I do not smoke. But there is always a lighter at home - usually for friends, if they run out of gas, sometimes for cases like this. Putting the glass aside and appreciating the lowered level of liquid in the martini bottle, I brought her photo to the dancing light ...

I just finished college and was looking for a job. But, frankly, not to beat baklushi, I got a job in my former high school. Sometimes labs were leading, sometimes I simply opened the computer in some department. In general, the usual work of a software engineer is the minimum effort and the same salary. That's where I saw her.

She didn’t have a photo model figure, she couldn’t talk for hours about nuclear physics, but there was something that made her stand out from the crowd. You do not need to be a superpsychologist to understand - it was her smile and killer eyes. About these eyes very accurately say "with the fucking fire." And many guys understood that perfectly. She was almost never alone, but she was never constantly alone with anyone. Her name was Alain. She was 19 years old.

It just so happened that in my 24 I really loved only one girl almost from the first year, but as they say, it didn’t work out ... So I was content with short-term novels and didn’t worry much about it. But with Alena everything turned out differently.

The beginning was standard - one or two smiles, a birthday present, a cinema cafe, and the unrequited question “Why are your eyes so sad today?”. Half an hour later, I knew a lot about her - that she did not believe in love, that there was only friendship, or sex, but they would never intersect; that she is trying to forget one person and so on ...

I took her hand, and the other slightly raised her chin. Tears froze in her eyes.

- Do not cry, understand that you are wrong. Love is because I love you.

“Why did you say that?” You know that I will not tell you such words ... I do not know how to love.

- Because this is true. My little lion cub ...

- Nobody called me that, really ... Never ... - In the next moment, our lips joined.

So we stood - in the middle of the street and kissed, kissed, kissed ...

The fire smoothly flowed around her legs and rose higher, he was already beginning to lick her black lace panties ...

We sat in the cinema, on the last row. My hand insolently walked on her legs, hidden jeans. Alyona, on her part, did not take the initiative, but did not resist ... In the end, my hand climbed under her blouse first, and then rose a little higher and began to caress her right breast, pulled by her bra. The fact that Alyona did not even try to push my hand away did not surprise me ... I looked at her - her head lay back, her eyes were closed - she was not interested in the film, just like me, by the way. I grabbed her by the waist and smoothly moved her out of the chair to my lap. He unbuttoned his blouse, then his bra. Alena had small breasts, but even in the twilight of the cinema it was noticeable that the nipples were already quite tense.

I do not know what Alain wanted, but I understood the desires of her body perfectly. The left hand began to gently pull at the left nipple, and the lips clasped the right one. The language outlined the "epsilon-neighborhood" (math education makes itself felt), and then I just showed her everything I could do. “When you caress the female breast with your mouth, do not behave like a hungry hamster” - I recalled the recommendation of some Kharkov site. I did not behave like this ... Gradually, I began to absorb not only the nipple in my mouth, but also part of my chest ... Alain closed her left hand and whispered to me "They can see us" ... To which I temporarily stopped doing body, replied - "Just ask and I will stop." Her answer went beyond printed vocabulary.

I leaned back a bit in the chair and enjoyed the spectacle - a half-naked girl on her knees, lit from behind the screen light ... Elegant, damn it. Bowing my head to the side and tickling both nipples, I made a loud conclusion ...

- Right more. Disorder. - I would not be more after ten minutes of processing.

In general, then almost the same thing I did for the left breast. Her muffled moans and phrases “What a wonderful you are”, “I love you” stood in the ears ... A few moments later, Alyona moved closer to me - our pubes touched and then in unison with the rhythm of sucking she began to make unambiguous movements with a basin. I already knew perfectly well that she started up and spat on all the norms and principles of morality - so without much thought I put my hand into my jeans, bypassing my panties, and I was a little stupefied. Judging by the fact that the panties were “at least squeezed out,” Alain, if she didn’t finish, was damn close to it. Just from caressing your chest! After sweeping her lips across the folds of the bottom, but not going deep inside (in the end it was just uncomfortable), I began to touch her clitoris slightly. For a long time she couldn’t tolerate such a thing and soon went limp in my hands ...

For a minute we sat (or rather I sat, and she rather lay) motionless. Then I felt that Alain was trying to manipulate my belt. Her efforts were rewarded and after a few seconds she kept in her fist my ready to explode member. It was noticeable that she was suffering - take it in her mouth or leave it as it is ... Maybe she had little experience in oral sex, maybe something else, but I did not incline her to blowjob and just took her hand in his and showed "simple movements". Alina quickly learned everything, got down from me and sat down on her haunches and showed a “sewing machine show”.

- Alain, I still have to go home. And if it goes on like this, spots will remain on the pants.

“They won't,” the lion cub assured me, making several sharp movements and immediately dipping a dick in her mouth.

She very accurately predicted the moment - she did not have to work with her lips or tongue, the hand did its job and sperm hit her in the sky ...

Hmm, well, that session was morning. There were almost no people in the hall.

She stood waist-high in fire, stubborn, not giving up ... The room was already smelled by the smell of a burning photo, but the flame had just reached her small breast ...

- Hello?! - Alain tried to make a surprised face, as if she did not know that I would come to her.

- Hello, lion cub ... Although rather not a lion cub, but a leopard - I smiled at her robe - a robe and a leopard nightie.

She also smiled and, without even letting me take off my jacket, clung to me ...

Still, I did not become like the heroes of cheap pornography and did not throw our things on the floor, but undressed "decently." However, on this propriety ended.

I kissed her lips, neck, shoulders. Untied the belt of the robe and took up the shoulders.

“Come to me,” she said, trying to untie the knot of the tie.

I put it on the bed, took off my robe and nightie ... Only narrow black panties were left on Alena. For a moment it seemed to me that Lenka lay in front of me, but this vision had passed. I realized that I love the one that is close by now - close and desirable. I kissed her navel and plunged into it with my tongue. Alena arched her back

“Lion,” I whispered, pulling off her panties.

Kneeling in front of her, I put her foot on my shoulder and began to kiss her, rising higher and higher ... Almost reaching the logical goal of the route, I transferred my caress to her chest. Alyona looked at me with a questioning look - “What are you?”. Smile, I continued to caress her body without touching her pussy. Alyona could not stand it, and her hand crawled down and began to stroke the swollen sex lips.

Only then I touched her lips and tongue between her legs and kissed her as if I were kissing her lips, absorbing her quivering flesh ...

So Alain finished for the first time. I stood in front of her, a little smeared in her juices and practically dressed, when she pulled the tie ...

- Lie down next.

She stripped me first with her eyes, and then with her hands. Then she lay down and hugged.

- Honey, I'm so good with you.

My member was opposite her vagina and tried to go all the way to the knowledge of this girl, but suddenly she pulled back ...

- No, not there ... Let's do better like that.

Turning me onto my back, Alana settled herself at the side, gathered herself into a ball and kissed my flagpole. She didn’t know how to do blowjob absolutely, but her sincerity with which she swallowed my organ bore me. Involuntarily, I stroked her ass and gently inserted two fingers into the vagina. At first she twitched, but then turned and sheathed me. Now she licked and sucked my dick and again I got access to her cave ... Soon she came again and turned her face to me, interrupting the classes that were pleasant enough for me.

- Sorry, I can not ... But I want to give you pleasure ...

- Do not worry, just take it in your mouth and try not to let it go.

I started to frankly fuck her in the mouth. She choked twice and let the penis out of her mouth, but immediately captured back. Then she grabbed my buttocks and began to help me, leading me to the final ...

Two hours later, she kissed me at the door and said ...

- Take ... I'll call you before the new year ...

She handed me a photo where she was almost naked standing against the window.

Alain did not call either December 31 or January 1, but only the fifth. She had a distant voice ...

- Understand, I met a man whom I love and with whom I have everything seriously ...

She did not say anything more, didn’t have time to say more precisely ...

The photo burned down. But one more moment I saw eyes in the ashes. Her fucking eyes. You beat me, little lion.

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