names, looked mainly at them, trying to guess who will please me most of all today, and then decided not to guess - it will be clear. Half an hour later, the rest were drawn up. Congratulations, conversations began, everyone sat at the table. After the fourth or fifth glasses, I demanded attention.

- Gentlemen, so that you would not be bored, I suggest playing a very interesting game. It's called Guess. The rules are as follows ... you continue to lead the conversation, but with the condition - do not look under the table. I will suck off one of you, and the rest will have to guess to whom. Like the offer?

The proposal was enthusiastically supported. I asked everyone to unbutton their pants in advance so that the sound of the lightning could not be used to determine whose member is now staying in my mouth. They unzipped their pants and moved closer to the table to look only at each other and not pry.

I climbed under the table. In total, seven people came, including Alexei, and seven excellent members looked at me, each of whom I now intended to use. One of them held his penis and waved them invitingly. But I decided not to give in to such provocations and quietly crept up to someone else. As soon as I got down to business, laughter and shouts rang out from above ...

- Oh, Seryoga, you suck! Blushed as something! Lost! Lost!

I crawled out from under the table.

- No one lost. Everyone wins. Just starting the next tour!

And again climbed under the table.

They drank, ate, laughed and talked. We played seven rounds, so everyone got their share. And then I got out and said ...

- All guys, enough games! The fun begins! Put on the music!

We quickly removed everything from the table, muffled the light, leaving only two lamps at the door. Played some music, pop, but very rhythmic. I climbed onto the table, firmly deciding to hit them, having arranged an evening that they would not forget until they died. I spun, spun in the dance, trying to get into the rhythm. Dancing, I threw off the thing after the thing. However, I was wearing something like a skirt, blouse, stockings and shoes, but I was not going to remove these last two.

The guys stood around, first clapped their hands, whistled approvingly and laughed, and then fell silent. Because I started my ritual dance, the one that started even war veterans of the twelfth year. They stood and watched me bend, twist, curl up into a ring. My dance hypnotized them like rabbits. They took off their pants a long time ago, and I saw their members tighten, grow, stretch towards me. Then their numbness let them go for a moment and my hands reached out - greedy, impatient. I felt ecstasy - I kept seven people under complete control, now they were ready for everything. It should be rewarded. Once again, lying on the table, I grabbed the one who was closer to his lush flesh, and pulled her to the table. He came up, and I, taking him by the shoulders, made me lie down on the table on my back. Then, standing over him, sharply but very carefully sank onto his penis, pushing him into himself to the limit.The others watched, mouths ajar, slowly moving closer and closer.

I realized that it was time to lead. She beckoned another, nodded to herself behind her back. He did not immediately understand, but he nevertheless understood and attached himself to my ass. He entered tightly, with difficulty. My backs and so are not too stretched, but here I also had to overcome the difficulties created by another member. There was almost no space left. But he still managed to enter, and he froze, waiting for what I would do next. Five left. Damn, a bit much.

“Hold me,” I whispered to the bottom. He put his elbows on the table, supporting me under the chest. Now I had my hands free. I firmly grasped the two that stood on the sides, intending to masturbate. Three more! They stood in front of me. Three members in my mouth I can not take! However...

“Come on guys,” I said.

They began to move, and it took time to synchronize the movements. They got out of tune and sometimes their members jumped out, making me groans of annoyance. But soon everything was fine. The one who stood behind me and fucked my ass asked the rhythm. Lying below almost did not move, but it was not necessary. I worked with my hands and, bending forward, grasped with my mouth one end, then the other, then the third. This was also akin to a guessing game, because I didn’t stick to any system.

In front of my mind this picture appeared from the side. I saw myself, scrambled on seven ends at once, bodies covered in heat and lust. I saw my face, thirsting for even stronger feelings, and more, and more, and more ... This picture alone forced me to immediately finish.

Guys, probably, too, this was a novelty. The first to explode, having streamed onto my hair, strangely enough, two of the three that I was treating with my mouth. This made the task easier, and I was able to fully concentrate on one of them. Now I practically didn’t have to do anything, I just relaxed in their hands, and strong, fast orgasms shook me at intervals of a minute and a half, one after another. The one that lay below, with a loud cry, arched up and poured abundantly at me, after which he almost let me go. I lay on his chest, not stopping to work with his mouth and hands. The next one finished the guy whose dick I rolled around with my tongue, he only gasped convulsively, ran his fingers into my hair and I felt the taste of sperm in my tongue that was familiar and so beloved by me. He stood a little longer, and also walked away, dropping to a bench and looking at us.

“Let's change places,” I suggested.

Lying on the table of tears, giving way to what stood on my right hand, the one to the left, stood in front of my face. In this posture, they were enough for another three minutes, after which they finished almost simultaneously and joined their buddies on the benches against the walls. I lay on the table, tired, contented and quite happy, looking at the ceiling. The evening was a success. They will not forget it. So do I.

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